Marry me

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Elizabeth POV
When I pulled up to Robbie and I's rental I slowly got out of the car. When I got out I saw rose peddles all along the walk way. My heart started racing, I closed my eyes before opening the front door. As I walked in roses where along the walk way with candles everywhere. I saw him standing in the middle of the living room holding something in his hand. "Lizzie?" I looked at him with tears in my eyes "Robbie what are you doing?" He smiled "Elizabeth Chase Olsen, I have been in love with you for years. Your the love of my life and the best thing that's ever happened to me"

My hand went over my mouth as he got down on one knee pulling out a ring out, "Marry me Lizzie" My ears started ringing I felt as if I was about to make the worst mistake in my life. "Lizzie" I closed my eyes tightly nodding. He got up quickly putting the ring on my finger, "I love you so much" I smiled pulling him in for a kiss. Cheers erupted around us causing me to break the kiss. I turned around to see all my close friends and family. "Oh my god" I cried hugging my sisters, "Congrats Liz" I looked around hugging everyone

Samantha POV
After I ate dinner by myself, my phone started ringing for FaceTime "Hey Clarke what's up?" Emilia frowned "Have you not been on Instagram recently?" I shook my head "No why?" She furred her eyebrows "Cuz your girl just got engaged" I sat up quickly opening Instagram

Samantha POVAfter I ate dinner by myself, my phone started ringing for FaceTime "Hey Clarke what's up?" Emilia frowned "Have you not been on Instagram recently?" I shook my head "No why?" She furred her eyebrows "Cuz your girl just got engaged" I ...

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sophiet: I said yes.
Tagged: joejonas

emilia_clarke: Love you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Unknown: Congrats ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

maddenrichard: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

maisie_williams: I'm crying 😭❤️❤️😭❤️😭❤️❤️❤️

I shrugged laying back down "Good for her, we broke up a while ago" Emilia sat up "Wait what?" I laughed "Ya, we work better as friends" she nodded "But I am with Lizzie now!!" She squealed excitedly "Really?!?" I smiled "Ya it happened last night" She smiled taking a sip of wine "Who you with?" She giggled "Why do I have to be with someone?" I laughed "You never drink when your alone" she laughed "Well to answer your question his name is Tom" I sat up "Hiddleston?" She bit her lip "Holy shit!!! Tom be nice to her or so help me god" he chucked leaning int view of the camera "Love you too Sammy" The smile on my face was electric "Go have fun with your mans. and wear protection" she scoffed in shock, "I'm hanging up on you now. Bye!" I waved bye to them both chuckling softly when the call ended

An hour past and still no sign of Lizzie. I was starting to get worried so I called her. "Hello?" I frowned when I heard a mans voice "Hi! Is Lizzie there?" I heard a soft chuckle "She actually just fell asleep. Can I take a message?" I breathed out heavily "Ya, umm tell her to call Sam back" I started bitting my fingernails "Ok, night" I mumbled a goodbye as I hung up. What the fuck, who the hell was that guy and why was she sleeping? I started getting this feeling of deja vu all over again. No Sam Lizzie would never do that to you, you can trust her

Elizabeth POV
I awoke the next morning next to Robbie. I frowned thinking back to Sam, thinking about how amazing she is and how I'm in love with her. "Morning baby" I smiled gently at Robbie moving the hair out of his face, "Good morning my handsome fiancé" he smiled burring his head into my neck. "Your friend Sam called last night" I sat up "What?!?" He nodded "Ya. But why is she calling you? I thought you both hated each other. Boy can he be anymore wrong "Uh, no. Sam and I are good now" he nodded

Samantha POV
I woke up the next morning alone. All I could think about was Lizzie, and how I'm so happy that she feels the same way. I decided to get dressed and go to breakfast with Tom and Emilia

"My two favorite people" Tom smiled giving me a huge hug, "I've missed you so much" I smiled breaking the hug, "Em" we embraced before walking into the café

"So you two really hit it off at my play?" Tom and Emilia both giggle slightly "Yes, Tom's great" Tom blushed at Millie's comment, "I'm glad we met" I smiled taking a sip of my tea. Our food came out and we all started to talk about everything. "Hey guys" I placed my cup on the table looking up at the man. "Hey Robbie! Long time no see mate" Robbie smiled at Tom shaking his hand, my eyes locked with Lizzie, both our smiles dropped. "Do you guys want to join us?" Lizzie shook her head but Robbie said yes

Lizzie sat next to me and there was an awkward tension around the table. I tried to break it by giving her some of my omelette and hash browns. Robbie looked at us curiously but shrugged it off. "So when's the wedding?" I coughed into my tea, "What wedding?" Lizzie closed her eyes "Lizzie and Robbies" I turned to Lizzie "Is this true?" She stayed silent "And you knew?" Emilia didn't say anything looking down. My ears started ringing so I got up leaving the café

"Sam wait" I ignored Lizzie as I went to my car "SAM" I turned around "What!" She came closer "Baby I'm sorry" I shook my head "No you don't get to call me baby" tears sprung from her eyes "Sam let's talk about this ok?" I shook my head tears staining my cheeks "You said you loved me is that a lie too?" She shook her head "No, of course not. Sam I love you" I looked into her eyes "Fuck you Lizzie"

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