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Samantha POV
I looked down trying to put the pieces of last night together. I finally realized that I kissed Brandy after Hardins stupid game. "Baby I'm so sorry, it's a game we would play in the dorms. You have to count to three and than say a number, and if it's the same number you have to do what the person said to do"

I grabbed her hands "Lizzie I never meant to hurt you in anyway, I totally understand that what I did was wrong. I take full responsibility for my actions and I get it if you want to break up with me. Hell I would even break up with me" Lizzie squeezed my hands signaling for me to stop rambling "Sam I'm not going to leave you" I looked up "Your not?" She shook her head "I love you more than words can describe, you're my person" I smiled "Lizzie your my person"

Elizabeth POV
I held her hands debating if I should bring up the marriage proposal. "Sam what's the last thing you remember from last night" she thought for a moment "The last thing I remember is getting ready to chug a bottle of vodka" I nodded slowly "Why did I do something?" I shook my head "No, you're fine" she nodded

Sam and I laid on the couch cuddling for a while just enjoying being with each other. "Baby" Sam looked down "Hmm" I rubbed her thigh "Can you get me cake" she turned to me raising her eyebrow "Babe it's almost dinner time no" I pouted "But I want cake" she laughed "Darling no" I rubbed closer to her center "I'll be a good girl if you get me cake" she smirked "You'll be a good girl regardless" I raised an eyebrow "Not unless you get me cake" Sam rolled her eyes getting up "Fine, but I'm picking the flavor" I smiled "If it's not strawberry than no sex for a month"

Sam left to get my cake and I decided to cook dinner. We haven't been to the store in awhile so I didn't have a lot to work with. I decided to not make dinner and just tell Sam to get something. "Hey baby, I'm almost home" I smiled "Wanna do me a favor?" I heard Sam groan "I'm getting McDonald's" I smiled "Thanks babe" she mumbled before handing up the phone

Samantha POV
After I got Lizzie her cake and dinner I got a call from my manager. "Paul my dear what's up?" He sounded excited "When are you going to New York?" I smiled "Lizzie wants to go sometime this week or next, but I haven't found a place yet. Why?" I pulled into my driveway "Well, it seems your going to have a bigger part than we expected, and they need you out there by Thursday" I nodded "Oh, umm ok. So I need to find a place soon" I took a sip of my drink "I'll find you a place. Just start packing" I nodded hanging up the phone

"Babe" I set my keys in the bowl walking towards the dining room. "Hey baby" I smiled kissing Lizzies cheek, "So we actually need to go to New York before Thursday" She frowned going through the bag, "What about the road trip?" I smiled sadly "We're going to have to do that after I'm done filming. Paul said I have a bigger part than we expected" she nodded "Oh ok" I grabbed two plates, "Come on babe it's not that bad. We can go see your sisters while we're there if you'd like"

Elizabeth POV
The rest of the night Sam and I cuddled on the couch watching romcoms. Sam had her arm wrapped around my shoulder and I was starting to drift off, "Baby?" I leaned closer into her "Mhm" Sam rubbed circles over my arm "Do you ever want to get married?" I smiled "Some day yes" I looked up at her "Why" she shrugged "Just wondering. I mean you did leave you fiancé for me" I laughed "Well truth be told, he wasn't you" Sam smiled kissing me lightly

The kiss got more heated and soon I was fully awake sitting on her lap. "Are you sure?" I smiled kissing her passionately "Sam, I'm more than sure" she kissed along my jaw down to my neck. I moaned when I felt her hands burry themselves in my pants, "Ohh Sam" she pushed me into the couch "B-Bedroom" she nodded picking me up in one swift motion

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