Cast dinner

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Samantha POV
The last few days have been crazy. I bought a rental not far away from where filming is going to take place. And I've recently become super close with Tom. "Sam" I smiled hearing Tom's voice "What's up Hiddleston?" I could picture him smile through the phone, "My friend Lizzie said she's working on the movie with you" I smiled opening the fridge "Ya, I'm very excited to work with her" I expend my drink sitting on one of the bar stools "Great! Because she wants to take you to dinner with the cast" I sat my water on the table, "Like right now?" I heard him awkwardly laugh "Maybe" I groaned "Mate I've just finished unpacking and I look like shit" I heard him laughed "Well to bad cause I'm at your house" The front door opened and shut reveling Tom "Your breaking into my flat now?" He laughed holding up a key "I stole this last time" I smirked walking into the living room "I'm not going" he sat next to me "Come on please. I'm gonna be there" I rolled my eyes "I thought you said it was a cast dinner" he smiled "Josh signed me on yesterday" I groaned resting my head on his shoulder "Dude thats awesome but, I wanna stay in and watch Walking Dead" He smiled brightly "We'll go for a little while okay?" I sighed "Come on let's get you cleaned up" I let him pull me off the couch"Fine"

After I was fully ready to go Tom and I drove to the restaurant. "You seem nervous" I fidgeted with my ring, "Do I?" He nodded looking at me briefly "Listen. Scarlett, Chris and Lizzie are super nice and down to earth. I've heard good things about Bloom and I'm sure Emma and Adam are nice as well" I looked out the window "Let's hope" he nudged me "Your gonna love Lizzie, she's probably the nicest out of everyone" I smiled "I've heard good things about her from Alex but I dunno mate" We pulled into the parking lot "Alex and Lizzie are good friends right?" I nodded "I think so, I haven't talked to her since we fought" He found a spot parking in it "Bottom line please don't be nervous. Everyone here is amazing trust me" I sighed opening he door stepping out. "Hi we're meeting a few friends, the name should be under Bloom?" The waitress looked up at us "Ahh yes, fallow me please" We nodded, she smiled leading us to the table in the back where everyone was seated. "You must be Samantha" I smiled at Emma. "I am yes" she got up hugging me, "Its so great to finally meet you. I've heard so much about you" I smiled "All good things I hope" She laughed "Oh very great things" after I greeted everyone I sat across from Elizabeth Olsen. I tried to keep my cool because this woman was more stunning in person. "So Samantha what part of England are you from" I smiled at Emma, "I'm from Liverpool born and raised" she smiled "I'm glad to not be the only Brit on this film" I laughed, "I am too. Well we also have Tom hut we don't have to count him" She laughed bringing up another random topic. We talked for a few more minutes before the waiter came over to take our orders

"Do you want any wine miss?" I politely declined taking a sip of my water, "You don't drink?" I looked up at Elizabeth. "I uhm no. Umm its uh you know" she nodded "I get it, you don't have to tell me" I nodded taking my lucky stars that she didn't pry. "So we're lovers" I chocked on my pasta, "Pardon?" She laughed softly "I meant in the movie" I laughed "Oh ya, I suppose we are" she smiled "Maybe we can go over lines together before filming actually starts?" I nodded "Ya! I would love that" she smiled taking a sip of her wine. The rest of dinner went by smoothly, I talked to Elizabeth a while bunch enjoying our conversation. Even though dinner was coking to an end I felt myself wanting to talk more to her. "We should hangout sometime" I smiled "Ya of course I would love that. Umm may I get your number?" She smiled "I was about to ask you" We shared a brief laugh before exchanging numbers, "Well Elizabeth I'll be texting you" She nudged me "Call me Lizzie, we're friends now" My heart fluttered "Then you have to call me Sam" She smiled "Will do Sam" I hugged her goodbye giving everyone else my love.   

As Tom and I were walking to the car I heard my name being called "Hey Scar what's up?" She smiled "Emma and Lizzie are coming over to my place, for a little girl time. Do you want to join?" I smiled "I would love too" I looked at Tom, "Drive safe mate" he smiled kissing my cheek before walking to the car. I called Scarlett over to the girls "Are you going to be joining us?" I nodded "Yes ma'am" Emma shrieked in excitement "Your going to tell me how your show ends" I laughed "Maybe if you're nice enough" Lizzie smirked "So you'll tell me right?" I nodded 'Ya if you tell me what happens in Infinity War" She smiled "I'll tell you" My eyes almost popped out of my head "Really?" She nodded "Ya why not" I was lost for words "She wont tell you or she'll get fired" I looked at Chris "Oh Cap just told you off" he laughed "Do I get to join you lovely ladies?" Scar shook her head "Nope. Bye Chris" She shoved him towards his car making us all laugh

When we got to Scarletts house I was shocked at how cute it was. Emma and I imminently decided to give ourselves a tour while Scarlet and Lizzie disappeared into the kitchen. We looked at all the pictures on the wall stopping to admire each one, "Aww look at her daughters little face" Scarlett found us in the hallway "She was around 3 there" My heart melted "She reminds me of my niece" She smiled "How old is she?" I smile thinking of the little girl "She's 3 right now about to turn 4" She smiled "The best ages" We needed up back in the living room where Lizzie was cuddling up to a blanket on the couch "You made yourself at home" She smiled sipping her wine "Hush it on up Scar" The shorter woman giggled looking at us "Make yourselves at home" I ended up sitting next to Lizzie who graciously shared her blanket  

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