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getting over an ex is complicated, especially when you had never been so in love before. it's been four years sense i had seen owen. the boy who told half the grade i had been raped by one of his best friends. the boy who i had fallen in love with in so little time. owen was off somewhere in the world, or so i thought.

as for me, i was now a 22 year old victoria secret, vogue and chanel model. somehow i had gotten here. i was a very successful person, very proud of myself for all i had done. i was a wealthy person not one of those snobby rich people who think the world revolves around them. i was the type of person who donated money to places and shelters.

tonight i was going to a buisness cocktail party with a friend i had made, bryce. he was a cute guy there was no denying that but i hadn't been able to have a stable relationship since the breakup in senior year. obviously i hooked up with people but nothing committed.

i was running late, per usual applying my makeup as quick as i could before slipping on black skinny heels to match with my green silk slip dress. i look good, which is something i don't say about myself often ad i found myself constantly criticizing every small thing about me.
"lex i'm leaving! i'll be back later" i yell
oh yeah, i live with lexi. as in the lexi who was with owen before i was. we had both gone into modeling careers after high school and have been living together the past two and a half years. emily was in paris living her best life. mads and cole were still together, but i think anyone could have seen that coming. they were both into the home design business in massachusetts and were very successful.
shane was in Greece with his family doing some thing with hospitals. we all stayed in touch no matter what, well everyone but owen and i. which meant we didn't test that same groupchat that we did back in high school. i had fallen behind on reaching out now and then which is something i was mad at myself for.

bryce waited outside in his range rover.
"hi love" he says when i get into the car
"hi!" i smile
he starts driving to the event with light music playing in the background.
i wasn't nervous, i was good in public due to the job i had now. i was PR trained and had a decent vocabulary when i had to talk to people with make authority then me. i felt as though i could be ready for anything.

"have a drink" bryce says handing me a glass of champagne
"thank you"
"i want to introduce you to some people"
i take his arm and link it with mine and the two of us start to walk, i recognizes some people but most were new. most.
"alana, these are two of my friends, i have been waiting for you guys to meet" he says
i look up from my glass meeting the green eyes i had once loved.

"hi, i'm alana" my eyes don't leave his but my words were for carrie.
"carrie" she takes my hand in hers and a soft smile leaves her lips.
"owen" he takes my hand in his gently.
"i'm gonna get some air, it's getting a bit stuffy in here " i tell the three of them, i take my hand from owen's grasp and quickly find an exit that leads me to a balcony over looking the city of new york city.
i didn't know if the alcohol was getting to my head or if i was really seeing him.

"it's good to see you" his voice had gotten deeper, his face more chiseled with stubble along the edges. he somehow got more attractive which i thought was impossible.
"i wish i could say the same" i just barely whispered, so much for being ready for anything.
"how have you been" he asks
"i'm not looking for a friendship here i just wanted to know how you were, it's been years. it's normal to want to catch up."
"i know owen and you got my answer"
"alana-" he sighs
"i should get inside" i cut him off
"okay, yeah"

i push past him back inside it find bryce but he was no where to be seen, struggle to make my way through the hundreds of people in the room i finally do and find bryce talking with a few of his friends.
"there you are, i've been looking for you" he pulls my by my hips and puts me in front of him.
"i just went out for a few minutes, sorry"
"no worries"
i smile up at him looking around catching a glance from owen.

i had figured out he was some type of CEO of an oil company, along with owning a business causal clothing company, many of my friends had modeled this attire, i however was lucky enough not to. he made over 97 million dollars a year. i tried not to google him, though i was tempted i didn't let myself. even when my friends would model for him i tried to not listen in on the conversations, but yet i still hated him.

the next few hours were spent drinking champagne and talking with random old men who would check out my body every few minutes. the night had come to an end around eleven thirty, i hadn't seen owen anymore and i was thankful for that. Bryce had dropped me off at home, which was a four bedroom penthouse. lexi was passed out on the couch with a guy laying below her, nothing new. i loved the girl to death but she needed to get that part of her life figured out. we've had a lot of conversations about it but if shes happy, then so am i.

my phone buzzed as i slipped out of my dress and into sweatpants and a sweatshirt. it was a cold night in new york so i didn't bother with my typical shorts and a t shirt.

unknown number

you looked beautiful
tonight, it was good seeing
you again.

i knew exactly who it was which is why my reply was short.

its not going to happen

we'll see about that.
sweet dreams pretty girl.

i left the message on read not wanting to start an actual conversation and allow sleep to take over me.

edited! remember to vote, comment & follow!

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