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man i LOVE blackout curtains. what i dont love is alarms, and owens phone was currently going off for the gym. it was six fifteen in the fucking morning.

somewhere, somehow, sometime throughout the night i ended up in owen's arms. typical. not complaining, he was still just as comfortable.
my leg was over his waist with one of his hands resting on my thigh and the other behind my back while my hands roamed his chest.
i reached over and turned his alarm off and look up at him. i really didn't want him to leave.

"good morning" he says in a low raspy voice.
"do you have to go to the gym" i ask
her let's out a quick laugh and moves his hand up and down my thigh.
"i mean if you have any other ideas for cardio i'm all ears." he says
i roll my eyes and hit his arm
"im kidding, uhh" he thinks for a minute. "tomorrow is my rest day, i'll just switch it and go tomorrow instead of today" he says
i nod and lower my head back down. it was far too early for me and i had an alarm set for three hours from now.


hearing a second alarm in the span of three hours is crazy. i HATE alarms.
i look up and owen is scrolling through twitter on his phone.
"are you still feeling sick?" he asks me
"no, i'm good"
"are you sure?"
"yes i'm sure."
"because im suddenly starting to feel under the weather but if you're feeling fine then you should go into work" he was fine. he wanted a day with me.
"you know what, i should probably stay home just incase. i mean, we can work remotely"
he nods and puts his phone down, i mean he was the owner, he didn't have to tell anyone he was calling out sick, except maybe his assistant.

"do i need to tell anyone?"
"i took care of it"
so he knew this was gonna happen before i woke up, typical owen.
"but being home, we do actually need to get work done. we're not laying in bed all day." he says
"sir yes sir" i mumble

"do you want to grab breakfast?" he asks
"there's a bagel place literally three buildings down we can just go pick them up?" i offer, mostly because if we went to an actual place i would have to dress decent where as walking 2 minutes in the sidewalk i can throw on a sweatshirt and shorts.
"sounds good to me."
i detach myself from him and roll over, stretching on my side of the bed.
"alright, i need a sweatshirt" he says
i really can't get up right now so i glare back at him instead.

"you know what, i can probably grab it" he says and i roll back over onto my side.
i feel the weight shift of the mattress and i honestly wonder what the fuck i am doing with him.
it's highly inappropriate that he slept over, and that we're both taking today off to spend together.

i'm brought out of my thoughts by a sweatshirt being thrown at me. ouch.
i look up and he had put his slacks back on, he looks stupid wearing nice pants with an oversized sweatshirt on.
i laugh at him and he sighs.
"i can ask lexi if she has any sweatpants here, i've mentioned her shrive haven't i?"
"you have but i have a pair in my car."
"i can grab them, i have to run down to my car anyway. i left my gift card for this bagel place in it."
he picks up his keys off the nightstand and throws them at me. ouch. again.

i stand up and put the sweatshirt on, i slipped on my ugh minis and tell him to wait in my room. i walk out of my room and into the kitchen where lexi is sitting at the island table on her phone.

"morning sunshine" she says looking up at me, my eyes search around for vince and he's laying on the couch. i look back at lexi and widen my eyes, she shrugs and her lips curl into a smile.
"why did owen come over lastnight"
"oh, he was just checking on me after he sent me home from work. im not going in today either"
"why? you look fine"
"uhm, well, you know, safety precautions"
"he's still here isn't he"
this girl can read me like a book.

on that note, i slipped out the front door hearing her laugh behind me. i go down the half, into the elevator, to the ground floor and walk out the building, his car was parked out front so i unlocked it and open the back seat door. there's a pair of black nike sweatpants that i grab and close the door re locking it. i then slide down the street a little bit to my car. i open the passenger door, the center console and grab my gift card, lexi had gotten it but she doesn't like bagels so she gave it to me.

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