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the club was packed with sweaty bodies but once we entered all eyes were on the five of us

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the club was packed with sweaty bodies but once we entered all eyes were on the five of us.
"why are people staring" i ask chris who was beside me.
"have you seen what you're wearing? you look hot and you're one of the first girls owen had brought here, usually they come up to him not walk through the door with him." he says
"he owns this club doesn't he" i knew he co owned a bunch clubs in the new york, miami and vegas areas but wasn't one hundred percent sure.

of course he did, why was i not surprised.
we sat in a VIP section there were poles on both sides of the couch for guess what? dancers. who happened to be doing their thing beside us.
"i need a drink" i get up and walk over to the bar feeling a few pairs of eyes on me when i get there.

"you're here with smith huh?" a man places his hand on my lower back and speaks softly into my ear.
"no, i'm not here with him" technically i'm not, i'm here with a group of co workers.
"then how about we get out of here" he says
"what's the fun in that?"

i take his hand and bring him closer to the dance floor, he was a tall short haired blonde boy, now blonde is not typically my type but he was pretty cute.
he pulls my backside to his chest and we both begin swaying and grinding back and fourth, although he was taller than me the distance between our bodies was little to none.

i looked over to see owen glaring at me i smirked at him as my response, i wanted him see i was having fun.
we were shortly interrupted by theo, sadly.
"your phone was ringing, unknown number"
i sigh and take the phone in my hand following behind theo.

"hello?" i say into the phone
"hi my love"
my heart felt like it had stopped, owen seemed to have noticed when worry flash through his face.
"i think you have the wrong number"
"no darling, i don't."
"are you sure?"
"in fact, i see you talking to me right now."
my head whips to one side then the other until i finally spot him.
owens eyes follow my gaze to the one and only, sean.
sean taylor was my first love before owen, we dated for three and a half years and ended it due to the amount of times he had cheated on me and abused me verbally, mentally and physically.

i end the call and put my phone in my bag.
"i uh- i need to go, i'll be right back" i tell the four boys i front of me.
"what's going on" owen asks
"it's nothing you need to worry about"
i never told him about sean, i never told anyone. it never came up and there would be no point in it now.

when i reached the other side of the room he had started our conversation.
"alana, how are you my love"
"how am i? what do you think?"
"feisty as ever i see"
"what are you doing here" i ask
"i'm at a club, i just happened to spot you"
"we haven't talked in years, why now?"
"we haven't talked because you left without telling anyone."
"i needed to start ov-"
"why were you running" he asks quickly
"i was not runni-"
"then what was it" he cuts me off
"my mom got a job opportunity so she took it interrupt me again and this conversation will be over."
"why couldn't you just say that?"

"everything alright over here?" owen asks
for once i was happy he was next to me, i needed a way out of this.
"and you are?" sean asks
"owen, owen smith"
"and how do you know my lovely alana"
"we dated in high school" he says
"i see you pick and chose exes you want to be friend with"
"well can you blame me?" i ask
"we should catch up some time" sean says
"let's not and say we did"
"alana come on, we can grab din-"
"she said no, let's leave it at that. okay? go back to your table and don't speak or look at her for the rest of the night." owen interrupted him, thank god.
"very well, i'll see you around. i promise."
he walks away from the two of us, how much worse could that have gone.

"thanks" i turn to owen
"so he's an ex?"
"from texas"
"have you dated anyone since-"
"no, i've been busy"
he nods, the two of us walk back to the table with all the guys before i pick up my bag and phone.
"i think i'm gonna head out" i tell them
"are you sure?" theo asks
"yeah, i'm tired but i'll see you guys tomorrow"
"drive safe" owen says, i nod and head out the club door.

i didn't go home, instead i went to jake's house. jake was what you call friends with benefits, i needed a distraction at the moment.

"hey i'm sorry for just showing up" i sigh
"no problem, you know you're always welcome here"
he pulls me into him connecting our lips, this was exactly what i needed. his hands explored my body unzipping my skirt and slipping it down my legs lifting me and bringing me to his bed.
his lips move to my neck while i softly moaned, the thing i liked about the two of us was there were no strings attached with our relationship.
he quickly undoes his pants and forces himself inside of me.

"fuck owen" i groan and quickly realize my mistake
"what the fuck" jake snaps
"jake i-"
"get out" he says
i sigh and quickly get up off of him pulling my skirt back on and leaving his house.
i wasn't even thinking about owen, now i look like a total asshole. jake doesn't even know who he was. i'm so fucked.

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