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when i walked into the penthouse lexi was making dinner, who is this girl and where is my roommate who doesn't cook?
"hey you! how was your first day in charge?"
"good. uhm, what are you making?" i ask
"this recipe i found on pinterest, it's just chicken, rice and this sauce im trying to make"
"since when do you cook?" i ask setting my purse down.
she laughs and turns around leaning over the island table.
"i barely work anymore, i mean im never needed in the office unless it's leading up to shows so im kinda looking for things to do."
"i can get you a job at smith-"
"never in a million years."
i laugh pull a chair out sitting across from her.

a door to the bathroom opens and vince walks out with a towel around his waist. my eyes widen at lexi, she has never had a guy stay overnight, nevermind all through the next day.
"oh, um vince is still here"
"i can see that, hey vince why don't you go put some clothes on." he was just standing there in his towel what else was i supposed to say?
"right." he goes down the hallway to lexi's room

"lexi marie mota. what is he still doing
here?" i grin at her
"it's bad, he won't leave, i've tried and he won't go!" she laughs
of course this is a problem lexi would have.
"just kick him out, you do it all the time"
"i mean, i don't really mind the company i just want a second alone, you know?"
i roll my eyes, she'll figure it out. i walk into my room locking the door.

i pull out spandex shorts and a t shirt and slip those on. i hated work clothes.
i meet lexi back on the kitchen and now vince was joining us i guess.
our buzzer rang which meant a direct call from the lobby, lexi went over and pressed the speaking button and talked for a few seconds.

"lana you got a delivery, they're bringing it up." she says.
"that's weird, i didn't order anything."
a few minutes later there was a knock at the door. this time i went over and opened it. it was a florist with a bouquet in his hands, he gave it to me smiled and walked away.
"what is it?" lexi asks
i turn around and she furrows her brows. a bouquet of a dozen red roses and a card.
"secret admirer!!" she cheers.
i laugh at her and sent them down taking out the card.

congratulations beautiful

there's no name.
"i think they're from owen, i mean you two and him are the only ones that know about my job, marina isn't the type to send flowers."
"maybe he's not as bad as i thought he was"
"that was really nice of him. wow."

putting them to the side i take my seat again at the island table.
"so uh, vince do you have a job" i ask
"sorta, im a law student at NYU i'm mostly doing internships for now."
"oh wow good for you."

lexi plates the food for us and slides them our way. i was a little scared to eat it considering this girl doesn't know a blender needs to be plugged in.
"oh my god, lexi this is good." i tell her
"well don't sound so surprised."
"it's really good, nice job babe"
i look at lexi who has a slight blush on her face.

once we finish eating i help with the dishes and get into the shower. i was exhausted and needed nothing more than my bed.
"hey lex im going to bed, if im not up by ten tomorrow wake me up. "
"sure, love you!"
"love you" i yell back before collapsing on my bed.

i pull out my computer and find myself in the sean loophole. one thing i loved doing was deep dives on people from my past.
looks like he was a bartender at one of the local bars downtown, it was a dive bar so not one i would typically go to. that's weird, i thought he would be doing a little better than that. he had a girlfriend two years ago but is now single again, not surprised.
oh here we go, he owns a gym. that sounds more like the sean i know.
after a while of internet stalking my eyes start to shut and soon enough i was asleep.


"wake up wake up wake up!!!!!" 
"oh my god" i groan and stick my face into the pillow. i felt disgusting for some reason.
"it is ten on the dot wake up!!"
"i cant, my head hurts and im so tired"
"i dont know what you need to be awake for but get up, breakfast is on the table"
"god who are you" i mumble and she leaves the room tiring my overhead light on. ugh.  not the big light. the big light is the worst.

taking my time i get up and go to my closet. not wanting to be too dressed up, i put on a pair of blue skinny jeans and a white sweater. i brush through my hair and then put very light makeup on. my only plan today was brunch and the media training meeting with stephanie. i put on black booties that have a small heel and basically crawl out of my room, my body felt so weak.
"i made french toast do you want any?" lexi asks. vince was sitting at the island table eating some of it.
"no i have to go to this stupid brunch thing. i shouldn't be home late."

it was nine thirty and i realized i never texted owen about the driving situation.
i pull out my phone and quickly call him.
"hey, i was worried you never texted lastnight." he says
"sorry, i fell asleep pretty quickly. why don't i meet you there, i haven't left yet"
"im two minutes away from your place, you ready?"
"oh, yeah let me grab my purse and i'll meet you downstairs."
i hang up the phone and grab the same white purse i used yesterday.

"where you going for brunch?" vince asks
"a place called pardon my french. lex, we used to go there remember?"
"oh yeah! i completely forgot about that. we should start going again."
"yeah we should. alright. i'll be home later, do something today okay?"
"yes ma'am"

i go out the front door, down the elevator and through the lobby. owen was waiting outside leaning on the passage door.
"hey pretty girl" he says and opens the door for me. someone was in a good mood.
"good morning!"
he gets back in on his side and we begin driving. it wasn't far, i could have walked.
after a few minutes we arrived.
i recognized some of the people from the security team sitting at the outside tables all spread out. i wonder if they were at all of our dinners too.

"who's at this brunch?" i ask him as we walk through the restaurant
"today it's just going to be the two of us" he says pulling out my chair at the table.
"oh" i take my seat and he takes his.

"what happened yesterday in my office was unprofessional." he says
"excuse me?"
"the banter back and forth"
i laugh to myself until i realize he is serious.
"owen, we have years of history. that can't just go away. im sorry to tell you."
"it needs to stop. in the office we are co workers, professional co workers"
"and out of the office?" i smirk
"don't test the waters."
brunch was quick considering it was the two of us, we didn't talk much and just drove back to the office when we were finished.

i didn't feel super well today, my stomach has hurt all morning and i had a headache that not even advil could help. i was currently sitting through my PR meeting, boring. i knew all this shit already.
"owen will most likely take the lead during interviews, but you having knowledge to things he may not could come in handy. you are a model he is not, you have the upper hand in that department."
"okay" i nod
"are you feeling well?" she asks
"what? yeah i'm fine"
she sighs and looks down at her notes.

"and finally, you and mr. smith, whatever the past was is over. i don't care what happens in your home and his but in the office you are nothing but business partners, if it gets out that the two of you were involved this can tarnish his reputation and yours."
i nod again barely keeping my eyes open.
"declan, can you see if mr smith can join us for a second" she nods to an employee in the corner.
"why does he needs to be here" i groan as declan leaves the room
"because this is not the same girl i met yesterday." stephanie says

i slouch over the table putting my head down. everything in me hurt. i never got sick, what is this.
"everything okay?" owen asks coming in the room
"we have finished the media training for today but something is wrong with her, this is not the firecracker you warned me about. i figured you could get to her"
i lift my head up and roll my eyes. such a big over reaction.
"steph, why don't you go grab a coffee" owen says, she nods and walks out of the room.

he walks over and pulls out the chair next to me.
"what's wrong with you" he asks
"nothing, i told her i was fine"
"alana your pale as a ghost, are you sick?"
"no, i don't get sick"
not a lie, i haven't been sick in years.

"why don't you take off for the day, start fresh tomorrow if you feel better." he offers
"you're not sending me home."
"you don't have a choice. i will have a driver downstairs in ten minutes waiting for you"
i scoff and sit back in my chair.
"i'll come by and check on you during my lunch and later tonight when i leave the office, okay?"
"yeah whatever."
i get up and walk out of the room. fuck this guy.

better off with you  | book two |Where stories live. Discover now