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"i need you in my office as soon as you're in" my manager, mariana spoke through the phone, it was eight thirty am and i had been woken up by this call

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"i need you in my office as soon as you're in" my manager, mariana spoke through the phone, it was eight thirty am and i had been woken up by this call. i wasn't supposed to be in the office for another two hours.
"i'll be there in thirty"
i hung up the phone and went to my closet pulling out a sweater and ripped jeans.
i slipped on air forces and walked to the living room where lexi was currently sitting with her boy of the week on the couch.
"i have to go meet mariana i'll be back home later" i tell her
"wait how did last night go" she asks
"trust me, you don't wanna know" i sigh
"we'll talk about it later" she says as i leave the penthouse.

when i reached the agency mariana has met me right at the door.
"good morning" she smiles handing me an iced black coffee.
"thank you" i say as we walk up to her office.

"obviously i need you to model clothing that's why we're here but this was a request for you only, made by mr smith."
"owen smith?"
"yes, now this is a big deal for him to contact us directly, usually it goes through a few people but he emailed me this morning. he must have seen a show or two."
"yeah im sure its something like that" i mutter.
"you can say no but this is important for the company, you have a meeting with him in one hour if you agree."
to let my personal issues with him interfere with my work would be ridiculously unprofessional.
"perfect, i'll be there"
i get up from the desk and head to my office a few doors down.

thank god for working in the fashion industry, this meant wardrobe changes happened whenever necessary. right. now i was looking for what to wear to the meeting with owen, i could wear sweatpants and i'm sure he wouldn't care to be honest. mariana had three outfits picked out for me to chose from.
i had settled with a black leather dress and boots. it was chilly out but i felt it was bearable.

the time had come where i would leave and go to the meeting. i rode in a black SUV quietly with only soft music playing in the background.
"i'll be here when you're done" my driver, tony says as i exit the vehicle. i nod and give him a smile.
i look up at the building in front of me reading smith industry's on the front of it.
i rolled my eyes and walked through the door but i told myself to be professional.

"what can i do for you" a woman at the front desk asks
"i have a meeting with owen"
"mr smith" she corrects
she's takes a breath and checks on her computer.
"alana wright, go up the elevator to the seventheeth floor and it's the door straight across from the elevator."

sighing, i do as she says. when i reach his door i give it a gentle knock before hearing his voice.
"it's open" he says
i walk in slowly holding my breath until i close the door behind me. he had a black button down and grey slacks on, i hated how he could look good in anything. it bothered me even more that i found myself staring at him.
"you decided to come" he says
"don't let it get to your head mr smith, i'm doing this for the agency."
"oh for the agency huh?"
"yes, now can we please get this over with?"

"so you're agreeing to work with me?" he asks as i sit down in the chair in front of his desk.
"i agree to working with your clothing line, not you"
"your manager, mariana right? she must not have gone over the conditions" he says as he scrolls through his computer.
"what are you talking about"
"we will work here for a few weeks then pack it all up and go to italy for two weeks where the 3 shows will take place" he says
"fuck this" i turn to get up before he grabs my attention back.
"you will get seventeen million dollars for each show" he says.
being as high up in the modeling industry as i was i would typically get thirteen to fourteen million per show so this was definitely an upgrade.

"and if it all works out i will buy you out of your current agency and make you a permanent model for smith clothing industry" he adds
"why are you doing this, after so much time owen, i don't understand" i tell him
"you have talent, you always have. i'm just making sure the right people see it."
"how do i know you're not lying" i ask him. this could all be part of some scheme knowing him.
"have i ever lied to you"
"is that really a question you're going to ask me?" i sit back down in front of himZ
"just think about the offer, we start tomorrow if you agree"
"and if i don't?" i challenge
"you'd be stupid not to."

"how's your family" i ask after a moment of silence.
"good, jack just had his tenth birthday ellie's growing up quick and sara is almost twenty"
"yeah, what about you? how is everyone?"
"i haven't seen colin in a few months and blair is growing up, she's almost eight years old"
he nods, there was so much tension i absolutely hated this.
"i should get back to mariana"
"think about the offer, we would be honored to have you join our team."
once i close the door behind me i look for the closest exit, i know i needed to take this job but i don't know how long i can stand being around him.

edited! remember to vote, comment and follow!

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