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"you did what!?" amelie asks, i was currently at my office for the morning explaining my sex life to a co worker

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"you did what!?" amelie asks, i was currently at my office for the morning explaining my sex life to a co worker.
"it's slipped" i didn't give a name nor did she know about my past relationships except i mentioned he was from high school.
"that's awful"
"i know, ugh!"
"well i need to get back to work, we can catch up tonight for drinks?"
"yeah i'll text you when i'm out" i stopped by mariana's before heading to smith industries.

"this is so boring" i sigh
"we only have an hour left then we can go
out" jesse says. usually jesse chris and theo weren't here on saturdays but owen needed them leading up to the show.
"go out? again?" i ask
"we go out every night"
"i have plans with a friend"
"bring her"
"theo" i sigh
"come on, it will be fun we're just going to my place anyways" chris says
"i'll text her"


hey, i'm working with
this guy chris and he invited
us over to his house, you in?

yeah, pick me up when
you go

kk see you then

"well be there" i tell them
"yay!" theo claps happily
"not for long though, i'm tired"
"yeah yeah, let's finish this. get back to work all of you." owen says.

once we were finally done i quickly make my way out of the building to get home in time to pick up amelie and get back to chris's house.
"i'm home" i call out
"i'm in my room"
i run to lexi's room and collapse next to her
"how was work" she asks
"it was shit, i'm tired"
"go to bed"
"i can't, i agreed to go out"
"don't tell me it's wi-"
"him, theo jesse chris and amelie"
"alana do not get with him again, gross"
"i'm not planning on it, plus i don't trust the two of you alone together if he ever comes back over here. you'll either fuck or kill him, both im fine with but-"
"hey, i get it get out"
"alright alright, i should be home later" i tell her
"lock the door on your way out"

i go to my room and quickly looked for an outfit, i ended up choosing a white long sleeve and black jeans along with white air forces.
"i'm leaving" i yell as i close the door behind me, i text amelie and tell her i'm on my way.

"you came!" theo says as we are entering the house
"yeah" i sigh and grab a drink from the ice bucket chris had out on the counter.
"this is amelie, amelie this is chris, jesse, theo and owen"
the four boys nod and we all try to figure out what to do.
"never have i ever?" jesse suggests
"were 22" owens says
"someone still doesn't know how to have fun" i mumble
"fine, let's play" he smirks

"never have i ever drank underage" amelie said, we all took a shot except her. i'm surprised she was even drinking now to be honest, she was always talking about how drinking makes her bloated but there were occasions where she would ask me to get drinks if she had a long week. very rare.

"never have i ever had a one night stand" once again i drank.
"never have i ever had a threesome" chris was the only one that drank for this one
"wait what" theo looks at him
"i was in paris and two roommates were into it"
we all let out small laughs before returning to the questions.
"never have i ever gotten mad at my boyfriend or girlfriend for having one conversation with his ex and blew up in front of all their friends" owen asks
i roll my eyes and drink, surprisingly so does theo i send him a weird look and he laughs.
"never have i ever said something in front of half the school about someone that was supposed to be kept between a small group of people" i send owen a glare and he drinks.

"never have i ever said my ex's name during sex with someone else" amelie says
i froze and quickly took the shot, i happened to be the only one.
"oh shit who" chris asks
"it was your boyfriend senior year right?"
shut up amelie
i didn't even want to see the look on owens face
"wait you two went to school together who was he" theo asks owen
"oh we weren't that close, i don't know who it was. must have been pretty good in bed if you said his name" owen says

i look at him and he's smirking already looking at me, i would never hear the end of this.
"never have i ever been in love with
someone" jesse says
owen drinks, i drink, amelie drinks and chris drinks.
"still am" owen mumbles barley audible but i seemed to be the only one that picked up on it. i look at him and he sighs realizing i heard it.
"never have i ever moved to a new school senior year" owen says
i drink.
"never have i ever been part of a secret boxing club in highschool" i say
he drinks.
"never have i ever only had sex with only two guys for a whole school year"
i drink.
"never have i ever broke my hand punching my best friend for something that didn't even concern him whatsoever"
he drinks.
"never have i ever gotten mad at my boyfriend for the dumbest shit but kept it in until the breakup and went off on him"
i drink.
"never have i ever flirted with a girl for a whole school year but hooked up with other girls at the same time"
he drinks.
"never have i ever gone to school severely hungover because i drank too much the night before and accused the guy i liked of being a careless dick"
i drink.
"never have i ever had sex with the new girl on the first party of her school year"
he drinks.
before he can say another one i end it.
"never have i ever left for five months with no text or call, completely leaving people worried about you"

amelie chris jesse and theo look at us as if we're crazy, i mean it was us going back and forth for the last five minutes. owen drinks.
"i thought you didn't know each other that well" chris asks
"it's complicated"
"so then how did you know all of that"
"wild guess"
"nuh uh, what's going on"
i look at owen and he shrugs
"he's the senior year boyfriend" i sigh
"no fucking way"

"and that all happened?"
"you were seriously in a boxing club"
"it wasn't my best moment"
"and you only had sex with him and one other guy"
"okay i was busy" i tell them
"she was in love with me, wouldn't leave my side"
"oh shut up" i groan
"and you left for five months? where did you go?" chris asks
"italy, it was a family thing"

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