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"uhm, you can put your jacket on the hook, shoes under the bench." i tell him when we walk in hanging up my blazer.
i sit at the island table after taking my heels off.
"what am i doing up here alana?" he asks
"i-i don't know. maybe you wanted another drink."
i reach to the cabinet, take out a glass and fill it with water sliding it to him as i did hours ago.
"you looked beautiful tonight"
"thank you, but unfortunately i need to get this dress off, im suffocating, ill be right back" i tell him getting up from my seat and going down the hall to my room.

first things first, i put socks on. i've missed this. next, get this dress off, which i wish lexi was home for because there's absolutely no way i can do this by myself.
after a few minutes of struggling i sigh, realizing what i have to do.

"owen?" i call out, humiliated.
"can you um, can you unzip my dress" i ask quieter
he comes around the corner laughing.
"it's not as funny as you think it is." i mumble.
"you're right, you're right."
i turn around so my back is to him, he moves my hair to the side and places one of his hands on my hips and the other on the zipper.

his hands being on me again gave me chills. life would have been easier if we didn't meet four years ago.
the zipper slides down my back just above my lower back.
my breath hitches when he takes his hands off of me.
"all set?" he asks
i turn around to face him and i find myself in the same position we were in last night.

"uhm- yeah. thanks"
"you need anything else?" his eyes locked on mine.
i bite my lower lip and take a breath.
"yeah, i do"
my hands wrap around his neck and i pulls him closer to me until our lips connect. his hands wrap around my waste we kiss for a few seconds before he pulls away.

"i- uhm. i'm sorry" i tell him and move my arms back to my side
"i have been waiting for you to do that since i saw you at the cocktail party."
i let out a small laugh and look down at the floor, what am i doing?

he tucks his finger under my chin and moves my head back up to look at him.
"hey, if you don't want this we don't need to do it. i can go home, we can watch a movie, whatever you want."
"no, i want this. i do."
i move my hands to the top of his collar and start unbuttoning his shirt, there was a lot of ink that covered the top half of his body, i looked over all of it before sliding the shirt off his arms.

"you been hurting the gym?" i ask
"can i remind you it's been four years?" he laughs.
i give him a smile and shake my head.
he walks over to my bed laying on it and stares at me.
"so how is it that i unzipped that dress for you five minutes ago and it's still on. and yet here i am half naked on your bed"
i smile again and walk over to him.
"another smile. that's two in a row, watch yourself" he says

i sit down next to him and think for a second.
"is this a good idea? i mean sleeping with someone who could be my boss?"
"the second you say to stop we're done, i promise. whatever you want."
i nod and take another deep breath.
"i want this" i tell him
i laugh thinking to myself what happened last time i was with a guy

"what's so funny?"
"you can't laugh at me, i'm serious."
"lay it on me"
fuck here we go.
"last time i was with a guy, i um- i said your name"
he opens his mouth and a small smile appears on his face, he attempts to hold in his laugh and manages to do so.
"that, is just about the best thing i could have heard come out of your mouth."
"oh yeah?"
he moves his hand to the strap of my dress and pulls it down kissing my shoulder in the process.

eventually my dress comes off and i am left in a pair of black lace panties laying in bed next to him.
"i didn't think you could look anymore beautiful" he whispers
"can i remind you it's been four years?"

he pulls me closer to him connecting our lips again.
his hands travel to my waist while mine go through his hair, so this was happening.
he moves me on top of him, i grind my hips back and forth feeling him beneath me, a small moan leaves my mouth bringing pleasure to him.
"i want you, alana" he breaks the kiss
"i want you" i whisper to him.

he rotates us so hes on top of me, he kisses my cheek, down my neck and to my chest. i moan again, i've been craving his touch for years and i was finally getting it.
he kisses my nipple and sucks in it making me arch my back.
"owen" i moan and bite my lip
he unbuttons his pants leaving him in his boxers.

his hand goes between my legs rubbing circles on my clit making my eyes roll back.
"don't stop, please don't"
"i'm not going anywhere baby"
he pulls my underwear down giving him full access to my body.
one of his fingers slip into me making me yelp. his lips move back to mine kissing me harder than before.
another finger slips in and my legs squirm under him.

one my hands tug onto his hair pulling him into the crook of my neck as my back arches while the other strokes his hard cock in his underwear.
"you're sure you want this?" he asks
"yes" i groan

i pull his underwear down and he slowly pushes himself inside of me.
"fuck" he groans
i've had sex plenty of times in the past four years but nothing came close to the feelings i got with owen, and thank god it was back. and thank god i was on the pill.

he freaks out for a second and stops looking at me worried.
"what? are you okay?" he asks
"how many girls have you had sex with in the past four years." i ask
"are you kidding me" he groans
"absolutely not. how many?"
"three girls, none in the past six months"
"okay, continue"
he laughs before going back to a straight face.
"how many guys?"
"and one had to be recent considering you said my name?"
"we didn't didn't have sex, we were making out when i said it"
"you make me so happy."

he quickens his pace taking me by surprise, im sure my screams were heard by the whole city of new york.
he lays me on my side and big spoons me pushing back into me.
my eyes roll to the back of my head as his hand wraps around my neck.
after two minutes i already feel an orgasm rippling through me.
"owen" i moan loudly as he quickens his pace even more.

my climax comes to an end as his begins he pulls out of me and releases in my back.
he grabs a tissue and wipes me off before turning my to face him.
"you alright?" he asks
"eh, i've had better"
"yeah, try not to scream my name so loud next time" he says making me laugh.
i get up and throw on a thin pair of shorts and a tank top.
"i uh, i have a couple sweathsirts you might be able to squeeze into, or im sure lexi has a shrine of all the clothes guys have left in her room."
"ill take a look at your options before tip toeing into the deep end"

i open my closet and pull out a couple sweatshirts that were way oversized for me.
"hey alana, that gray one's mine"
my face flushes and my eyes go wide, i could have sworn it was collin's.
"well, that explains why it's in the back of my closet"
i throw it at him and he puts it on along with his boxers.

i sit back next to him and look at him
"what's going on" he asks
"i don't know, i mean no one can know about this." i tell him
"yeah." he sighs
"and it was just a one time thing so i mean i guess it wasn't that big of a deal"
"anyways um, you should get going, i mean before lexi gets back this probably wouldn't look good to her"

something was off with him.
"i'll see you tomorrow, okay?"
"have a good night alana"
he grabs the rest of his clothes and i walk him through the hallway, to the kitchen and out the front door.

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