𝐢𝐢. behind all the hidden doors.

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            Sheer, chalk white drapes flowed in the airy morning breeze, the slight shiver rung through your bones, outward warmth gripped at your fingertips, petrichor slipping through the open window — droplets of dew sat, freshly placed, against the windowsill.

Sullen beams fused warm lights of dawn, overlapping an abundant haze and gloom of nautical twilight, birds chirping a sweet honey tune, a gentle thrum of underlining whispers; wake up, Lavinia, they sung, beady eyes watching her toss and turn.

A luminous blue pierced the air, blonde curls hanging in her view, softly grinning as the birds finished their song. Lavinia slowly sat up, stretching her limbs and glancing towards the clock, 6:15, it read. With a groan the girl got out of bed, rummaging through her closet for a jumper, humming a childhood tune.

Feet clad with fuzzy socks, green jumper hanging down to her knees, Lavinia crept her way throughout the house, wincing with every creak, subconsciously cupping her cheek. Grief hung in the air, suffocating the remaining Vinke's, the forever empty seat at the kitchen table in her peripherals. She swore under her breath when she walked into the living room to see Alida seated in her armchair, a mug of coffee in her hands.

"Goedemorgen, Lavinia." Alida greeted, lifting the mug towards her lips, peering at her over the drink.

Lavinia shoved her hands in her pocket, cautiously moving across the room to sit on the couch, legs crossed underneath her. "Good morning, Alida."

Alida's eye twitched, clutching the mug tighter in her hand. "We'll be going to the Dursley's for dinner." She said, "I expect you to be on your best behaviour."

"Brilliant." Lavinia replied, rolling her eyes. "I'm always on my best behaviour."

"It will do you well to remember not to lie." Alida narrowed her eyes, placing the mug down on the end table. "Try not to dwell, mijn lieve dochter, but I'll be leaving tomorrow for the summer."

Lavinia smiled a coy grin, tilting her head to the right. "Well, won't that be such a shame." She told her. "A whole summer without you. Truly heartbreaking."

"I'll be leaving in the morning with enough money to hold you over. It will be placed in the fourth drawer near the sink, if you run out that's your own problem." Alida said, ignoring the young girls snark.

"Where are you going?" Lavinia asked.

"Away." Alida replied.

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