𝐯𝐢𝐢. we're still chained to our tormentors cage.

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Sea's of cotton drowned velvet woven skin, approaching in waves of mollified tides that whispered, confide in me; credence is my plea, underneath the crest of the pale yellow sea; pillows of coral reefs lay beneath their heads, fresh air slowly becoming muggy, almost uncomfortable to breathe; but the price to pay for oxygen is arcane, so please, pour your heart out to me.

The sea and coral reefs slowly drift away, leaving only the cotton duvet in its wake, held in the air by wooden chairs and the edge of the bed; Harry and Lavinia lay on their sides in the pillow fort, facing one another in what they've dubbed their own personal ghost city ( we're it's only occupants, they whispered, our break from everyday hellfire ). A smile settles on his face when she loops their pinkies, head thrown back in laughter, and he can't help but think: she's so pretty.

"There is no way that happened!" Lavinia snickered, attempting to cease her laughter. "I don't know whether to believe you or not."

Harry smirked, "I swear on my life that she punched him. Just walked up to him and suddenly her fist became one with his nose." He told her, feeling slightly guilty, but it's not like she'd ever know he was partially lying to her.

"What did he do to deserve it?" Lavinia asked, quirking a brow.

"Malfoy's a prat. His entire existence is dependent on making other peoples lives miserable." Harry scoffed.

Lavinia bit her lip to restrain her giggles, sitting in silence for a few moments before bursting into gales of laughter. "God, please tell Hermione I'm in love with her because that's astonishing. Girl power for the win."

Harry rolled his eyes with a snort, slyly shuffling closer. "I'll make sure too." He said. "Knowing Hermione, it was very out of character but also the best five minutes of my life."

"What is she like?" Lavinia grinned, dropping Harry's hand to push the hair out of his eyes. "You know, your hair is getting long. Might start looking like a birds nest soon."

Harry swatted her hand away, faintly blushing. "Oh piss off, my hair is fine. Not everyone can have perfectly styled hair like you." He teased, taking a moment to think of how to describe his bushy haired friend. "Hermione is the smartest person I know. She can be a nag at times, granted, but she has the highest grades every year and always manages to find an answer or conclusion to my problems. I truly don't know where I'd be without her, I've come to think of her as a sister."

"I'm really glad you have a friend like her, everyone needs someone like Hermione in their life." Lavinia told him, combing her fingers through his hair again. "Tell me about your other friend. Ronaldo, was it?"

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