𝐢𝐯. ephemerally ignorant.

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"O Romeo, Romeo,
wherefore art thou Romeo?"

She dropped her hand holding the play to her side, straightening her shoulders and clearing her throat, shutting her eyes to imagine she were on stage; the theatre appeared before her, seats filled with an audience, the bright whites of the stage light shining down on her, the star of the show.

"Deny thy father and refuse thy name. Or, if though wilt not, be but sworn my love."

Whispers fell silent, echoing her words off of the walls as participants sat on the edge of their seats, trapped in her voice like an enchantment — emptying their minds clear of everything but the show, fingers tightly grasping the armrest of their velvet seats, desperately clinging to every piece of her she gives them, like sacrificial fools.

"And I'll no longer be a Capulet."

Silence rung in her ears, watching as the audience jeered and clapped but no sound left them, briefly keeping her just out of the reach of satisfaction before the stage lights violently flickered, throwing her back into her room, standing in the sunlight, rays forming a faint golden halo above her head, a small greeting from the Gods.

Lavinia groaned, placing the open book against her chest, hands folded over each other, holding it in place. She rocked on her heels, replaying the performance in her head; something had been off, diminishing her true potential for theatre, and she was determined to figure it out, absolutely set on landing the role in the play.

"No, this will not do." Lavinia sighed, tapping the book. "I need an audience, someone to be Romeo." She pondered for a moment before smacking the book, exasperated. "Well duh, Harry."

Lavinia closed her book and placed it on the end of her bed, turning around to face the mirror on the back of her door, smoothing the wrinkles in her yellow sundress. Despite the fact that she knew she wasn't a normal child, she had decided to allow herself to act like a fourteen year old girl, seeing as her mother hadn't given an indication on when she would be back. And Lavinia could admit, Harry was quite cute.

Jesus, shut up, she thought, clearing her throat as she willed away the slight pink hue on her cheeks.

With one last nod of approval she made her way through the house, leaving the door unlocked as she left, skipping over to the house next door. She had watched Mr and Mrs Dursley leave the house only an hour before ( maybe the grumps had finally decided to go out for a date, she'd joked to herself when they left ), so she knew it was only the two boys in the house, knocking on the door with her knuckles.

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