𝐯𝐢𝐢𝐢. cherry red cheeks and vanilla stained fingers.

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꧁—— ❦ ——꧂

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꧁—— ❦ ——꧂

       Phantom fingers of euphoric obscurity persuade golden hues that shone through half closed drapes, contouring his body with shadows of first light, sprawling it's warmth over his features to rouse him, the aromatic smell of cherry blossoms, vanilla and freshly washed laundry engulfing his senses.

Slowly opening his bleary eyes, arms straight out as he stretched, his blurred vision cleared only long enough for a shriek to escape his throat, limbs moving quicker than his mind when he fell to the hardwood floor, groaning in pain as his head smacked against the edge of the end table beside his bed, the picture of his parents falling onto his forehead.

"Bloody hell." Harry grimaced, grabbing the picture with one hand, the other rubbing his forehead.

"That was one hell of a wakeup." Lavinia crouched down beside him, gently moving his hand from his forehead. "I'm sorry, Harry. I hadn't thought I'd give you a start."

Harry opened his eyes, making out the blurred silhouette of his favourite person. "It's fine, Vin. Just didn't have my glasses on is all."

Lavinia grabbed his glasses off the end table and placed them on his face, pushing back the hair covering his eyes. "Well, I originally came here to surprise you so I'll say this like you didn't just fall out of bed. Goedemorgen, mooie jongen. You alright?"

"Brilliant." Harry said with a small smile, finding comfort in the soothing warmth that spread throughout his body as she helped him up, forcing him to turn around once he was standing.

"Let me take a look." Lavinia told him, noticing the anxious glint that flashed in his eyes. Standing on her tip-toes she pushed his hair aside, checking for damage. "Okay, you're all set. Again, sorry about that."

Harry turned to face her with a sheepish grin, shrugging his shoulders. "It's fine, stop apologizing. Not be to rude but, uh, what are you doing here and how did you get in?"

"I can't come visit my best friend?" Lavinia teased, pausing at her slip up. "Wait sorry that was a little much. I know you've already got best friends so let's just ignore —"

"Vin," Harry interrupted her rambling, reaching out to grab her hand. "I don't care what anyone says, you are my best friend. End of story."

Lavinia flushed, glancing down at their hands before looking up with a self-conscious smile. "Promise?"

Harry dropped her hand to hold his pinky out, tone laced with revere. "I pinky promise."

Bashful crimson paints her neck and cheeks, the slight heat clawing at her skin. She can feel the butterflies that dance in her stomach but ignores it ( no one will ever love her. she knows that ), opting to push the fleeting thoughts away as she loops her pinky around his, leaning forward to place a feather-light kiss on the knuckle of her thumb to seal the promise in. She flashes him a toothy grin when he mimics her actions, further blushing as his breath fans across the lower half of her face.

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