𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐱. what a cruel, cruel world.

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"Sit, the both of you." Charlie harshly snaps when they've reached her office, door flung open on it's creaking hinges. "Now, what is the meaning of this — fighting like an unruly band of hooligans? I'd thought we'd moved past this."

Lavinia seats herself in her bergère chair before Sophia can so much as even think of sitting in it, slouching back against the cushion. Her knuckles ache whenever she moves them and there's a constant sting in her nose — whenever she breathes a sharp pain shoots throughout her nostrils. One she's quite familiar with, but nonetheless, it never fails to burn her eyes with tears desperate to escape. Justice, they say, tastes sweet. And she's determined that it does. The constant ache feels like satisfaction, the bitter copper condign punishment. The metal bars of the cage she so often finds herself trapped in seem to be weakening, like her anger has slowly been heating up and simmering in the centre of her palms until she's melting the bars and lethal to the touch — justice well served, and does it taste delicious, she thinks. Even if it means disappointing Charlie once again.

"Well?" Charlie raises a brow, hands folded over her desk with an impatient look upon her face. "We do not have the luxury forever, ladies."

Sophia's the first to crack. As she always is. "She started it, Headmistress! Giavanna and I were about and minding our business, I don't know where her animalistic behaviour came from."

"That's a good one, Wilson." Lavinia gives a derisive laugh without meaning too. "Animalistic was when you were pulling on my hair like a barbarian. Thankfully, I've no need for overpriced extensions."

"You're vile." Sophia spat with a sneer, a flush of crimson staining beneath her nose. If looks could kill, Lavinia's certain she'd be buried six feet by now.

"You know, you've brought it upon yourself, really. Bringing up my father like that." Lavinia drawls, crossing one leg over the other and swinging it. "I've handed you your bit of karma, Wilson, be grateful."

Sophia hollowly laughs, "You'd like me to be grateful that you've broken my nose again? In your dreams, Vinke."

"Okay, enough!" Charlie interrupts. The disapproval etched across her features is almost enough to make Lavinia crack. Almost. "Start from the beginning, please. And be truthful."

"Well, you see, Headmistress, Giavanna and I had decided to go outside after classes — it's a beautiful day, isn't it? And once we'd stepped through the doors Vinke was calling Giavanna's name, and then started claiming that I've spread rumours about her and that Giavanna hasn't kept up some deal of theirs — and what was the deal anyway? Have you coerced her into something that's surely illegal, Vinke? I wouldn't put it past you — you know, Headmistress, Vinke's been exhibiting some odd behaviour recently. Is it safe for her to attend this school, if she's become a threat to others? Because I think —"

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