𝐱𝐱𝐱𝐯𝐢. the guilty conscience weighs heavy.

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( this chapter contains brief mentions of assault, forms of self harm, and character death

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( this chapter contains brief mentions of assault, forms of self harm, and character death. please read with caution.)

꧁—— ❦ ——꧂

ENGLAND         1994


"My mum doesn't know I'm here."

She'd been expecting that, if she's being truthful. Her mother didn't know she was here either, though, she supposes Alida would find out one way or another. She always did. But Katalina's mother not knowing she was strolling through a cemetery with her dorm mate didn't surprise her all the much, but she doesn't think that Katalina's mother would find out. And perhaps that was the difference between them. Katalina could do whatever she pleased without the worry of consequences, but Lavinia was confident her mother had eyes everywhere. Or perhaps she just knew the right amount of people in the places she went, but regardless, her mother would find out where she'd been. She decided she didn't all that much care anymore.

"Mine doesn't either." Lavinia admits with a shrug, kicks the snow with the tip of her boot. "How'd you know you'd find me here?"

Katalina nervously fidgets with the end of her coat. It looks expensive, and it's cute. It makes her jealous. "It was something you mentioned doing offhand, so, I figured I'd take a stroll while I was in the city. See if you wanted someone to come with, yeah?"

Lavinia nods, "I'd appreciate it if you did." She finally says. There's a shallow ache in her chest.

"Well, Avie, lead the way." Katalina gives her small smile and wraps a comforting arm around her own. She hates to admit it, but despite the burning, it does make her feel slightly better.

The cemetery is quiet. Lavinia muses that the departed stroll along besides them, unseen and unheard, as the worms feed on their decaying bones. What she doesn't muse on, however, is that Christiaan is one of them. No more a man than a speck of soil. She wonders if her eternal decay will be much of the same. No longer truly tethered to her soul for the vultures ( Gods ) to pray on. Their teeth sink into flesh and tear what remains of her from bone ( greed ), and she simply decays for the worms to feed. But with no soul to leech, where lies her promised eternity? Is she no more than a man, and no less than the soil? Just doomed to stroll alongside the living with no guarantee of heaven or hell? Perhaps, on a good day, she'd call it the circle of life. On this particular day, she thinks she'll call it the benefit of being a God.

There's a crunch of snow beneath her heavy boots and she comes to a stop, a thick swallow and the stinging of wrongs behind her eyes as she crouches down towards the ground. The snow is cold against her knees, and very quickly her trousers become soaked, but she finds herself surprised when Katalina follows her movements and does the same. Almost as if it were a warm summer day, and not a dreary winter morning.

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