6||Meet the parents

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that Evening Danny nervously knocks on the door

he's been invited over for Dinner to meet Zenkei's family

he already Knows Mr. Fukusen doesn't really like him...

and if Mrs. Fukusen is anything like Zenkei well...

he's dead...

Mr. Fukusen opens the door giving off a fake smile, his teeth grinding a little as he struggles.

"Danny... so GLAD you could make it..."

he lets Danny in

the suburban house is adorned with Japanese art, Pictures of Guns and a big ol' Canadian flag hanging over the Dining table.

Mr. Fukuse-- The Captain is in casual wear... a suit and tie

and mrs. Fukusen well... she looks exactly like the first thing you think of when someone says "Japanese wife" Kimono, Nihongami hairstyle and everything

she brings in a platter of some food Danny's never seen before...

it's a pile of French Fries slathered in Gravy and cheese

it smells really delicious.

Zenkei enters the room smiling at Danny awkwardly before seeing the food and getting a serious expression

"This is the fifth time we've had Poutine this week."

The Captain stands up as the wind flows through his hair, behind him is the Canadian flag

O'Canada seems to play in the background.

he puts one foot on the table and his fist to his chest

"No Daughter of Mine will not know the glory of Canadian Cuisine!! The True north is strong and Free! our food is far better than anything those greasy plump Americans can dream of!"

Zenkei covers her face embarrassed as if he does this every Tuesday

"Well at least its not like when you tried to introduce me to Maple Taffy." she mumbles...

"Excuse me young lady!" he shouts descending into a Quebecois accent "Tire d'érable sur la neige Is a Fucking Delicacy in Quebec! when I was your age I had only tasted it twice and those were the Fucking best moments of my childhood, you'd be lucky if you even taste a portion of it's glory in your life my sweet, I see now that you shit upon your heritage and for that you can not be--"

O'Canada Halts.

"Sweetie." Mrs. Fukusen chimes in still with her calm straight face "What did I tell you about fucking cussing at the dinner table?"

she reaches out grabbing Mr. Fukusen by the wrist and yanks him back into a sitting position

The Captain whimpers in defeat as he begins serving out the food.

"Pierre!" Mrs. Fukusen calls out "Get your ass over here! it's Dinner."

Zenkei's 11 year old Brother, Pierre Fukusen comes down the stairs.

"Oh.... that's Zenkei's new Boyfriend? the last one was more ripped." he says sitting down

Danny dies a little inside...

the family sits down before praying.

(Oh what's that? I missed one of Zenkei's siblings? that's where you're mistaken, you see that poll I had a few days ago was about whether Zenkei's siblings existed or not, but that's not all.... in truth there was a secret option.... not C, that was just me asking how your day was.... but by choosing B, YOU ALSO DECANONIZED THE 420 FOLLOWERS SMUT THAT TOTALLY DOESN'T EXIST BECAUSE PIERRE IS NOW 1 YEAR YOUNGER AND TAMAKI DOESN'T EXIST ANYMORE! I'd have removed Pierre completely but decided I liked some of the gags he's involved in, call me immature....)

My Hero: The World(Bnha X jjba) BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now