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the next day after classes Danny leaves the dorms.

as he does Iida stops him informing him they have an assignment tomorrow and if Danny is sure he shouldn't work on it.

"Yeah I'm sure, there's something I really should inform my mom about and I feel like she's going to kick my ass less if I tell her in person." Danny responds.

Danny heads home.

once there he knocks on the door.

Dillan opens the door, Immediately reminding him of the weird fact that Dillan is now his adopted brother.

but on top of that Dillans face is covered in Hello kitty band aids.

"Dear Possible-Lord, what happened Dillan?"

"Oh this? yeah I accidentally jumped into a ceiling."

Danny looks closer.

"It looks like a blood vessel in your left eye popped."

Dillan stares at Danny for a good 3 seconds before responding

"It was a very sturdy Ceiling."

Danny instantly believes him.

i mean why would Dillan lie to him?

Danny enters the living room finding his mother, Joan Joestar currently tending to a small plant.

"Oh, Danny. Have you come to wish me an early Birthday?"





he's not entirely a terrible son, he knows its in April but he always forgets the exact day.

he knows it's around Easter because usually they have a tradition where they decorate Easter-Theme shaped cakes--

but that's neither here nor there!

"Oh.... yeah!" Danny says trying to act like the decent Son he isn't. "but I also came over to tell you Zenkei's coming over for Dinner." Danny states and then turns around to leave hoping that is enough.

"Who's Zenkei?" Danny's mom asks confused.

this is what he was worried about.

you see, Danny Brando is a fairly forgetful kid

sometimes he even forgets his own abilities.

he also forgot what day his mothers birthday is.

telling his mom he is currently dating someone is one of these things he forgot.....

"Zenkei's um.... my... um...."

Danny gets nervous.

"She's my Girlfriend.... I have a Girlfriend mom...." Danny forces out.

his mom stares at him in silence....




suddenly she breaks the silence

Joan Joestar:

"I've been meaning to tell you eventually," Danny says as he slowly moves out of arms reach. "but it never came up."

"This seems like the kind of thing to mention to your Mother in a weekly phone call." she rants. "How long have you two been seeing each other?"

"a-about 3 months." Danny Hesitates.

"3 MONTHS?!" Joan Exclaims in disbelief. "You Neglected to tell me you have a girlfriend for 3 month?!"

"Almost 4...." Danny notes.

at this point Joan doesn't necessary look Traditionally angry, but she does have the "One second away from beginning to beat my children" look in her eyes.

Danny begins profusely apologizing hoping his mom isn't about to kick his ass.

"It's fine, Sweetie." Joan responds in the classic mom "sounds cheery but you know she's still mad and now you feel bad" tone.

"We could reschedule if you'd like mom." Danny suggests.

"No, No, No...." Joan responds. "I'd like to meet this girl you've hidden from me for about 4 months."

Concerned and suspicious Danny is just happy this talk is over....

"This talk is nowhere near over." his mother says seemingly reading his mind.

but Danny is free to go at the moment as he does really need to get that assignment done before class tomorrow and he'd rather do it before Dinner than after.

as he's running he doesn't look where he's going and bumps into somebody.

falling over Danny rubs his head

"Sorry, I guess I wasn't looking where I was--"

right then he sees what he hit, or rather.... who

oh wait, I said he bumped into somebody never mind it's not a reveal....

anyway it's Taro....

Taro Jokustar.

"Y--" Taro begins tipping his hat

"YARE YARE FUCKING DAZE!" Danny interrupts insecurely.

My Hero: The World(Bnha X jjba) BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now