Chapter 6: The New Iremacht

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L:   Wehrmacht flinched when MA referred to him as "German" rather than by name.  The Mandarian had every right to be angry at him, he couldn't even control his own son. He started to regret telling Iremacht about the invitation.  As Wehrmacht flew after MA, he could only hope that Iremacht was sensible enough not to pull any drastic moves during an important occasion in a foreign country. 


Germany heard the uncertainty in Poldara's voice.  His own nerves were just as charged but he told the kid evenly, "nein, nein, he wouldn't hurt us, we're family and friends. He likes teenagers too so you're in a good position."

M:   Poldara nodded slowly, though he didn't feel that reassured, he just grabbed Germany's arm and hugged it tightly, like he was a 5-year-old hiding behind his parents when they met someone new.  He barely even knew Germany yet he felt safe with him, and probably wasn't going to leave his side for a while. 

Meanwhile, Mandara was occupying himself by checking on the festival preparations, but it didn't go over well either.

"What do you mean he can't come, the ceremony is in two days and he's backing out now?" Mandara said irritably, the person on the other line spoke a bit and he nodded along, "custody disputes, how the hell can a man organize a rescue mission for his country, but not be able to hold a marriage together?" The person talked some more and Mandara sighed, "yeah, yeah, I understand, thank you." 

When he hung up Poland asked, "What happened Mandy, is something wrong?" He didn't get an answer because Mandara buried his face in a pillow and groaned as loud as he possibly could.

L:   Germany patted Poldara's hand, feeling both awkward and parental with the kid by his side. He heard Mandara groan after getting off the phone. Germany was beginning to be wary of any phone calls for anyone at this point. 

"The man who organized the rescue mission?" Germany echoed, "is he the one you were going to knight?"

M:   "He is," Poland answered for Mandara, "it was mostly me and MA who planned it, but Colonel Adam Jerod had helped gather the resources and the volunteers, we wouldn't have been able to rescue Mandy if he didn't help."

"And now he can't come because he and his wife are getting a divorce and they're fighting over who gets custody of their 6-year-old daughter," Mandara added as he lowered his pillow, "I know it's not something I should be mad about, but the stress has been piling up today and I don't know how much more I can take." he then reburied his head in his pillow like he was trying to hide from his problems.

L:   "Humans and their human problems," Germany sighed, "I stopped paying much attention to their issues, you should do the same Mandara. You're juggling too much responsibility otherwise, focus on one thing at a time.  Are all the other preparations going according to plan at least?" 


At the front of the estate, a car pulled up onto the driveway. The driver leaped out of the vehicle and went to open the backseat door but Iremacht stepped out on his own.  He barely looked at the driver as he waved him away.  His attention was focused on the mansion before him, assessing the number of windows, estimating the size, analyzing the front yard.  With one hand on his hip and the other shielding his eyes from the sun, Iremacht searched the sky for MA and Wehrmacht. 

M:   Mandara lowered his pillow again, this time deciding to just hug it so he could talk, "you make a good point Germany, but I refuse to abandon my people again, the last time I let them fend for themselves they were almost wiped out by Prussia. You may not think it, but being the leader of your country means that you are responsible for the wellbeing of your people, because if something happens to them, you won't have a country left to lead." 

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