Chapter 55: Acceptance

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M:   Unfortunately for Iremacht, someone else found Mandoria first. Russia stomped out into the backyard and plopped down on the porch stairs with a grunt. The commotion got Mandoria's attention and he flew down next to Russia to see what was going on.

"What do you want," he grumbled, "are you going to tell me I'm acting like my dad too?"

Mandoria cocked his head to the side in confusion, then hopped onto the Slavic country's lap and fluffed up his feathers as he sat down. Russia sighed and resolved to pet the bird.

"Why do I have to be compared to him," Russia asked Mandoria, not really expecting an answer, "no matter how hard I try to be myself, it's always Ussr who gets the recognition, guess now I know how Iremacht feels when everyone compares him to Prussia."

Mandoria chirped and rubbed his head against Russia's cheek to comfort him, who then just sighed again and continued to pet the eagle in silence.

L:   Iremacht stepped out onto the porch in time to catch Russia's last sentence. He clenched his fists when he heard Prussia's name used in conjunction with his. Even though it was to intentionally compare him, the familiar feeling of hate for his ancestor still burned.

"Annoying, isn't it?" Iremacht made sure Russia could hear his footsteps as he came up behind him. He spotted Mandoria on Russia's lap and held out his arm to invite the eagle onto a perch. "Having no personality of your own because some old fucker came before you and hogged it all." He sighed. "When all you wanted was to make a name for yourself."

M:   Russia turned to him as he walked over, listening to what he had to say. When Iremacht invited Mandoria over to perch on his arm, the eagle refused.

"Sorry Iremacht, but Mandoria typically reserves his attention for people who need comforting," Russia explained, but he took the bird on his arm and stood up to give him to Iremacht. Mandoria looked at him to see if he was sure about this, and when Russia gave permission with a nod, the eagle stepped onto the German's arm.

"But it's not like I deserve it from how I behaved," he grumbled, walking further into the backyard, "so, let's hear it, give me a scolding of how I acted like my father and should be nicer to MA and Bel. I don't have all day."

L:   "Psh, and get bitten by this feisty eagle here?" Iremacht tilted his head at Mandoria, who was clearly bent on giving Russia comfort and would likely attack anyone who didn't. "No thanks. Besides, I've never met USSR so I wouldn't know what he acted like. Honestly, what you said just now was stuff I expected to come from the grizzly-bear Russia that I do business dealings with all the time."

Iremacht leaned against one of the wooden poles propping up the porch roof and gazed fondly at the tree that he'd slept under two nights ago.

"I don't have siblings," he said. "But I heard a story once, from my Vater, about how he and Uncle acted when Weimar was dating your father." Iremacht paused. It was an awkward topic, given who he was talking to. Nevertheless, he continued, "They stalked Weimar so much. They were worried about him, as they should be. But when Weimar made his choice, they respected it. Even if things didn't turn out the best, they made sure to stick together and that's all that mattered."

M:   Russia hummed at Iremacht's tale, "I guess that makes sense, but your father and his brothers were a different story than this one. Reich and папа never had any issues with each other before they got together, nor did their families at that time, I think, but my family had a lot of issues with Mandara and MA."

Russia sighed and turned away from Iremacht, but continued speaking, "папа captured Mandara and Ukraine captured MA, both were put through hell and barely made it out with their sanity ... I guess ... I'm just scared that MA would try to take revenge for what we put him and his brother through. I know he would never do that ... but I guess when your father and younger brother hurt your best friends, you get paranoid that they could turn on you at any moment."

L:   "Then that means you don't trust them," Iremacht said. He let Mandoria fly off to his tree and crossed his arms. "And if you don't trust them, your friendship will never work out. The reason why the world around us falls apart so frequently is because we assume the worst in people. Not the best. We were wronged by a few and now expect everyone else to be the same."

Iremacht peered back inside the house. He saw France and Belarus laughing and whispering to each other, casting glances at MA. Iremacht sighed, remembering the tension he had with all three of them when he first arrived.

"I admit, I contribute to a lot of that shit that goes down everywhere," he said. "Making people distrustful." He looked back to Russia. "But perhaps this trip will change the both of us."

M:   "I hope so," Russia muttered, "because I don't want to lose the few friends I have, but I guess that when you have half the world as your enemy, you always find the worse in people."

He turned to Iremacht, "thank you for this little pep talk, I will try to keep it in mind in the future. For now, I think I will stay out here, can you tell MA and Belarus I said sorry and that I won't get in the way of their relationship."

L:   Iremacht arched his eyebrows at being told to be a messenger, but shrugged and said, "Alright. Just as long as, one day, you tell them yourself."

Iremacht waved to Mandoria, gave one more look at Russia on the porch, and returned to the living room. He ran into Wehrmacht first, who was about to step outside.

"Ah, I was going to check on you two," Wehrmacht said. "To make sure you didn't get into a fight or something."

"Please, if we were fighting, you'd have heard us," Iremacht snorted. "And the porch would be a wreck." He turned his father around and pushed him back into the house. "Let the bear enjoy his alone time outside."

France and Belarus stopped talking when Iremacht caught their eyes.

"Well?" France said.

"Russia says sorry for getting in the way of MA and Belarus's relationship. He's outside right now, thinking things through. But I'd say it's pretty much a green light."

M:   "Kind of wish he told us that himself, but I guess it's a start," Belarus simply said. She looked over to where MA, Mandara, and Poldara were standing, with Mandara and Poldara holding their new Mandoria plushies.

She smiled at the sight, seeing MA playing with his brother and nephew warmed her heart more than anything else in the world, she definitely considered herself lucky to have such a loving partner now.

Kaz walked up to everyone and asked, "say, I was wondering when everyone was deciding to leave, Rus and I still have a few hours so maybe we can all do something for the Mandarians to show our thanks for them inviting us."

Before anyone could say anything though, Poldara could be heard saying, "I wish I could have flown with Mr. Wehrmacht before he left, his wings are pretty when they are in the air and they shimmer purple like a raven's."

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