Chapter 52: Going Back Home

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L:   "Mandara is hurt," Germany started. "Wehrmacht's with him and MA. Mandara got his wing stuck. We might have to cut this game short after we free him."

"Yeah, we saw Mandara and MA already," Iremacht sighed. "Guess it's more serious than I thought."

"You saw them but left?" Germany said in disbelief. "Why didn't you help Mandara?"

"MA had it covered. Like I said, I didn't think it would be that bad." Iremacht paused. "It's not, is it?"

"I don't know. Uncle told me to fetch Russia right away so I didn't get a glimpse."

"Damn it, let's head over then. And if the manager of this place doesn't cover Mandara's injury, I'll throttle him."

M:   "I don't like when you make those jokes Iremacht," Poldara said, "they're scary and I don't know if you're being serious or not."

"He's right Iremacht," Russia agreed, "you really need to work on a filter."

Just then, a loud alarm sound came from everyone's guns, signaling the time has run out in the game. Everyone's vests blinked a few times then they all turned white to brighten up the darkness. When Poldara and Russia looked at their guns, a map appeared on the screen and showed a bunch of dots on it, there was a group of three dots next to their group and were getting closer.

"Looks like Mandara got free already," Russia said, "let's just wait for them here."

L:   Iremacht grumbled at Russia but gave Poldara a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, I'm on my best behavior here. I won't hurt anyone unless they hurt you."

"You sound like an overprotective parent," Germany scoffed. "You're not even married to Bundie yet."

"Would you shut up," Iremacht hissed, grabbing the front of Germany's shirt. "Bundeswehr isn't here, so we don't talk about him, alright?"

Despite being held by the shirtfront, Germany still rolled his eyes and pried Iremacht fingers away. He whispered to Poldara, "He's in denial."

M:   "I figured," Poldara whispered back, "but we can add overprotective parent to the list of things Iremacht is now."

Just then, Mandara, MA, and Wehrmacht turned a corner to the group. Mandara had unwrapped one of the bandages covering his arms and crudely wrapped it around his wing to control the bleeding. It wasn't dragging limply on the floor so no bones were broken, but it was being held slightly lower than his other one.

"Dad," Poldara said, he ran over and tackled his father with a worried hug, "dad, are you ok, how bad is it, did you break your wing?"

"Hey, easy there Blue-Jay," Mandara reassured him, "I'm alright, it's just a scratch, that's all."

L:   "That wedge he got stuck on should be a safety hazard," Wehrmacht pointed out. "We should notify the supervisor about this."

"And check the scores," Iremacht added, to which Germany elbowed him in the ribs.

"Get your priorities straight, Machty," Germany said.

"Just trying to lighten the mood."

They followed the directions on their maps and made their way out of the maze to the entrance. While the others took off their vests, Wehrmacht found the person in charge of the laser tag and explained what happened, pointing at Mandara's wing.

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