Chapter 31: Teenage Terror

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(Shit gets intense here, just know that Luv and I do not approve of bullying, this is just for entertainment purposes)

L:   Since the ride started slow, Iremacht was able to pinpoint Poldara as the seats revolved and gradually rose. He caught Poldara spreading his wings in the video on his phone and probably also caught a couple of Poldara's happy shouts. If it weren't for the fact that he had to maintain an intimidating image and that plenty of other humans were filming their children as well, Iremacht would've ordered the swing ride to stop so he could jump on himself.

Eventually though, the ride got too fast for his camera to register, so he turned off the video and simply watched the blur of swings.

At one point, a teenage girl skipped over to him and asked in a flirty voice if he could snap photos for her and her friends. Iremacht agreed, momentarily turning his back to the swing ride.

M:   When the ride eventually came to a stop and all the riders were let off, Poldara stumbled a little from being a little dizzy, he always got dizzy on this ride but that was one of the things he loved about it. After he took a few minutes to regain his composure he looked around and saw Iremacht taking selfies with a bunch of girls, he wondered if they were the same group he saw the German wink at earlier, he shrugged and started walking back over to him.

"Well how the chicken has landed," a voice called after Poldara.  Poldara's eyes widened, he didn't need to turn around to know who said that, he tried to run away but his wings were grabbed and he was yanked into a chokehold.

"Hey, let me go, don't hurt me," Poldara grunted as he struggled against the teen that was restraining him, his voice full of fear.

"I'm afraid we can't do that, Birdy," a male teenager said, "we haven't even had our fun yet."

Two other teens behind the first laughed maliciously, Poldara was terrified of what they were planning, but whatever it was definitely had something to do with his wings.

"Please Adem, I don't want to have fun, let me go or I'll tell my dads," the kid threatened, though his voice was shaking and he was starting to tear up from fear.

"And when has that ever stopped us before?" The first teen, most likely Adem, said with a sinister smile, "besides if your dads really loved you then they would have stopped us a long time ago."

Adem then grabbed Poldara's left-wing and pulled out a pair of scissors from his pocket, he always had them for this one reason. Poldara desperately tried to fight back but the teens were too strong and the one who was holding him was tightening the chokehold to make him stop.

"I-IREMACHT!!!" he managed to scream out.

L:   Iremacht saw Poldara get off the ride from the corner of his eye. And then he saw the arm around the kid's neck. The hands on his beautiful wings. The scissors. And the four teenagers who were responsible.

"Sorry ladies," Iremacht said without looking at the girls as he handed her phone back. "I have to—"

"Aww, stay a while," one of the girls cooed. There was something wrong with her voice, something that ticked Iremacht off. "We know the best places to party and eat out, come with us. We want to have fun with you, right girls?" Her tone and the other girls' expressions were suggestive and it made Iremacht want to vomit all over her.

"I'm afraid you're not my type of fun," Iremacht cooed right back.

He heard Poldara's scream. His whole body whipped in that direction but one of the girls grabbed his wrist.

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