Part 5 || bossy

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Y/N: "yeah?" She came downstairs asking Jay what he wanted

Jay: "cook me some food, I'm hungry" he plainly said to the girl to which she just nodded. She was still overwhelmed with her discovery of the box so she just did what he said not wanting to argue anymore

Her eyes are so red the boy thought to himself looking at her as she chopped some garlic. The boy looked at the numb expression on her face. He couldn't even tell what she was feeling, annoyed, sad, angry?

<time skip>

Y/N: "Jay" she said lifelessly to which he stood up from the couch and sat in front of her "here, hope you like it" with no emotion in her phrase, she headed upstairs again leaving him alone. He just stared at her confused on what's going on in her head

Jay: "will this even taste good? She was distracted the whole time" he cut the meat and ate it with some rice "holy-" he covered his mouth and looked back at the stairs. He cut another slice and ate it again. This is so fucking good! The boy ended up devouring the whole meal within 10mins. I mean he should know, he knows how to cook but he was just too lazy to. Every bite he took he was surprised with how much flavor was in it. He looked back at the kitchen and saw all the ingredients she used still laid out. He scanned it one by one and he would've never thought to use some of them if he had made the same dish. I have to admit, she has a talent for cooking

<time skip>


Y/N: "he's a jerk trust me"

Mina: "yeah you mentioned for the 100th time" we chuckled as we talked on the phone

Jay: "y/n! Can you turn the tv on!" Ughhh

Y/N: "hey I gotta go I'll ttyl" I hung up the call and stomped downstairs "seriously? The remotes right in front of you" I looked at him with my hands on my hips as he was laying down on the couch in front of the tv

Jay: "yeahhh but it's so faaaar" he dramatically tried reaching for it. I rolled my eyes grabbing the remote and throwing it at him

Y/N: "there's your remote... jerk" I whispered the last part under my breathe

Jay: "can you turn the heater on it's been chilly hasn't it?" He smirked at me and I looked at him angrily

Y/N: "there, happy now?" I turned it on and was about to walk away

Jay: "nope I want you to unpack for me"

Y/N: "The fuck? No! I'm not unpacking for you! Do it yourself"

Jay: "HEY!" I flinched and turned back around "I said unpack for me." I just stared at him with no expression "NOW!" I bit my lip and nodded bringing his backpack up.


The girl followed him scared he was going to do something to her if she didn't follow.

<time skip>

Y/N: "I'm done unpacking your stuff" she lazily sat down by the kitchen iland drinking some water tired from all the work she did that he was suppose to do

Jay: "great make me some food now" y/n was too tired to think that she just followed him

She got all the ingredients for dinner ready and started cooking. As she was slicing some onions she heard Jay call for her

Jay: "y/n! Where's my hoodie!" She held her forehead already so tired from having to unpack for 2 people. She started having a headache but still tried to concentrate

Y/N: "I don't know Jay" He headed for the stairs and looked at her

Jay: "I said where's my hoodie? That hoodie was my favorite!" He raised his voice at her


Y/N: "I don't even know what you're talking about"

Jay: "Y/N SERIOUSLY!" I opened my eyes wider and looked at him. I felt myself tearing up "I know I fucking packed that hoodie and now you lost it. Where the hell did you-"


Boyfriend: " -place my iPad y/n?!" He screamed at me as I kept my head down

Y/N: "babe, I told you you were the last one to use it so I wouldn't kno-"

Boyfriend: "ugh you and your excuses"


Boyfriend: "find it by today" he exited our apartment as I held my cheek on my knees

<flashback ends>

Jay: " -place my hoodie?!" It was almost word for word

I closed my eyes and ran up to his room as he followed behind me

Y/N: "he- here" I choked on my tears and ran out before he asks. I quickly finished cooking dinner and left everything prepared for him.

Jay's POV

She ran out before I could even ask why she was crying. Is she this spoiled? Tsk. I headed up to my room and laid down on my bed. I don't even know what I'm gonna do with that girl. Maybe I can boss her around? *smirks and chuckles*

<time skip; Monday>


Jay had an 8:00am lecture while y/n's first class was at 10:00am so this meant she could sleep in a little while longer.

Jay: "y/n! Where's my backpack!" He yelled in the house fully knowing y/n had a tiring day the day before. After a few seconds of not responding he yelled for her again "y/n! I need my backpack now!" Jay started getting angry and he didn't want to have to go up anymore. It was already 7:30am and it took 15mins to get to Uni. He's gonna be late if he stays any longer

On the other hand y/n heard everything he yeld but she just didn't have the strength to get up.

Jay: "y/n! I swear to God can't you just-" she heard him stomping up the stairs and this caused a flashback to happen


Boyfriend: " -get the fuck up! I need that sweater! Where did you place it? I told you to keep it!" He pulled off my blanket forcing me to sit up

Y/N: "it might be somewhere in your room"


Boyfriend: "you go look for it! I'm already late! You better find it if-"

<flashbacks ends>

Jay: " -not I'm gonna seriously get so mad at you" she was freaked out that he's been saying things word for word. She was traumatized by this experience causing her to just follow whatever Jay said

Y/N: "hold on! I'll get it for you!" She cut him off getting out of bed and entered his room giving him his backpack. The boy found it weird that she just followed him but he thought he could use her vulnerability to his advantage

He smirked with his idea and left for Uni

I'm sorry this chapter is sooo boring and it took a while to upload. I haven't been really getting ideas but please bare with me!! I'll try to make the next ones better!

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