Part 21 || I'm back

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All the members mouths dropped as they stared at the girl in front of them. Jay's eyebrows were furrowed his mouth was slightly open and his eyes had the look of anger and shock in them.

Y/N: "hi Jay..." the girl greeted the boy

Enhypen: "Y/N!" They engulfed her in a hug except for Jay. As Enhypen was squishing her to death Jay and y/n kept eye contact with no one breaking it. Enhypen noticed y/n wasn't answering any of their questions and averted their gaze onto Jay.

Jake: "uhh guys let's just catch up with her later, we should..." he signaled the others towards Jay and they understood moving back from y/n

Jay: "what are you doing here?" The boy calmly asked the girl even if he wanted to be angry at her but at the same time he wanted to run and hold her in his arms

Y/N: "I came back to stay here again"

Jay: "so you expect me to just welcome you after you didn't even let me explain?" The girl slightly expected this from Jay

Y/N: "no! I- I was suppose to only be gone for a few months! But my mom-"

Jay: "save it y/n! I don't wanna hear it!" He raised his voice at her

Beomgyu: "don't talk to her like that!" He intervened going in front of y/n glaring at Jay.

The moment Jay saw him he felt heavy on his chest and shoulders. His face fell from anger to sadness and confusion. Is this her new boyfriend? Did she move on because she thought I cheated? Was it that fast? He recomposes himself and looked at them

Jay: "and who are you to tell me that"

Beomgyu: "let's just say someone who was actually there for her" he spat back with a smirk

Y/N: "we don't have time for that right now!" The girl warned the boy and he moved back slightly getting the tension between the couple "Jay you have to understand-"

Jay: "understand why you left without explaining? Understand why you just left me a note? Understand how Jungwon and Mina knew you were leaving but not me? Your husband? Understand how-"

Y/N: "I DON'T EXPECT YOU TO UNDERSTAND IF YOU WON'T EVEN LET ME EXPLAIN!" She yelled at the boy cutting him off. She closed her eyes and sighed calming herself down. The members looked at each other with big eyes. They were sending each other an oh-damn or a she's-scary or what's-gonna-happen-next face but they communicated through their eyes. Mina who was outside was alarmed by this, Hyunwoo started waking up because of the yelling and she panicked and started swaying him around trying to get him back to sleep but unfortunately it wasn't working

Jay: "fine go, I'll let you explain" the girl sighed but just before she started talking Hyunwoo's cries were heard from outside

Oh no his bag is in here! What am I supposed to do now?! The girl thought

Jay: "wait... why's there a baby outside?" He pushed passed everyone even if Beomgyu and Jungwon tried stopping him. He opened the doors and saw Mina carrying Hyunwoo

Jay: "who's-"

Mina: "shut up first" she was always like this, straight to the point no unnecessary talk

Mina pushes Jay out of the way and knelt down as she searched through the baby's bag. Enhypen stood there in shock of the baby. Everyone except Beomgyu, y/n, Jungwon and Mina were shocked and confused on why there was a baby, and who's baby. Mina tried calming Hyunwoo down but it wasn't working. As y/n was about to intervene someone beat her to it

Jay: "give me him" he grabbed Hyunwoo from Mina and started slightly bouncing him and swaying him around saying little calming words "there there" even if he didn't know who's baby this was, even if he had a feeling it might be y/n's and not his, he still has a caring heart. Hyunwoo calmed down in a matter of a few seconds of Jay swaying him. Y/n was surprised but she just thought that the baby could really feel the dads energy. She thought she should get Hyunwoo so she did. She got him and carried him in her arms. Once he fell back asleep she passed Hyunwoo to Beomgyu as he kissed the baby's head and brought it into deeper sleep.

Y/N: "Beomgyu, maybe you should..." she sent him a signal saying to go to another room for a while

Beomgyu: "oh yeah ok fighting" he raised his fist and did like a good luck gesture to which the girl nodded

Jay: "so you have a family now?"

Y/N: "n-"

Jay: "with him...?"

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