Part 15 || recording

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Mina: "y/n!" She yelled from downstairs. I sat up from my position and wondered

Y/N: "I'm up here!" I yelled back, I heard footsteps stomping towards the room until the door burst open "why are you-"

Mina: "you have to listen to this!" She sat down on the bed beside me and opened her phone

Y/N: "wait- what? What's going on?"

Mina: "ok look I just wanna say sorry first" before I was about to ask why she spoke "I've been meeting up with Jay to help him prove to me that he actually truly likes you and he didn't cheat" I was lost for words

Y/N: "Mina- I- *sigh* why didn't you tell me?"

Mina: "I'm sorry... but it was worth it! Trust me! Just listen to this!" She pressed play on the recording and then I heard two people talking

Girl: "I thought you liked that y/n? Why did you decide to go out with me?"

Jay: "nahh I was just joking with my friends, why would I like someone like her?" I frowned at what he said

Girl: "that's good cause I'm better than her anyway" I scrunched my nose at how annoying she sounds. Few seconds of silence until she spoke again "Do you like me oppa?" I gulped waiting for his answer

Jay: "y-yeah" I sighed, whats Mina doing? I'm just getting hurt more...

Y/N: "Mina I don't wanna-"

Mina: "wait! Trust me!" She stopped my arm and sat me back down.

Girl: "ok good because before we start dating I want to come clean to you. I actually made y/n think you cheated on her with me through a photoshopped photo cause I thought you guys were dating" wait- it was photoshopped? So that means... he never cheated? Well actually it's not really cheating we weren't exactly dating it's just a fixed marriage

Mina: "see! Did you hear that!"

Y/N: "y-yeah!" My chest felt like a hundred pounds was taken away. And my shoulders started relaxing and my body didn't feel as stiff. I felt so much lighter like, there's isn't that burden on myself anymore

Girl: "b-but I thought you liked me?" The recording continued

Jay: "I don't like a person who gonna hurt others just to get what she wants" so it really was all part of his plan! I smiled to myself

Girl: "so you like y/n now?! I thought you said you didn't like her!"

Jay: "well guess what? I lied!"

Girl: "why do you even like that bitch?!" Bitch my ass.

Jay: "she's the sweetest kindest human being ever! She's put up with me even though I was a jerk! She forgave me when I did her wrong! She's the funniest person I've ever know, she takes care of me even if I treated her badly! She's a girl I fell for without even knowing it! She never judges me for who I am and I'm gonna get her back even if it takes me a hundred years!" I heard running sounds next and Mina stopped playing the recording.

Y/N: "I can't believe he said that about me" I smiled and Mina hugged me tightly

Mina: "so are you gonna..."

Y/N: "I'll talk to him but-" we pulled apart and I faced her "I'll talk to him tomorrow"

Mina: "tomorrow? But that's your wedding day?" I nodded

Y/N: "exactly"

<wedding day>


The two were backstage getting ready. Everyone was gathered for this special day. Well at least that's what the guests knew. All they think is that y/n and Jay's getting married out of love. They don't know it's just for business... or is it?

It was only a few minutes left until the ceremony started. The behind the scenes camera came inside y/n's room to film her

Mina: "wheres that beautiful bride~!" Her bestfriend came in with the camera as y/n hid a piece of paper "oooo~ what's that?"

Y/N: "it's just my wedding vows" she smiled innocently to the camera. Mina turned the camera off and faced her bestfrined.

Mina: "you got this ok?" The girl sadly smiled "hey don't be sad, you look beautiful, your gown is amazing and we're gonna have a great wedding ok!" She said in a cheering tone

Y/N: "ok!" Mina turned the camera back on

Mina: "well that's all for the bride let's go check on the groom" she watched as her bestfriend exited while talking to the camera. She chuckled and looked down again on the paper. I'm so nervous!

Mina entered Jay's room as he was checking himself in the mirror

Mina: "is y/n marrying a prince or what?" She chuckled and Jay smiled embarrassed by the compliments

Jay: "thanks Mina" she filmed him as he continued getting ready. She stopped the camera and faced Jay

Mina: "you're gonna be fine Jay, trust me"

Jay: "how would I know that? You don't even wanna tell me how it went with y/n!"

Mina: "just trust me ok!"

Jay: "hey but you-!" Mina started rolling the camera causing Jay to shut up. I mean they couldn't find on camera

Mina: "well that's it for the groom! See ya guys at the wedding" she said the last sentence while the camera was facing her.

Both y/n and Jay sighed leaning back on their chairs while looking at the piece of paper with their vows

Person: "excuse me? It's time"

Hey guys I was just wondering if you find the story boring?? Cause I feel like I'm kinda dragging it. So please tell me what u think

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