Part 14 || fake date

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<time skip 6 days later>


During those 6 days, Jay was able to set up the "date" he had with that girl. Mina was keeping a close eye on the boy and so far y/n had no suspicions. Speaking of y/n, she's been staying at Mina's ever since and well, she's been recovering. At least she was distracted for a while... I mean a sleepover with your best friend everyday? I think you'd be distracted as well. Their wedding was the next day and there were a lot of things going on but Jay was able to squeeze in his plan

Mina: "y/n! I gotta go somewhere if there's any problem just call me!" She shouted from downstairs

Y/N: "ok! Thanks Mins!" Her bestfriend yelled back from her room. Today was the plan of the so called "date" Jay and that girl had.

<time skip>

Mina: "I swear Jay if she doesn't confess I'm gonna kick you in the-" she was saying seriously but at the same time in a slight joking way

Jay: "trust me" his tone was different, he really was full on serious. Mina realized this and decided to be serious as well. Maybe you really did fall for y/n...

Jay: "alright she just messaged me, she'll be here in 2 mins. Go hide somewhere and I'm gonna keep my phone inside my jacket while it's recording ok?" The girl nodded and hid somewhere

The other girl finally arrived with a giant smile on her face. God her makeup, Mina thought as she watched them. To be fair her face was caked and her outfit was so revealing Jay found it disgusting. It was a park date who wears tight shorts that are up to their butt and a crop top that's almost like a bra? Jay rolled his eyes without the girl noticing and put on his fake smile

Jay: "let's go?" The girl happily clung onto his arm and they went walking around the park

Girl: "Jay~" she called out to him in a singing tune. He hummed in response, "don't you wanna go to the mall? You can buy me so much things there!" She pouted at him while Jay looked at her in the cringiest way he can

Jay: "I uhh I didn't bring money and I think it's better if we're alone right?" He cringed at what he said and tried his best to smile

Girl: "fine" they walked in silence for a bit until the girl spoke "I thought you liked that y/n? Why did you decide to go out with me?"

Jay: "nahh I was just joking with my friends, why would I like someone like her?" He lied and the girl smirked

Girl: "that's good cause I'm better than her anyway" she flipped her hair and clung onto his arm tighter. "Do you like me oppa?"

Jay: "y-yeah" he felt like barfing at what he said

Girl: "ok good because before we start dating I want to come clean to you" Jay smiled but tried not to show it. Yes! She's gonna confess "I actually made y/n think you cheated on her with me through a photoshopped photo cause I thought you guys were dating" she innocently smiled while Jay smiled evilly. Finally he can stop this act

Jay: "why would you do that?" He harshly removed his arm away from the girl angrily

Girl: "wh-what?"

Jay: "what kind of person would do that?!" He raised his voice at the girl. He probably got her to confess already Mina thought as she heard Jay yell

Girl: "b-but I thought you liked me?"

Jay: "I don't like a person who gonna hurt others just to get what she wants" he was about to walk away until she heard the girl start throwing a fit

Girl: "so you like y/n now?! I thought you said you didn't like her!" She pouted and stomped her feet

Jay: "well guess what? I lied!"

Girl: "why do you even like that bitch?!"

Jay: "she's the sweetest kindest human being ever! She's put up with me even though I was a jerk! She forgave me when I did her wrong! She's the funniest person I've ever know, she takes care of me even if I treated her badly! She's a girl I fell for without even knowing it! She never judges me for who I am and I'm gonna get her back even if it takes me a hundred years! " He yelled his fullest to the girl and walked away. She wasn't dumb, she realized what he did. So he got me to confess and then left me? She wiped her tears walking away from Jay... maybe I do deserve this...

Jay ran back to where he met up with Mina looking around for her

Mina: "Jay" she calmly called her out as she went out of her hiding spot

Jay: "I got it!" He painted holding his phone while showing it to the girl with the biggest smile on his face

Mina: "let's listen to it" they played the recording and that's when Mina finally believed Jay. They paused the recording before it finished and Mina looked at Jay with shining eyes "this is perfect send it to me and I'll let y/n listen to it!"

Jay: "wait, why can't I show it to y/n" he retracted his phone

Mina: "she uhh she kind of said she doesn't wanna see you till the wedding" Jay was hurt but understood why. He nodded and sent the full recording to Mina. "I'll see you tomorrow and I'll let you know how it goes!" The girl ran off as the boy sat down by the park praying she'll forgive him

Wonder what'll happen when y/n here's what Jay said about her...

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