Chapter 11 - blood bath

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A timer counts down from 1 minute. That's how long we need to stand on our metal plates. If you step off anytime before a land mine will blow you sky high. Dead, before anything begins. Right in front of me is a golden structure. It's like a horn with a curved tail reaching to at least 7 metres in the air. I'm focused more whats inside. Racks of wepons and bags full of survival means. Around the edges are small things that have less importance within the games. I won't worry about them. The land is flat ,on the right in close proximity is a river. A source of water is always good. And behind that a piney woods, to the other side there is long grass. No one is their right mind would go there. A number of things can be hidden wild creatures and man made traps from the game makers. The tributes are all in an arch facing twords the mouth of the cornucopia. I look around I'm between Marvel and Marina a good starting position. I look down and see Cato his between the boy
from district 7 and district 6. And katniss is just in the other side of Marvel. I position myself to run.

The cannon goes off signifying the start of the games my feet are already taking me twords the cornucopia. Glimmer reaches it just after me. And then all of the pack is here together. I look around the cornucopia, looking for my knives, they have to be here. I can hear the yelling going around behind me. I turn back around making sure nobody's pursuing me and at lest 3 body's already lie on the floor. That's when I see it , a beautiful zip up vest filled with every kind off knife. Not having time to put it on I fling it to the back of the cornucopia and pick up half a dozen knifes.

I start running out the cornucopia surveying the chaos around me when I see two tributes fighting over a pack. I launch a knife into the boys back and immediately start running closer. another knife on the ready. He falls to the floor. Revealing the person he was grappling with was Everdeen. I'm about 10 metres away running twords her, I smile launching the knife at her head. She pulls the pack up and my knife lodged in to it. I curse. She didn't die and I just gave her a weapon. She runs in to the woods. It would be a bad move to pursue her so I run back to the bloodbath, I can see Cato stabbing the boy from District 5, and marvel holding a spear to the district 7 girl. Glimmer cries out for Cato as the district 8 Male pushes her to the floor, I ready a knife at a kill spot to get the 8 boy but Cato is already over there. I see the district 4 who we disbanded from our group. His hidden under a bunch of boxes as he crawls out holding a few supply's a boy who's face I can't see swings a spear into his head. His not a career so I throw I knife into his kneck watching him collapse to the floor on top of the boy he just killed.

I can see Marina digging around the weapons, there's no trident, her main weapon. It's a weird thing to pick as a weapon anyway. They normally only appear when there's a lot of water present. She kicks a shelf of spears making them clatter to the floor. I run over to my knife vest, stepping over several bodies in the process,
taking off my jacket and zipping the vest on over my T-shirt, it was obviously made for me. It's just the right size. I put my jacket back on over the top leaving it open so I have easy access's for my knives. I take some time to study them, there all beautifully ranging from every size and type of blade.

We all gather in the middle of the cornucopia.

"We better walk away so they can collect the bodies" shrugs Cato

The hovercraft won't come down with living tributes in close proximity to it. So we walk over to the river and wash all the blood off. We tell each other our kills. I tell them I got close to Katniss which makes them smile. They're all scrubbing hard when I realise I don't have any blood on me so I sit by the side of the river watching them all wash themselves. Across the way we see the hovercraft drop down and collect the people we've mostly killed.

"Let's go look at our bounty" Marvel smiles

We run joyfully back to the cornucopia. And I swear I see a dash of orange running into the tree line when we reach there. I don't give it a second thought ,The amount of stuff we've equited is enormous

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