Part 2

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Jin had never seen such a huge campus. He was intrigued by the colour of the walls, the different smells on people and the fact that gay people were allowed to be who they truly were. In his old college, the conservative staff shunned students who were gay but here everthing was colourful and happy. He knew he liked men but always pretended otherwise because he was afraid of being alone. He had always hidden his sassy, bitchy personality infront of everyone and been that soft good boy so he could make more friends. And it always worked. Everyone loved him and praised him. He loved the attention and the praise. But he never let anyone understand that. Today, however he was in an unfamiliar zone. Everyone was open and honest and he didn't understand how to behave so that he could make new friends . When Taehyung left him alone infront of his next class he was afraid and unsure of how to behave. Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder and a voice behind him said " Hi! Where are you headed to?"

Jin turned around and looked at a smiling face. " I'm Jhope! I am a part of the student body. You seem lost". "I need to attend this class. I'm new here. My name is Jin. Nice to meet you". Jin smiles and gently bows. Jhope smiles and says," Cool! we share classes. Why don't you sit next to me? Let's be friends!". Jin agrees and sits next to him. Classes are more exciting than he thought it would be. He feels content because everyone here is open, friendly and honest. However, he has kept his facade his entire life. He has always pretended to be a good, nice person no matter what. So he decides to be the same. He can't afford to make any enemies and he wants all the attention as usual. So he continues to be the same stereotypical boy that he has always been.

Little does he know, how his life is going to change.......

Jungkook POV:

I am in the canteen when the smell of the new boy hits me again. I have slept with most of the omegas on campus. So I know a new omega when I smell one. This one is exciting because I haven't smelt such a nice scent in a long time after my affair with the college's cutest girl Sunmi. That was in first year. I smile because it's been a longtime since I've gotten fresh meat. I need a new boyfriend. To use and throw has always been my motto. These games never get boring. I don't know why I am so unemotional, but these flings make my life exciting and intoxicating.

I walk to the source of the scent. It's a tall broad-shouldered boy with black hair. Sitting next to Hobi. I clench my teeth. Why is Hobi near my target!
I realize how jealous I feel over someone who I haven't even seen. "This is not me", I remind myself. Why do I feel like this. "It has to be the smell". Jimin looks at me weirdly and I realize I spoke out loud.

I slide into the seat opposite this boy and capture his face. He's beyond gorgeous. Thick plump lips accompanied by beautiful eyes and a noble- nose with a surprised expression makes this boy look like a devil. He looks so sinful, innocent, Fuck! His skin is flawless and he's so cute I can feel my breathe stop. This Omega has to be mine first. He's mine I mentally declare. Meanwhile Hobi looks at me with a glare. He surely doesn't appreciate my interruption. I immediately decide to play the sincere character. That is sure to attract this innocent angel.

Jin POV:

Jhope seems angry when he looks at this new boy who sits opposite me. I decided to eat lunch with Jhope and his friend Namjoon when this new boy suddenly came and sat with us. He's undoubtedly handsome with strong features. An aquiline nose. Strong hypnotic eyes and the most muscular arms. I'm fantasizing about how he can tie me up when J-hope's voice brings me back to reality. "Why did you miss the last class Kookie?". " Ah! Hobi Hyung I wanted to return a library book", this hot man says. I am internally laughing. I know he must've slept with half the school. He looks like a typical fuckboy with a denim jacket and nice fitting jeans. He's too hot to even enter a library. All I can watch is his beautiful mouth and imagine how soft it must be. I can imagine his thick veiny arms lifting me up and..... I realise, I can't lose control. I can't date a man! My parents will hate me. My old university friends will ostracize me. I can't stand it if someone hates me!

So I force myself to look at the food and imagine it's the most exciting thing in my life. If this is what this college looks like I doubt I can keep my real identity hidden for any longer. Suddenly I feel a hand nudge my shoulder and I look up to see this hot man mouthing the words, "What's your name". I don't respond. I can't hear him. All I can imagine is his perfect lips on mine. I look at him longer than intended and then i hear him say " Stop checking me out so shamelessly babe". It hits me and I realise what I'm doing. I'm ashamed at my actions. I just pick up my bag and walk off. This man makes me feel things I can't be feeling. I'm ashamed of my lack of self control. I walk away and slowly run to my next class.

I can hear Hobi calling out to me. I can't wait. I run.



I feel shitty. I was supposed to be a good friend and stuff to capture Jin. Instead I freak him out. Why did he run like an idiot. I feel stupid. I'm going to fix things. I run behind Hobi and tell him to let me handle this. I have to date Jin. This cute boy can't walk around like this.Some idiot will get to him before me and date him before I do. I won't let that happen on my turf.

I run to see new boy has entered an empty classroom. He tries to shut the door, when I stick my hand out and push it back forcefully. The new boy nearly falls when i grab his waist and pull him in front. He is blushing. " Wow I have quite an effect", I think. The smell of cacao hits my nose and I force myself not to breathe else I know I'll end up making out with this Omega. "Control JK!! Control!!"

I let go of him and speak in a goody normal voice and say "Hi I am Jungkook!", " I am 20, Love Dota and would like to make your acquaintance".
The new boy awkwardly clears his throat,bows and gently says, " I am deeply sorry for running away like that. I umm unfortunately straight and am sorry for staring at you and making you feel uncomfortable like that. That was not my intention and I am sorry for weirding you out. My name is Kim Seokjin and I am pleased to meet you. I like Dota and enjoy playing League of Legends a lot".

When he says he is straight I want to laugh. I know the look of a smitten Omega when I see one. I've slept with too many to make a mistake.
I think, "Run as far as you want Jin. You will soon be under me writhing and calling out my name like a good baby boy".

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