Part 6

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long chapter!!!!


The way Jin says "Alpha" awakens something deep in Jungkook. He is so incredibly turned on by the sight of a begging and needy Jin. However, he controls himself.

Jungkook decides to take Jin home. He somehow gets the whimpering Hyung to sit on the bike behind him.
"Jin Hyung please please hold on to me tightly. This ride may be a little rough for you"

So Jin does. He clings onto Jungkook for his life. Jungkook, on the other hand, finds it increasingly difficult to drive with Jin hugging him from behind. Jin's fingers are everywhere. The heat and pheromones he emits are far too strong for his inner feral alpha instinct to ignore. Jin is just moaning and mewling into his ears like a little kitten. He is literally clinging onto Jungkook so badly, Jungkook is pretty sure he may have left some bruises on his hips.

They reach Jungkook's penthouse.

However right now with Jin emitting all sorts of perfume, Jungkook is finding it hard to control his emotions. Jungkook literally has to lift Jin in his arms bridal style and carry him home. They enter Jungkook's apartment and Jin is pleasantly surprised at how neat it is. He always assumed Jungkook would have a dirty, messy house but the whole place is super neat and aesthetic. "God bless his maid. She must really be patient."
What Jin doesn't know is Jungkook treats his house like a sanctuary. Jungkook hasn't bought a single person home. Not even Jimin. He is very protective of his place.

" If we go to a hotel, god alone knows how many alphas I will have to fight off. This is the best place", he thinks. But deep down he doesn't know why he cares for Jin in such a primal way.

Jin is writhing and twisting on his bed. He is crying and moaning. He looks so unhappy and sinful at the same time. "Hyung I can either help you in your heat or I can drive down and get some medical help. What do you want?"

"Get medical help Kookie. I have never gone into heat before!I can't go into heat."

"But Hyung you are an omega. At least you should have experienced your first heat!! This is so unhealthy! Why are you so irresponsible Hyungie!! I have never seen an Omega who has never gone into heat. This is scary Hyung!"

Jin cries and looks at Jungkook with fiery purple glinting in his eyes. "I am straight. I am not going to experience heat like some pathetic Omega. I can't be an alpha, but atleast I can avoid being an Omega".

"Hyung you are really low to think heats make any Omega weak or less superior! A heat is a beautiful part of any Omega!"

"That is not true. In my town it is looked down upon. So many gay couples have been ostracized. A heat is a curse Jungkookie. If I experience it once, I don't want to regret my life. Instead of that, I might as well never know what it's like to be an omega.", saying so he weeps copiously.
Jungkook feels his heart spill open. He realizes Jin's parents and the society have brainwashed him into thinking he is disgusting if he chooses a man over a woman. He gets angry and wants to go and attack them.

He cautiously walks over to Jin and sits next to him. He gently laces his fingers into Jin's fingers and looks at him. "Baby, Look at me. How do you feel? Do you feel any relief if I hold your hand"

Jin is surprised to feel a wave of relief wash over him!

"It is better. Much better Kookie".

"See Hyung! This is nature. It's okay for an alpha and an omega man to desire for each other. This is nature. What you have been doing for 23 years is unnatural. It will destroy you eventually. "
He places his palm on Jin's face. " Babe this is okay. I think you should let yourself go into heat. It's your first time. Besides, I am here. I will protect you and care for you like your alpha. Let nature take its course. Why are you hurting yourself? Love has no boundaries. I don't know what your parents have told you, But I am not afraid to tell you they are wrong. They can't decide your life Jin. You have to decide it, baby. A heat is a beautiful thing. It lets you explore your sexuality and brings about the most beautiful pups in this world. A heat is why so many of us have come to this planet. How can something that gives life be bad?"

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