Part 4

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Park Jimin is the college's second playboy. His chesire-like eyes and small frame with white skin and plump lips makes him the most desired man on campus. His rendezvous with Jungkook has earned him a new fandom by the name "Jikook", where everyone loves the two of them.

'Everyone except Jungkook", Jimin thinks cynically as he rushes to his lecture in the afternoon.

Jimin feels lonely. He hates how fickle jungkook is. Kookie is busy making love to him in the washroom at college and then the next moment he is kissing a new boy at college. Isn't he enough for Kookie? He has resolved to give enough love for both Kookie and him. But these days even that doesn't seem to be enough.

Kookie has stopped talking to him or hanging out with him. He only seems to want to fuck Jin. It's hilarious that it's been a week since Jungkook has slept with anyone. Normally Kookie doesn't go a day without sex but now he has gone for a week without even making out with someone. This is just beyond Jimin's understanding. jungkook doesn't seem to care for jimin anymore. He feels lonely, broken and extremely dull without jungkook.

This morning however he needs to submit a presentation and is running towards class when he bumps into an obstacle. He looks up and realises he is looking at the biggest dork in class, Taehyung. Taehyung is awkward, a dork and the biggest nerd anyone can ever find on this planet. His sense of fashion? Only wide pants is what Jimin thinks.

Taehyung gulps and says, " Sorry Jimin-shi".

"Get lost", Jimin smirks and walks away. As he walks away he remembers, "This is that new boy Jin's cousin. I could fuck him as Jin took Jk away. Maybe I should screw around with poor little taetae".


Jungkook is in hell. Jin has completely friend-zoned him. Jin talks to him like a complete friend and Jk can't take it. He is so afraid of hitting on Jin because whenever he does that Jin goes far away. Jin on the other hand has begun to get annoyed with Jungkook for every small thing. He enjoys hurting Jungkook. Jin has a mini sadistic side to himself but till date he has never explored this side because he has always been the nice guy of the class. However with jungkook he can't seem to stop wanting to tease him and irritate him. He wants to see how far he can can push jungkook before his real colours come out. He is trying his best to make jungkook run away from him, but the harder he tries jungkook seems to only try harder. " he just isn't going to give up and it's annoying", Jin thinks. He is losing his patience and he is afraid of losing his temper. He has never felt so vulnerable and out of control before.

Today seems to be the last straw of his patience. Jungkook is sincerely copying his notes and acting all studious. " Kookie I want to eat ice-cream, could you get two cups. I'll wait in the parking lot". "Sure Hyung, anything for you", He beams and starts putting his stuff inside to go get some ice-cream. Jungkook goes and gets two cups of ice-cream and comes back to the parking lot to find a missing Jin. Suddenly it hits him, Jin is angry and annoyed with him. Now Jungkook feels horrible, insulted and hurt. Maybe if he went back to being that cold fuckboy, Jin would probably sleep with him. The new Kookie is a boring, nerdy version which Jin must not like. As he feels tears pricking his eyes, he hears Jin say, "Kookie you are the sweetest". He swallows a breath and turns and gives a smiling Jin one cup of ice-cream.

Truth be told, Jin did run away. But as he walked away he felt really bad for Jungkook. This was probably the first time anyone was pursuing him with such zeal. This scared Jin. He knew at all costs he couldn't date the younger even if he fantasized about his ass all day. Jungkook had such a weird effect on Jin, it was otherworldly.

Jin came back. He never wanted to hurt Jungkook in any way. Jk was probably the first good friend he's ever had. Atleast in the name of friendship he can hang out with him...............


Jimin is having the time of his life. Kim Taehyung the awkward dork was actually a sex god. Beneath all those layers of wide pants and loose clothes, lies a toned hottie with the cutest body. Jimin being the player he was, barely took a day or two to get the pliant, weirdly handsome Taetae under the sheets. Taehyung actually had a crush on Jimin from the day he saw him in first sem. When Jimin asked him to teach him Fourier series, Taehyung could hardly believe the hottest man on the planet wanted his company, let alone even look at him.

Taehyung was too innocent to understand what "Hanging out", meant in Jimin's terms, but as soon as Jimin started kissing him he became a pliant and an adorable bottom for Park Jimin. Jimin usually enjoyed being at the receiving end but with Tae he somehow wanted to be at the top. As soon as all the nerdy clothes got off, Jimin couldn't believe what he had missed. "I should have fucked him for three years", he thought. Taehyung has a toned chest and nicely built pecs. He had tanned skin and the nicest perfume. Jimin enjoys looking at Taehyung's cute ass while he bends down and fingers him.

Jimin smacks Taehyung's ass and watches the omega squirm under his touch. He inserts a finger into Tae's tight entrance and watches the Omega mewl like a kitten. "Jimin-sshi", Taehyung cries.

"Take it Taetae. Does it hurt too much? Should I stop love?", Jimin says while messily nibbling Taehyung's ears. "A little slow". Jimin then begins to finger him tenderly. He touches taetae like he is glass. Like he's some fragile thing that could break any minute. He is so tender that when he finally enters Taehyung, Tae is grateful for all the love and is literally weeping in joy. Jimin turns Tae around and proceeds to kiss him and make love like both of them had never known.

Jungkook never let anyone kiss him even if he had sex. Jimin missed the tender part of lovemaking whenever he slept with Jungkook.

He actually thoroughly enjoys bestowing his tenderness on Taehyung. As he looks at a naked Taehyung sleeping contentedly under the sheets he notices the mole on Taehyung's nose and at the bottom of his lips. He finds him really cute like a puppy. He is so handsome and adorable. Jimin can feel his heart squeeze at this sight. So, the playboy Jimin actually takes a chance and gently pulls Taetae into his embrace. He lets his chin onto Taehyung's shoulder and scents him and falls asleep.

Park Jimin is actually a very sensitive alpha. He may be a playboy but he's become one only for Jungkook. He loved Kookie with all his heart but was slowly was walking into depression with the lack of reciprocity from the other side. He's tired of being rejected and constantly used.

He misses the loving Jungkook gave him at the beginning. Even if it lasted for two months it was the best months of his life. However, every person has a limit and Jimin was reaching his limit. ................


Jimin finds Taehyung's incoherent mumbling at the morning adorable. He finds Taetae too cute. "Jimi-shi, could you drop me home? I need to collect my record work and submit my projects". "I will, but first kiss me". Jimin feels greedy. Even if this fling is going to last for a day he wants to make the most of it. He is greedy for more and doesn't want to end this too quickly unlike his earlier days. He actually wants a chance with this adorable and weird Omega.

Meanwhile, Jungkook actually sat with Jin throughout the night and finished his project. For the first time in history, he hasn't stayed up all night for sex, but for actually doing some productive work. "Is it worth it though?", he thinks. But as he sees Jin's plump lips and broad-shoulders, he knows it's more than worth it. The day he has this baby boy under him, that day will be his reward. Till then the game will be intoxicating enough to stick on...

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