10. Toilet Paper

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Our pocky thudded to the floor.

Sparks. There were sparks everywhere. Only, how could I see them if my eyes were shut? No, I wasn't seeing them- I was feeling them. Jolts of electricity singed my spine, stood my hair on end, burned my lips. My head swam with bliss- Bliss?

What the hell was I doing? Was I- am I- Yes, Hanji, I'm quite alright. The entire moment was entirely too much to handle, but nonetheless, I couldn't think. I believe the other pair of lips had begun to move against mine, too.

I wasn't looking, so I didn't see the fist that collided with my nose until I'd stumbled back, gasping, my eyelids fluttering. My back hit a wall. Pain bloomed in my shoulder blades. I brought a hand to my face, and it came away spotted with blood on the fingertips.

Horrified, I looked up. There stood Levi, his feet spread and planted firmly, hands in fists at his sides. Fire burned in his eyes, a fire so hate-filled that I flinched. Behind us, the group watched with wide, wide eyes.

Krista had a hand to her gaping mouth; Erwin observed with an impassibe expression; Connie looked as if he was finally getting his revenge; and Ymir sniggered with glee. All I could focus on was the seething man in front of me. He breathed heavily, eyes narrowed into deadly slits. A faint blush spread across his cheekbones (I probably would not have noticed were he not so pale). I shrunk into myself.

"You," Levi panted. "You pig."

My eyes went wide as his composure went slack. He stood straight, and with that, stalked out of the room. I stuttered for a second, a deep shade of red inking my face, all down my neck, and up my ears. The pocky, now in two, caught my gaze.

"Eren," Krista groaned persistently. I met her gaze with disbelief. "Go," she murmured.

I searched her face for a moment, but all I could see was compassion and hope. Dammit, I hissed internally. What is wrong with me?

My feet thudded against the floor as I rushed out of the room. This was humiliating and dramatic and ridiculous- all at the same time, for chrissakes. I felt like this was some cheesy soap opera or badly written book, and Levi and I were the two sworn enemies who finally- and predictably- kissed, to all the fan's immense pleasure.

I squeezed in between people, shoved them, elbowed past. They didn't even seem to notice. It was like I was the lone sardine attempting to escape a can filled with his dead friends. I caught a swift blow to my gut, and when I opened my mouth to gasp, a handful of hair from a head-tosser had me spitting and swiping at my cheeks in disgust.

I was sweating, but I couldn't feel the heat. This was a hopeless situation, but I couldn't stop pushing frantically. My eyes spun with dizziness, but my mind was as clear and sharp as ice. If not to simply see him, I needed to apologize. And that thought made me stop right there, frozen and blinking in confusion.

I was a still figure amongst whirling adults and darting lights. What... was I doing? Didn't I hate him? You hurt my friend, I thought. Everything appeared in slow motion. The music had faded to a muffled vibration in my ears, and the dancers never even seemed to touch me; I was alone with my thoughts. I blinked again. Levi deserved this embarassment.

My eyes narrowed. Levi, you bastard.

I lurched forward, anger boiling in my veins. I didn't know why I was angry, or where it had come from, but I was, I was so. My vision tunneled. I could see the door- that damned door.

I slammed it open and looked from side to side. A flash of black. I stomped towards it, fury making me see red. I was so clouded with emotion. What would I even do when I saw the bully? What would I do? Not knowing was what sent a trickle of fear into my mind. I rounded the corner.

There he was, his back turned towards me, sauntering away. That stupid walk- I wanted it to stop so bad it hurt.

"Hey!" I barked visciously.

When he stopped and craned his head around, the sunshine in my blood stilled to a cold sludge. My eyes widened. What was I doing again? Why was I angry? I could never be angry... Right? A feeling of vertigo washed over me unexpectedly and overwhelmingly, and I fell to my knees. Levi watched my dramatic moves with scorn.

"I-I'm sorry." My voice was a confused whisper. "You- Ow!"

Something white bounced off my face. Something- fluffy? I couldn't describe it, but it wasn't exactly pleasant. I looked down in bafflement. A roll of toilet paper rested a few feet away, a trail of white connecting me to it.

Levi sighed. My gaze snapped up to his.

"L-Levi, what the hell?! Why did you do that?" I cried.

He continued walking, but his stroll seemed less tense, for some reason. My eyes widened, and I was taken aback by his response. This man didn't get any less confusing, did he?

"You looked like you were having a shitty day, brat."


A//N: Disclaimer. I don't own that last scene, except for a few modified excerpts. That is from a tumblr post I viewed a few weeks back. *giggles* Snigger. That is a really awkward word. It's one I haven't used in months, maybe ever. It just sounds funny to me.

Video: Empty; SNK by pyrotechnicstars. Waah the feels. Have you been enjoying my selection of Ereri feels? I don't think the "This is Why I Masterbate" one was quite... Mature, I dunno.

So I have been thinking lately, and originally I had this plan, but I wasn't solid until now. This is going to be a lime fanfiction, not a lemon/smut fanfic, so if that's against your Ereri rules, then don't let the door hit you on the way out. Eren and Levi specifically not fickle frackling is important to the plot, and anyways, I don't have the guts yet. So be looking forward to some {maybe} in future ffs!

Maybe some of you have noticed, I changed the cover. Again. This time is final, I swear. It has a nice ring to it, can you hear? *spaces out*


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