14. Spilled Coffee

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{Video: [SNK] GIMME MORE by OtakuSWAGx}

Oftentimes, I would wake up and have a nagging feeling in the back of my head that I had a dream but couldn't remember. This was one of those times, Hanji, Petra, and it really sucked having that feeling at ten in the morning.

Of course, I was still mindfucked at the the realization that Armin and Sasha refused to tell my about IPS or "Illustration Perpetuation System," whatever that meant- so the feeling didn't stay for long.

I checked my phone for notifications and after reading a certain text, I nodded in approval. For a few months now I had been trying to move out of my dorm and into an apartment (I was graduating in about a year, see), and my ideal room was finally free to move my belongings into .

My feet padded across the wood floor and into sneakers. I had never changed out of my clothes from the day before, so I kept my jeans on and switched out shirts for a wrinkly tee that smelled fairly decent.

After grabbing my phone and wallet, I headed out of the dorms block to the nearest café. On my way, I passed a short redhead who skipped by. She glared at me for a second before turning away and whistling a tune happily. I didn't know what that strange encounter was all about, but it soon escaped my mind as I left the dorm buildings.

Geese screeched overhead in flocks, reminding me that summer was coming to a close. Chilly air perked goosebumps on my arms, but I had forgotten to take a sweater with me on my way out. It was a short walk to the closest breakfast place, which went by the name of Flügel der Freiheit. I furrowed my eyebrows at the name before shrugging and entering the hole-in-the-wall café. It must have been German or something.

I took my order under the name "Eren" and found an empty table by the windows. Two stools accompanied the fragile furniture, and I leaned my foreams on the cool metal as I observed the outside on one of them.

It was Saturday and I didn't have class or work- which was overtime at Wendy's and the occasional library hours- so today was ideal for moving. Pedestrians littered the sidewalk and I spotted Sasha across the street munching on doughnuts with Connie. I narrowed my eyes. Why wouldn't she tell me any more about IPS?

I didn't hear the waitress calling "Eren!" repeatedly until she tapped me on the shoulder. I jerked away from the touch and glanced up. "Krista! You work here?"

Krista smiled. "Yep. And I'd love to chat, but-" she stole a nervous look back at the counter- "I've got morning shift for another few hours."

"Of course." I took the steaming cup of coffee from her grip. "Thanks." She nodded and hurried away, patting flour off her apron. (Petra: I wonder why she had flour on her apron...) Beats me. I scooped my phone out of my pocket as I sipped the drink.

Armin picked up on the second ring. "Eren?"

I felt myself smile. "Armin. You busy today?"

A pause. "Er... What do you have in mind, Eren?"

I spun a finger around my cup, picking up drops of condensation. "I was wondering if you could help me move in today. I got the text!"

Armin laughed in relief. "Great! That's amazing. But, well..."

"What is it?" My eyebrows knitted together.

HIs reply was mumbled and awkward. You could just see Armin blushing madly. "I sorta had a thing... with Erwin today... and, uh..."

Now it was my turn to chuckle. "Armin! It's no problem. You have fun."

Armin exhaled into the phone. "Thanks. Talk later?"

"Later." I hung up and called Mikasa, a light feeling in my chest for Armin's innocent happiness. "Mikasa?"

"Eren, hey. Where are you?" Her voice was muffled, probably from pressing her face to the reciever in anticipation.

"At some café down the street. Listen- I got the text letting me know I can move in. Lend a hand or two?"

She took so long to answer that I thought she'd hung up. "Eren... I can't." The response sounded choked. I wondered how difficult it was for her to answer.

I frowned. Denied again? "Um, why?"

"You should have remembered. Remember? I have that meeting in New York about the police department tomorrow. I told you about the NYPD just a few days ago. I've got to drive to my hotel today. I'm so sorry, Eren- I thought you remembered-"

"It's fine," I rushed, cutting off her ramble before she got too worked up. "I should have remembered. You have fun- and don't get hurt or in trouble, okay?"

"You're the one to talk. You need a car, don't you?" Her tone was flat.

I gnawed on my bottom lip and stared out the window. "Yep," I clipped. "They're so expensive."

"What about Grisha?" she asked fruitlessly.

"What about him? Away on a business trip, down in Tokyo. You know that, Mikasa. Apparently his medical skills are treasured. I'll have to find someone else." I was oblivious to my surroundings.

Mikasa sighed heavily. "Fine. And I've got to go, my schedule is already tight. Bye!" She ended the call before I could stop her witth my amazing stuttering skills.

My lips just grazed the cup when I took my eyes away from the window and cried out simultaneously. I jumped, spilling hot coffee all over my lap and hands, and yelped again. I clawed at some napkins on the center of the table and dabbed my jeans while hissing colorful words in pain.

Levi crossed his legs and arms in distaste, pouting slightly at my clumsiness.

I glared at him and growled, "What the hell do you want already!"

The small man looked disdainfully at my situation before scoffing. "Tch. So quick to turn down help, eh? Typical of a brat." He uncrossed his long, slender legs and jumped down off the stool gracefully.

I clenched my teeth as he walked away before swallowing my pride and snapping, "Oi! Get back here!"

Levi glanced over his shoulder and shrugged. "I overheard your end of those calls. Today is free on my calendar." He checked a black watch boredly.

I sat up, the damp spot on my lap cold by now. Scrunched up napkins littered the table. My temper had calmed down after its flare, and I touched a finger to my chin. "You got a big car?"

"Big enough for boxes."

"It's a date then!" I attempted at a lame joke, but regretted the words as soon as they left my mouth.

A grin quirked at the edge of Levi's mouth. "A date? Very well."

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