7. Flying Books

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[A//N: The video- just accept it. Accept it....]

It was quite a while later when I remembered. My dorm room- indeed, I inhabited a dorm during my college years- was a decent size, I supposed. Enough room for a bed, a dresser, and a desk. The shower led through a door, and another introduced my closet.

I had wood flooring with a throw rug over it by my bed. Navy blue was painted on the walls, adorned gently with the occasional poster featuring bands and artists. Altogether, a pretty sweet hookup. I had just collasped onto my bed to hopefully study when the thought rammed into my llike a bull.

"Ugh!" I cried out in agitation, burying my face into a pillow. Of course. I'd forgotten all my books- and my jacket, to add the icing to my cake- back in Ms. Leonhart's class. Good grief. Almost simulaneously, a knock on the door jolted me half out of my wits. Before I could answer or leap out of bed, the door swung open. I peered up.

It was Levi. Of all people. Levi.

I attempted to roll out of bed and land on my feet like a majestic badass, but my ankled twisted in the blue coverlet. Crying out, I tumbled into a heap on the floor, half of my body still on the bed. All in front of a staring Levi. I sprung to my feet, brushing off my shirt.

A burning sensation spread across my face, and I stammered, rubbing the back of my head sheepishly. "I- I-"

"You forgot your books." His tone was way too flat for this situation. Maybe he didn't care about my idiocy. Or maybe he was holding back laughter. Maybe-

Before I could finish my train of thought, I witnessed objects fly in an arc through the air and bounce on the bed. My books. I glanced at Levi. He was alread repositioning the remaining load and shifting to leave.

I lifted a hand. "Wait." The man paused, slowly looking at me. "Did you see a jacket?"

If I hadn't known better, I would've thought I'd seen a conflicted emotion flit across his eyes. But of course I hadn't, because Levi stepped into my room and pulled a lump out from somewhere behind him, tossing it to me. "Oh yeah. Right."

Then it was awkward. I stood, rubbing my hands on my jeans- gosh, why were they so sweaty?- as Levi took in my room. After a moment, almost as if I'd imagined it: "Your room."

"Want a picture? It'll last longer," I snapped on accident. I flushed, regretting my choice of words.

His eyes flickered over to mine so slowly, and with an air of disgust, too. I wanted to rip my hair out, this moment was so tense. "It needs to be cleaned."

My mouth almost dropped open. That's what he says? This impolite, rude, condescending- "Okay," I mumbled in confusion. Suddenly, the pattern in my carpet looked very interesting. Another minute of silence.

Levi spoke up again. "There's a party tonight."

"Cool," I replied, analyzing the floor as if it were an unusual specimen.

"It's in Ymir's room. Be kinda nice if you came."

I looked up with surprise, my eyes bugging out of their sockets, I was sure. What? A party? Invited... by Levi? Didn't he hate me? What was that part about "nice if you came"? What? "I..."

"Eren." I jumped. Levi was watching me with an impatient look. "It's rude to ignore an invitation."

I felt myself intake a sharp breath. "S-sure, why not."

The faintest of smiles tugged at Levi's lips. They were a startling red against his skin- which was way paler than I realized. It was a sharp contrast to his hair that was probably as soft as it looked, if not more- and something was definitely wrong with me, I noticed, if I kept having such erotic thoughts about men. But, deep down, I kind of liked it. And that revelation scared me endlessly.

The moment of smiles faded and Levi was as placid as ever. "Just don't bring your friend. Armin."

My thoughts came to a screeching halt. "I- What?" The comment disturbed me. Armin wasn't a total nerd. I instantly felt overwhelmingly guilty about my thoughts earlier in class, when I resolved to copy off of "the geek."

The man's eyes softened a tad, whether it was sincere or not. "He wouldn't be treated nicely there."

"Uhm, okay" was my response. Something in his hands- besides them themselves- had caught my eye. "Is that... Is that To Kill a Mockingbird?"

"Yeah. My copy. Why?"

I blushed for the umpteenth time today. "Err, nothing, I mean-"

"You can borrow it if you want." Levi said it so plainly, but it seemed to hold such emphasis. Yep- something was definitely wrong with me.

"Really?" I couldn't help it. My eyes lit up with excitement and I grinned happily.

"Yep." Still devoid of expression, he tossed the book and I clutched it to my chest with an "oof!"

I gazed at it wonderingly. Gosh, it felt so good to get an old book to read- a real classic. They just filled me with a contentedness. Ah, but I had forgotten to thank the owner. Had Levi said he owned it? What a wonder... Still. I needed to thank him. After all, he lended me abook I had been looking for and invited me to a party.

"Oh, thank you-" I meant to gush like a petty schoolgirl, but I stopped. Levi was watching me with a sort of mesmorized look in his eyes, like I fascinated him to no extent. Those red lips were parted ever so slightly, and he had cocked his head.

But maybe half a second after I cut off, Levi regained his composure and glared at me. "Just don't bring the book kid." He turned to leave.

I looked down at the book and yelped, "Wait! Wait. Just one more thing." This was beginning to feel like deja vu.

Levi didn't even bother turning, just craned his neck around. One gray eye squinted blandly at me while his lips remained neutral, to a sadness inside that mystified me. "Oi. Spit it out, you lumbering brat."

I did a double-take. "I am not a brat! Anyways." My voice softened. "Thank you."

Levi looked me up and down for a moment, as if unsure what to do about a dust particle. Ahh, do quit that confused look, Petra- it'll connect later in the story. Then he snorted. "Pffft. Okay." And he strolled away for sure, leaving my door agape.

I stared at my textbooks on the bed, and after a moment's hesitation, picked one up. I jumped when a slit of paper fell out. Gingerly, I opened it, sitting atop my bed slowly.

April tenth, it read. Study Hall, 10 PM. But next April was almost an entire year away.

And below it: IPS.


A//N: Hey guys! I told you I'd have another update for you guys. Compensation for missing last Friday's chapter.

Also, I have published a book, Ereri One-Shots, and it'd be really cool if you could check it out! Maybe vote and comment, eyy....?

For Eren earlier: Shhh, baby, just let yourself be a brat. Shhhh....

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