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a//n: once again, i'll remind you guys that the 0.5 means that it's a chapter in third-person pov that is not told to Hanji and Petra.

warning: suggestive content (almost almost almost semi-smut idk)

video: amv mix 2015- gdfr by goldanime.

hehe i kinda skipped all the ereri videos i had planned to show on here because im kinda digging anime mixes more than picture slide shows (gomenesai to anyone who makes ereri videos, it's just that i dislike most scenes from aot rearranged to look like ereri and then i dont like the pictures with music in the background :/) and i have a whole bunch more cool ones that i hope will be more enjoyed than the ones in the past

ok my speech is over enjoy

{unedited, sorry}

Eren held the oxygen in his chest for as long as possible before exhaling, slow and even. Of all days, he couldn't mess this one up. His little traitor heart, however, seemed to not give two shits, and promptly beat wildly in it's rib confinement.

"Dear Lord," he breathed, placing his hand on the wall as support. Black flashed in his vision, and a fuzzy feeling swept over his brain and ears. It was nine or ten past meridian, and night had long set across Indiana. Dusk always came so much faster throughout winter.

It was Christmas, December 25. Levi's 25th birthday. Eren felt extremely guilty, as it was nighttime, but it couldn't have been helped; Mikasa didn't give a damn who'd been shot through the baby chute on this day, and she (and Levi, the selfless bastard) had insisted Eren and Armin come over for "family time".

Ah, of course, Levi was clearly uninvited, but that hadn't fazed the Atheist much. Eren was lucky he'd gotten home at this hour, which was a lucky occurrence indeed. Eren was also one of the only people Levi had to celebrate his birthday with, aside from Isabel and Farlan, who the brunet had come to meet just recently.

On top of having not nearly enough deserved time to make his boyfriend feel happy for once, Eren's mood even further dampened at the thought of the present he'd put together. Blockage rose in his throat, and the male swallowed dryly. Hot damn, this could be taken two entirely different ways, he panicked.

The doorbell rang, and Eren let out a strangled squeak. The cheap ringing echoed around his apartment, and Eren wondered briefly if he had enough lighting in the room. Then he pondered about whether he'd cleaned enough. Pulling roughly on brown locks, Eren's bugged eyes darted around the apartment. His thoughts yelled Did you clean? Did you clean? Did you clean, Eren?!

The worrywart snapped out of it then, scolding himself for making the raven wait. He took a few loping steps forward and opened the door, surprised by a blast of cold wind. Levi looked up at Eren, nose red and chin tucked into a scarf. Eren watched the shorter with his hands in coat pockets for a moment before waving him in and greeting breathlessly, "Hi."

Levi shuddered once after Eren shut the door and then began unraveling the cloth around his neck. The taller helped him with his coat and lay the the articles on the arm of a couch. Eren huffed then, moving his arms awkwardly at his sides. Levi watched him quickly with half-lidded eyes and then mumbled, "Got you a present."

Eren blanched. "You shouldn't-"

A small black box the size of his palm was shoved at him. Levi glared the opposite direction, arm outstretched. Pink added color to the tips of his ears, cheek, and nose, and Eren couldn't tell if it were remnants of the cold or a blush. Perhaps both. "Take the shitty thing," he growled.

With hesitant fingers, Eren held the box. "I don't-" he started, but upon seeing Levi's expectant loo. k, he trailed off. A tan forefinger trailed along the edge, calculating where to open it. Finding the indented line, he opened the box.

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