16. Moving Day

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"Oi, quit looking constipated and get your constipated ass over here," Levi grumbled. I wheezed angrily before attempting to pick up my box again. We had spent most of the rest of the morning packing and loading cargo into Levi's automobile, and then upon arriving at my apartment, unloading the boxes. Mine was one of the few left.

Suppressing a scream, I heaved the box into my arms and stumbled to my open door, room 104. I had rented a one-bedroom apartment, with a half kitchen, a bathroom, and a living room. Nothing fancier, what with a part-time budget. Besides, I would get a better place once I got my degree.

I almost fell over trying to set the box down inside, and bent over, placing a hand on the damned thing. "What's in here? Rocks?"

Levi, a few feet away pushing a box to the wall, stood up, rolled his eyes, and placed a hand on his hip. "No, you shithead. Those are clothes- probably the lightest box we brought along."

I squinted at him, fighting a losing battle against a blush, before blowing a raspberry. "Quit acting like my aunt."

"Oh?" The man inquired snappily. "Why not your dear old mother? I tried so hard to imitate perfectly."

My face went slack and I turned around, hunching over the box of open clothes to open it. "My mom's dead," I explained candidly.

I didn't hear anything for a second, so I thought Levi had stiffened, too. Until I heard rustling, and I knew he was unpacking. "Oh. I'm sorry."

"Don't be," I rushed furiously, yanking out folded shirts. "Don't be sorry for something that's not your fault." He didn't respond, so after a minute, I added," How about you? Pick up your pissy attitude from Mrs. Ackerman?" I winced when I heard a sharp intake of breath.

Levi mumbled, "No. No, my mom was a prostitute who was murdered when I was a kid, and my father comitted suicide shortly after. I used to live with my uncle."

I bit back an apology, remembering my own upset words. "That's awful."

"Not really. I never got to know them. They were assholes anyways, to leave me alone with that bastard Kenny. Maybe not my mother, but Dad and my relatives."

I chewed on my bottom lip. "How old are you?" I pushed on my knees to get up and whirled around.

"One less than five squared," he breathed cooly, pushing a hand through his raven hair. Levi got up from unpacking a bag and crossed his arms while I furrowed my eyebrows and clenched and unclenched the fists at my sides. He arched a thin eyebrow. "Oi, don't you know basic math word problems?"

I gasped. "Twenty-four! And shut up. Reading is hard, but I try- not to mention word problems. And oh, I'm twenty-two. Makes sense that you're older."

Levi stepped forward to grab a small box. "Oh?"

"Yeah." I slugged him softly in the shoulder, and he glared at me. "You're always so uptight, like there's a stick up your butt or something."

He shook his head and moved back to the first box while mumbled something along the lines of "Probably not a stick." I cocked my head and laughed.

While he had his back turned, I crept up silently. "What would it be, if not a stick?" I asked loudly.

Levi spun around and almost clunked his head into my chest. I peered down at him, and he looked up, a red tint darkening the edges of his ears. I pressed a hand against the wall behind him and smirked. "I've got you now. Well?"

"Tch. Shitty brat, you tell me- probably it would belong to you." He glanced away. With a wrinkled nose, he spat at me, "How many times are you gonna come onto me?"

I fluttered my eyelashes dramatically, the smirk intensifying. "You can't deny it. You know you like it."

He jutted his chin and folded muscular arms over his chest. The eyebrow arched again, and his blush seemed to go full-blast. "So what if I do?"

It was then when I fully realized just what I was doing. My hand slipped impossibly on the wall, and I scrambled back, flushing a deep scarlet. Levi pouted disdainfully while I scratched my cheek. Was I flirting with another guy? And- oh, geesh- was he responding? "I... uh..."

"Oh, shut the hell up already," Levi snapped. He stomped forward and grabbed a fistful of the hem of my shirt. The hand yanked down and my face flew forward, centimeteres away from those red, red lips. Levi frowned, curling them down.

"I guess this makes us gay," he whispered hotly, and all of a sudden we were kissing.


The city bus rolled to a stop in front of us three. Hanji grappled at the ends of her hair, legs twisting like a stereotypical schoolgirl's as she cried, "No!"

Petra smiled. "You don't have to go further and pop a blood vessel from blushing so hard, Eren."

"Alright." I began to step on, but paused and glanced back. "That was basically it," I told a wretched-looking Hanji. "We finished moving and decided to give 'us' a try, for lack of better wording. See you tomorrow, at six-fifty-nine, in The Titanic, like usual." I hopped on the bus, grinning.

~~~ (Okay, so now the scene switches back to where it was left off, but this part isn't being told to Petra and Hanji. I added this in mainly just for kicks and as a filler.) ~~~

My mind was utterly blown. I unfroze and locked my hands in Levi's hair, pushing forward until his shoulder blades hit the white wall. I bit at his lower lip, and- what the hell.

What was I doing? I continued to heavily kiss another man while my thoughts raced foggily. Where did all this come from? And then my mind went blank, too damn distracted to focus. The last thing I thought was, Thank God I moved on the bottom floor. No one would hear from below.

Levi's lips were hot and cold at the same time- how could that be? They trailed down my throat and rested at the base, licking and sucking. I pressed my forehead into his hair and stifled a moan, holding his body between mine and the wall. My hands scrabbled at his undercut, and I lifted my knee between his legs. Levi made a sound and rubbed a tongue over the hickey he'd made.

I clenched a hand into a fist. No- this was going too far. Or was it? I couldn't tell. But my leg lowered and I backed away, panting. Levi wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "Good call."

"There's still boxes," I murmured, pointing a thumb over my shouler. "And, uh, L-Levi?" He glared up at me, although it didn't seem angry. He hummed.

"Can we, like, maybe, I dunno-"

"Yeah. Let's give this a go."

I licked my lips nervously. "Okay." And then we set on moving the rest of my boxes inside like nothing had happened.


A//N: I really need to stop freaking out everytime I have to write intense scenes. Also, fun fact: Eren's door number, 104, comes from the original anime, whereas Eren was in the 104th squad trainees group. The Titanic is the bar that most of the story is being told in, as a refresher, since I think its name had only been mentioned once, on the address paper Petra gives Eren.

I watched part two of Kuinaki Sentaku today. And honestly, I wanted to stab the person who invented feels. Seriously, I almost couldn't take the Tokyo Ghoul finale. I can't believe Hide and Kaneki actually got married!

Video: Oh Heichou! (SNK Let It Go Parody) by Whoopi Goldberg. I promise, you will not regret watching this. "Let's make this anime a hentai," is now my goal of Attack on Titan. If you can't view it on here, as I can see while editing it on the mobile app, just type in the YouTuber or the name.

*random singing* I don't care, that you're twice my age! (Wow I'm being immature but seriously who isn't with this damn video)

As always, Tātorutaruto, out!

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