26. Illustration Perpetuation System

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video: do what you wanna do by Jess D AMVs

i am so sorry. i can't apologize enough in this book.

there are 5 more chapters left. before i post the last chapter, i'll publish the intro to my new book (details later). thank you to all the patient readers who are still here with me right now. writing has been tough lately, but would you believe me if i said Yana Toboso inspired me? haha im a kuroshitsuji manga weeb bye


It was fuzzy at first- everything. Bright pushed and pulsed against my eyelids. My brows furrowed; I curled in on myself slightly, lips twisted into a frown. My cheek, an arm, and a leg, pressed up on a warm mass. When I opened my eyes, I saw that it was Levi. Oh, right.

My sight drifted up, past him, to the alarm clock on the nightstand. "I'm going to be late," I whispered. We were in my bedroom. On my bed.

With a soft exhale, I pushed up into a sitting position. Faint sunlight, mused by dust particles, trickled and tumbled through the window over my bed and Levi's left foot. I was shirtless. So was Levi. Already sleeping like a married couple. "Huh," I murmured.

I glanced at the raven, raising an eyebrow. He proposed almost two weeks ago. Somehow, in that span, he migrated to my apartment, leaving a toothbrush here or a shirt there with each visit, until he stopped leaving.

April tenth. Why was the date familiar?

A strand of hair floated into my eyelashes. It was getting long again. I lifted myself off the mattress, changing into a tee and jeans. If I left now, I would only be ten minutes late for class. No- I had Levi's car. That cut my tardy time in half.

"Levi," I called. My feet tapped over the hard floor. "Levi," I repeated, shaking his shoulder. "We have class."

"Okay, give me a few more minutes," he mumbled. His thin brows creased.

"No, you have to drive me. Come on. Don't suck your teeth at me! Get up." His eyelids slid open. I battled his sharp glare.


My eye twitched.


"And why are you two late?" Professor Bott scrutinized. Even his freckles looked pissed. I puffed out my cheeks- Levi glared into a corner. Marco sighed, closing his eyes. "Please, take a seat."

"I think I rubbed off on you too much," Levi muttered as we sat down. I hmph-ed haughtily. Most of the day passed relatively quickly, each teacher meddling each class in graduation information the students had already known. All except for Marco, it seemed.

Trudging through the halls at an unreasonable time, I grumbled to myself about homework. Levi had drifted off by himself about some club, so I headed to the library solo. It was already dark out as I lay down my books to a table. Sighing, I eased into a crooked chair, twirling a pen in retaliation to the trigonometry review one foot away.

Engaged, was I? I was only twenty-four. Graduation was next week, at the downtown Collesium. Things were going too fast.

Eren Yeager, marrying infamous Levi Ackerman. It was so cliche, it could make anyone grit their teeth. Had this begun with the drunken pocky kiss? No, when I defended Armin. He had broken up with Erwin a few days ago. Ridden with tears, he'd stormed into my apartment at three in the morning. Breaking and entering, I'd told him. It was right after I had told him and Mikasa about my engagement- half a week prior to today, to be exact.

I recalled their appalled reactions. Mikasa's eyes blew wide, and her eyebrows dug down as she lurched forward, fisting her fingers into the collar of a dismayed Levi. Armin fluttered his hands about his face, crying. I had rolled my eyes, pinching the bridge of my nose.

I told Mom and Dad that same day. Kneeling down to the cold earth aside their tributes, I replaced the lavender. "I'm getting married," I had said. I smiled. I was sure they smiled back.

The door to the library opened in my peripheral vision. Sasha strolled past the receptionist's desk, through an isle, and to a table near me. She smiled, cocking her head. "Early, are we?"

Confused, I checked my- Levi's- watch. It was quite the opposite- 9:50. I had let my thoughts get the best of me again, as shown by the lack of work in the open notebook. "What do you mean?"

Her smile turned sly. She brought a finger to her lips. "Ten minutes."

Armin came barreling in, chest heaving. "I-I'm not late?" he cried to us. He looked at the clock displayed above the check-out counter. "Oh."

Krista and Levi were next. It was odd- Levi looked of normal height, with Krista beaming up at him. She turned to the threesome as they approached. "We're all so early!" she exclaimed, touching her chin. Levi shrugged nonchalantly, sitting on the table I was at.

I was flabbergasted. "What is going on?" I asked him. Krista was laughing at something Armin squeaked out.

The shorter peered over. "Beats me." At my unamused look, he raised both hands. "I'm serious. I'm the least informed."

When Jean and Ymir had entered, greeting the now-irritated receptionist, and sighing into their designated areas, Ymir with Krista, Armin clapped his hands. "Shall we begin?" Seeing the responses of nodding heads and yeses, he grinned. "First business-"

"Wait just a moment!" I burst, startling the dandelion. "What the hell is going on? I'm so confused! Someone, please tell me!" I ended in a yell.

Ymir smirked. "Welcome to IPS," she replied.

"I-IPS? Huh?" And then I remembered. The note in my textbook. Sasha in the woods. Armin in the hall. "The- the- the Illustration whatever-it-is?"

Jean seemed shocked. "You know the name? Who told you?"

Armin chuckled nervously. "Uh... it slipped out. Sorry, Jean." Horseface sent him a glare.

Levi leaned to me, his voice velvety. "Illustration Perpetuation System. A club for art."

I deadpanned. "What." It sounded more like a statement than a question.

"A secret society!" Sasha piped in, raising a finger. She was utterly serious. "Only the most talented can get in! We've had our eyes on you for over a year now. Didn't you get our calling?" Calling. Calling. The slip of paper in my textbook was a calling.

My gaze snapped to Levi. "I was forced to join against my will," he explained. "In the wrong place at the wrong time. Accidentally attended a meeting- they thought I wanted to join."

"You want me to join this?" I questioned Sasha. "This? This sorry excuse of a club?" Her face drooped. "You don't even have ten members. I'm graduating next week- I can't. Find some freshman."

"But-" Krista interrupted. I tilted my head, and she dropped her gaze. "But..." Jean crossed his arms. Levi didn't even appear to be listening.

Tears welled in Armin's eyes. You're so talented, Eren! I suggested you because I want you to create art perpetually. Please. Eren!"

God damn my moral obligations. "No," I argued firmly. "This is so dumb- don't make a big deal out of nothing." Well, I was unsure about my life career. I was overwhelmingly overdue being sure.

"We do have connections," said Sasha. Either she had read my mind, or she could see my inner battle through my eyes. "People who can get you a job. Aren't you unclear about a job? We love art. We want you to keep making it. At least find a career in art, if not including yourself in IPS." I gnashed my teeth. This was so out of the question.

For Mom.

"You know someone?" I asked. The brightening of faces churned my stomach.

"You'll agree!" Sasha asked incredulously. Her eyes were so wide, I thought she had laid eyes on a loaf a bread.

Ymir stood, ruffling my hair. "Nice, Potato Kid."

I sighed. What had I gotten into? "Yeah, yeah. Just hurry with it- I need a good job." Later, after I graduated, I would be introduced to my main customer, Mike Zacharius. I had finally decided on my occupation, in which I would make artwork he'd purchase and sell.

That night, beside Levi, I had a dream, filled with clocks and lavender.

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