The Girl from another... Universe?! Part 2

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Hours have passed and it is now 3PM in Kanto. Ash hasn't gone anywhere, as his mind is focused on the unknown girl on the lower portion of the bunk bed he shares with Goh. She has been quiet the entire time, passed out... until now that is.

"No... no more..." the girl starts to talk in her sleep, sounding afraid. "Don't... please... DON'T BREAK ME ANYMORE!" She jumps up from her nightmare, eyes wide open with tears falling.

"You ok?" Ash asked from the other side of the room. "Don't try and move yet! You were all busied up earlier, although it seemed you mostly healed already..."

The girl looked at the raven haired boy in front of him, then to the yellow creature on his shoulder.

"Pika?" Pikachu asked something, seeming concerned with how the girl was looking at the two.

"...Ash?" The girl tilted her head. "...Ash Ketchum?"

"That's me, but how do you know that?" The boy asked. "Oh, did you happen to watch the Alola League? Then again, I've been in a bunch of leagues and no one has ever noticed it was me before... well other then-"

"Ash is... real?" The girl asked, seeming even more confused. "Pokémon are... real?"

The boy and his partner Pokémon looked at each other in confusion, then back at the girl. "Yeah, why wouldn't they be?"

The girl seemed to shake her head, losing the confused face. She seemed more... concerned. "Where am I?"

"Your in the Kanto Region!" Ash replied.

"Pika! Pika-pi!" The electric mouse tugged at his trainers cheek. The boy seemed to understand what it was trying to say.

"Oh yeah, I forgot she appeared near that Ultra Wormhole. She must not be from around here." Ash tiled his head as everything just dawned on him. "But how would you know my name? What did you mean by 'real'?"

The girl looked away before answering, but in a whisper-like tone (more-so to herself.) "So this place isn't just a fictional world created by Game Freak...?"

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