Chapter 9: A Special Christmas for Two (Part 1)

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wo full weeks have passed since the clearing of the first floor. Kirito and Kirsten were branded 'True Beaters', making them a pair to be avoided. It was an easy task, as the two decided to focus their efforts on leveling up and clearing floors. While everyone was still on the second floor, the duo made their way to the 4th. (Neither went back to the lower floors, as the events that transpired on that day still hit them hard.)

Today, December 21st, Kirito and Kirsten were taking a break from their non-stop efforts. More or less due to the fact that Kirito noticed Kirsten's depression regarding her situation on the outside skyrocketed. (He couldn't blame the girl. She's been though so much in a short amount of time... besides, it was close to Christmas. If she was upset regarding Thanksgiving, why wouldn't she feel the same with another big holiday.)

The two were currently on a walk in the town closest to the floors boss room, admiring the virtual stars within the night sky. The snow was falling gently from the sky.

Kirsten was wearing a white winter coat with a sky blue scarf and gloves. Kirito was wearing a black winter coat with a white scarf and gloves. Both had the same black snow boots on their feet.

"It's a really nice night, don't you think?" Kirito asked the girl.

"It is." Kirsten smiled as she replied. (Kirito noticed it was forced, but he didn't say anything.)

The two continued to walk without a word between them for an entire minute.

"Hey Kirsten."

"What's up?"

"Anything special you want to do for Christmas?"

The American tensed up at his question. She knew he meant no harm by it, but it suddenly brought back terrible memories for her.

"Kirsten, you ok?" Kirito asked, concerned for his new not-by-blood sister.

Quickly shaking off the memories for a moment, she gave another forced smile to Kirito. "I would be happy if we spent time together like we normally do."

As if trying to avoid any more questions from the black haired teen, she ran ahead yelling "I'm going to beat you home if you don't hurry!"

Kirito smiled as he began the suddenly decided race, but internally was worried about the girl.


The two were renting a two bedroom apartment for the remainder of the month. Each of them said their normal good nights to each other before entering their rooms.

Kirsten changed into her PJs and quickly went under the covers, shedding small tears. She couldn't get the memories from earlier out of her head. All the American has ever experienced on Christmas were terrible events.


The earliest Christmas the girl could remember was when she was 5 years old. It was a normal Christmas for the most part. She opened her presents very early in the morning and played with them all day. She clearly remembers one of the toys she loved at first: A Hess Truck. (You know... the ones you see every year on TV. This year, it was a Fire Truck.) She apparently left it near the stairs, because at some point when she was carrying a glass plate filled with cookies... she tripped over it and fell down the stairs. The glass plate broke and shattered her skin. She spent the rest of the day in the ER.

A year later, she was greeted to a tree filled with school supplies for who knows what reason.

The year after that, when she asked for a Nintendo GameCube, she got a PlayStation 2 instead.

Every Christmas after that was either a clash between her and her parents or they just weren't around. (The girl began to enjoy those times they weren't around.)

Last Christmas, she didn't get the chance to enjoy what-so-ever. Her grandma collapsed a couple days prior and was sent to the ER. Due to the fact that she lived a couple states south of her (and it happened in the middle of the night) her parents left without a word and did not come back until after new years.


Kirsten did not realize she said her memories out loud as she continued her quiet crying as she slowly passed out. Unknowing to her that her partner was outside the door the whole time, gripping his hand to his shirt (near the location of his heart.)


Note, regarding those real life events:

Each Christmas event was a true one, although since I'm not an only child, not every event happened the way it was told.

-My older sister was the one who tripped over the Hess Truck while carrying a glass plate when I was 5. (She was 7)
-I believe I was 6 or 7 at the time: I asked for a Nintendo Gamecube, but instead got school supplies while my sister got the Nintendo Gamecube (alongside a PlayStation 2 the year before...) She didn't even ask for the Gamecube >_> (This was when I began to keep my expatiations low for Christmas... Paid off, because things got worse over the years. By the age of 17, I stopped asking for stuff all together. I just wanted my parents to understand 'me')
-Two years ago, my Grandma actually collapsed on December 18th. My family rushed to see her, leaving me behind (by request actually - You see, we live 4 hours apart. I don't do well in cars... and back then, I haven't actually known the pain of losing a loved one. I didn't understand the importance of the situation... how dire it actually was... despite being 22.) I highly regret my actions to this day, as she passed away 2 months later.

Before the Pandemic, I personally loved the days when my family wasn't around for long periods of time. We didn't get along what-so-ever (which made me sad...)

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