Chapter 1

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The sun rose on another cheerful winter-like day. The ground was covered in snow. White as far as the eye could see. Today marked the last month of The Snowbell Private Academy school year: December. I was going to be in the 8 th grade next year. Sadly I wasn't all that pleased with the idea .

How could I forget to introduce myself! My name is Yuki Hazuki and I am 12 years old... or at least that was what I was told almost 9 years ago. I have no memory of my past or who I was. The headmaster of this school, Mathew Shellingburg , found me abandoned near the old school church. It has been off limits for years, but a random 4 year old child was in a box covered in warm blankets. That was me. The man was a kind hearted person... taking me in without question. In the box, what seemed to be my last name was written on paper: Hazuki . Even with that small hint, the DNA tests we had done for me never came back. I was found on Christmas day and I seemed to be at the age of 4 back then. I was given the name Yuki, because in Japanese, it means Snow. The ground was white and filled with snow... just like right now.

I am considered The Adopted Daughter of Snowbell Academy. You would think being the child of the headmaster has it's perks... but in reality, it's just a title... one that brings me a lot of personal problems. People make fun of me and create tons if gossip. The biggest gossip tends to be about my different uniform. You see, our school is split into two sections: the normal students and the elite students. We both have different colored uniforms and we have different buildings for studying and learning. The normal students cannot go on their side, but the elite have free access to both sides. No one knows what happens on the elite side... not even me. Where does this tie into my original problem? The headmaster gave me the uniform for the elite side... as a normal student. I still don't understand why. I have never seen that side myself.

Either way, it was time to start another school day on the normal side... *sigh* I slowly got up from bed and walked to my closet. I felt a bit sluggish. I really didn't want to go to school, but I had to. Final exams were today. After they were over, everyone would go back home for the month. A couple days after the new year hit, everyone would begin their year within their new grade.

The tests weren't my problem, though. I've been an A+ student all my life. I just didn't want to deal with my classmates. They really loved bullying me...

As I just finished putting on my uniform, someone knocked on my bedroom door. "Yuki, are you ok in there?" The voice of a boy about my age came from the other side.

I really didn't feel like answering him. On the other side was my only friend Austin Shellingurg , the actual son of Mathew. He's an elite student who is, by far, smarter than a 12th grader. He's helped me study and actually got me to enjoy learning. I've tried for years to reach his smartness so I could join the elite side, but I can't seem to reach higher than my own grade.

He and I both live in the headmaster's building, in an area just for the family. I mean, he could live in the dorms on the elite side, but he insists on being nearby for whenever I need help or someone to vent to. I'm not complaining, because I need to vent a lot. It's just when I wake up, I'm too tired to move fast enough for class. Although I appreciate his help, when he is helping, I don't enjoy it. I just wanna sleep...

His bedroom is across the hall from mine. It's much more of a simple layout, just containing his bed, desk, bookshelf with all the textbooks until the end of middle school, dresser, closet, and other necessities . Mine was a completely different story...

I had all the necessities alongside a TV, laptop, lots of stuffed animals of many sizes (mostly rabbits), old drawings I made, and on my dresser: a neatly folded blanket that was slightly torn with a blue bunny sitting on top. Those were with me the day I was found and they are my only leads to learning about my true family. I can only assume my parents are dead, but one day, I want to go on a search. A search for my unknown past.

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