Chapter 2

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I finished filling out the questions and handed in my test. My seat was near the window, so I looked outside to see how much snow has fallen. What else could I do while I was bored? I don't know what it was, but what was meant to be pure white seemed... tainted. I mean, it was white, but... I couldn't put my finger on whatever the issue was.

Not too much after, I noticed a toddler running by the window. Wait... a toddler?! Our school doesn't have any one that young. How did they even get here? Our school is in what seems like the middle of nowhere! Worried about whoever the little one was and why they were here, I bolted out of the classroom. If the teacher tried to stop me, I didn't even notice.

It didn't take long until I got outside and caught up with the little one. With their face hidden using their jackets hood, I had no idea what they looked like, but I could easily hear them crying. Walking up slowly, I bent down to the same level as the young one who I couldn't see. "Are you ok?"

Still crying and refusing to look at me, the child replied. "I... I... I'm not..."

"How can I help you feel better?"


"Come on, you can tell me."


"Big sister Yuki wants to help you." I reached out my hand, but the little one slapped it away. This is a freaking todler. How did that hurt like hell?!

"I... I... I can't tell you."

"Why not?" Suddenly, I felt drained of my energy. I was on the verge of suddenly collapsing when I noticed tears of... blood?!

"I can't tell you... because you should already know yourself."

My eyes finally closed themselves, drained of all energy.


The next time I opened my eyes, it was evening and I was in... my bed? What happened to most of my day? I tried to sit up, but my head began to hurt.

"Oh, you're awak- don't get up yet!" Austin ran from the doorway to the bed in a panicked way.

I took my best friends warning and put my head back down. "Wh... what happened?" My volume was low, as if I was unable to be any louder. I still felt a lack of energy.

Austin pulled up a chair from my desk and put it next to my bed. He sat on it, ready to explain what seems like a long one. "You suddenly collapsed after handing in your History test. At least, that's what the teacher told dad."

"After the... test...?" I replied, tilting my head in confusion. "What about that stranger...?"

"Stranger?" Austin was a bit skeptical at this point.

"Yeah, I remember seeing someone outside. I bolted out the classroom to ask them what was wrong and... tears of blood..." My head felt foggy, pounding in pain. It was as if the pain was blocking my memory from an important detail.

The boy looked at me an put a finger to my mouth, hushing me. "It's ok, Yuki. You must of had a bad dream after fainting or something. None of that was real, I can assure you. If you want, I can get dad to show you the security footage later."

"I trust ya." I replied softly. Similar things have happened in the past where I suddenly collapsed and have weird realistic painful dreams. I've always been proven wrong when I saw the footage from the cameras all around the school grounds.

Austin smiled as he put the chair back to my desk. "I know you haven't eaten in a bit. Are you hungry?"

I shock my head. "Not really... but I am sleepy. Can I just rest?"

The boy who was my age nods and turns off the light. "I'll cya in the morning then?"

I nod.

"Night, Yuki."


I slowly drift off into a deep sleep, but unable to shake the feeling that whatever I saw... wasn't completely my imagionation.

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