Pushing him to the wall

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Includes izu, bakubitch, kami, 


- when you ask him to stand by the wall while u set up your phone he's a little confused

- but does it nonetheless bc yknow he's not a jerk and he trusts you

- then you start the video, back up, look him in his expectant eyes and whisper "be natural"

- when you bite your bottom lip and grab his wrists, he immediately gasps

- and omfg when u pin him to the wall !!!

- the soft thump is so satisfying to you mm

- he gets so incredibly flustered but is anyone surprised ? no

- you lean in and nip at his jaw, feeling the heat rushing up his neck

- he's softly calling your name, asking you what's going on, and it's so CUTE

- after a few seconds, he feels your soft laugh against him, and his switch flips

- he gently bumps you off of him, then gives u his Feral Grin™ before wrapping his fingers around the back of your neck and kissing you for real

- you can't help but take a few steps back, smiling against his lips as they caress yours with fervor

- then, with a few heavy breaths, he pulls away and breathes "natural enough?"

- you laugh, letting your phone stay where it is while izuku picks you up and carries you away for a bit

you grinned at the camera, then walked backwards to face your boyfriend, who was cautiously waiting for whatever you were planning. your shared trust was evident even on the screen, and he nodded as you murmur something to him, green eyes glittering in anticipation. then, you swiftly pushed him up against the wall, and he gaped when you dipped down and started leaving open-mouth kisses on his neck. he was shocked. he couldn't even look at the screen. all that was visible was your cheeks rising as you grinned near his skin, and suddenly izuku was leaning forward. it was like he was a different person, holding your jaw firmly and pressing his mouth to yours. the video ends after you stumble backwards out of the frame, lips still melded to his. 


- it takes a bit of coercion getting him to agree to let you record him

- but grumpy as he is, he can never really resist the puppy eyes you give him

- so he stands in front of the wall while you prop up your phone, a scowl on his face

- katsuki watches as you press the button, then scowls (jokingly) at you when you step back to stand in front of him

- and before you can even get him up against the wall, his hands are around your wrists

- im telling you !! his reflexes are insane !!!

- he leans in real close, ruby eyes amused and challenging your gaze

- "what do you think you're doing, huh?"

- you try to steel yourself despite your spine tingling at the gruffness of his voice, and lean in to kiss him

- key word being try

- he quickly lifts you up over his shoulder, giving your butt a light smack before walking you back to the sofa, your phone long forgetten "if you wanted to kiss me, you should have just asked"

- acts like he was unaffected and that he knew what you were doing, it was written all over your face, i saw it coming from a mile away, i'm serious moron! stop laughing!

- but then again, he can't really hide the color that's tinting his ears and cheeks when you watch the video later

as you pressed play, your eyes flitted back before you released a small breath and turned around. katsuki was standing in front of the wall, hands in his pockets, looking unamused - not that you weren't used to it - but you knew he wasn't actually annoyed. so you gave him a smile and surged forward, reaching to push him back. almost immediately, his muscular arms tensed as he grabbed your wrists, and you let out a small squeak before leaning in. however, before you could kiss him and win back the upper hand, he was lifting you up and flopping you over his shoulder, much to your protest. as he walked out of frame, a slight smile could be seen growing on his face, but he bit it back and hit your butt, and the recording ended soon after.


- you're a fool if you think he doesn't already know what's going to happen

- the minute you ask him to stand in front of the wall and set up your phone, he's coming up with a Master Plan to make this video go viral

- you press play, and he's got an idea like on the spot

- try telling me he's braindead i dare u

- anyways you face him, then warn him to act normal

- he gives you a goofy face, making you laugh

- then you refocus and step forward, pressing a leg between both of his and leaning in to press a kiss to the corner of his mouth

- for a second, denki forgets what's going on, and feels his ears flare up at your boldness

- mf forgot you were dating and that this was normal

- pulling himself together, he smiles, then runs his hands down your arms, gently pulling you away

- for a second, you're worried he's mad, but then he grasps your hands in his and twirls you around

- making you throw your head back and laugh

- because of course he already knew what you were up to

- he grins at the sight of your laughter, then wraps his arms around you from behind, pressing quick kisses all over your neck as you both waddle towards your phone

- once you're closer to the frame, he winks at the screen before turning your face towards him and kissing you hard, covering up the camera with one hand and dragging you away

kaminari was already smiling when you started the recording and hoppedback to look at him. the look on his face clearly said 'i already know, you're not fooling me' but somehow he was still surprised when you pinned him to the wall, eyes widening and sparks leaving his fingertips. he let you have your way for a moment before grasping your hands and twirling you around, warm smiles on both of your laughing faces as he held you close to his chest. you two approached the camera, and your flirty boyfriend gave an impish wink (no doubt making the heart of every viewer flutter). he cupped one of your cheeks in his hand, running his tongue over his bottom lip before enveloping your mouth in his, the other hand blocking out the view and cutting the video off.

Once again  copy ans pased but i dont know what app this is on bc i seachred it up on the computer but i didnt put the app

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