he wants you to sit on his lap

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including: kirishima, kaminari, todoroki, midobro 

Kirishima Eijirou:

"YNNNN"First he draws out your name."YNNNNNN please!"Then it's the nicknames. Pumpkin, sweetcheeks, babygirl, princess.One time he even says "lover" but after a fierce glare and a not-so verbal tirade, he decided it was best to leave that one for the bedroom.Once you make it past the first phase of whining and bitching, he moves onto his second, more convincing tactic.Those goddamn puppy dog eyesYou'd think a manly man like Kirishima would refuse to stoop so lowOh how wrong you are.His bottom lip juts out and you can just see the smallest glimpse of his razor sharp fangs looking more pg-rated than ever as he pouts at you. And once you look, you can't go back. Like Medusa, he'll have you stone-solid, unable to look anywhere else but into those eyes that make guilt pool in the pit of your stomach. A little glimmer in his eyes once he knows he has you hooked as your glare falters. And then"...please?"Damn him. And his muscular thighs under yours. And his immovable arms wrapped around your waist. But most of all...Damn that fanged smile of victory.

Kaminari Denki:

Oh yeah. He's gonna annoy the hell out of you. Not so much like Kirishima with the pet names–as he's certainly been on the receiving end of a vicious punch one too many times(should have known "sugar tits" wasn't gonna fly with you)–but more so with the puppy dog eyes. Quickly, he realizes that is quite ineffective on you–or, perhaps it is just ineffective for himEither way, as previously mentioned, Kaminari will beg for you to sit on his lap until your ears bleed. One time he even short-circuited your headphones when you tried to block him out. A risky move, indeed, but somehow he didn't manage to fry every one of your brain cells. "YN!""Hey! Hey! YNNNN!""Hey YN, come sit on my lap!""Come onnnn, I promise I won't do anything!""Okay, maybe I will, but I promise it won't be anything you won't enjoy!"He was great at annoying you, and, to be honest, it worked most days. However, there are always those few exceptions where he truly just... gets under your skin. "No, Denki! Now, let it go!" The words explode from your lips like a popped balloon, and in seconds you know you've made a mistake. Hindsight, days like these almost always happen during your time of the month (yeah, yeah, TMI, I know), and that of course was part of the reason you were apprehensive about sitting on his lap.But, shit, even the most heartless of people would give in to those misting eyes. He'd go silent, glancing away with a small nod and an "okay" you could barely hear over a pin dropping. And your heart climbs up your throat when that easy smile of his doesn't return in seconds. Give in. Always, always give in to a sad Kaminari. "YN, you don't have to-""Shut up," you grumble, wrapping your arms just a bit tighter around his shoulders as you drop your face to his neck. He stays silent. But, naturally, that's just not Kaminari's style. In seconds, you feel his normal grin return as his hands slither down your back, reaching just to where your body meets his lap. "I told you," he squeezes the muscle, "this was the best position for a butt massage."Fuckin' perv.

Todoroki Shouto:

HaPfft.Pft. Yeah rightLike you're strong enough to deny this man that one time in his life he actually asks you to sit on his lap. Don't kid yourself. "YN?""Hmm?"There's a hint of pink on his cheeks as his hands nervously run up and down his thighs. But buried deep, deep in his heterochromic eyes, so deep even you couldn't see it, there's a touch of mischief. "Can you sit on my-"Fuck yes."Fuck yes."In the blink of an eye, you've settled yourself into his lap like it was your own personal throne.(If you had told him those exact words, he would have shown you another one)His hands, shaking at first, settle on your shoulders, then on your hips, until finally he skittishly sets them palms-down on the cushion of the couch. After a minute, he finally acknowledges your look of confusion and shrugs a shoulder. "I don't know what to do with them."Good lord.Glancing at the ceiling for just a second, you take a deep breath for patience before grabbing his hands and wrapping them around your abdomen. "Put them here," you mumble, avoiding his gaze and making a move to spin on his lap and press your back against his chest.Except–"Fuck."You freeze, not moving an inch (which seemed to be complete irony considering his situation). "Don't move like that."HaPfft.Pft.He shouldn't kid himself. Of course you were going to move like that. And now, you were going to move like that all night long.

Midoriya Izuku:

Not in a million years will this boy ask you to sit on his lap. Even if you told him to ask you, he'd still burn brighter than a tomato before stumbling out an excuse and sprinting away. But you knew. After a while of being together, you began to see his ticks. His little hints that he wanted you to come closer. And then just a little closer. And then so close that you were practically (literally) sitting right on top of him. Yeah, you knew his ticks. Midoriya is a shy boy, if not a boy who refrains from asking things of others that may or may not cause them to go even slightly out of their way to help him. But you knew. Interestingly enough, when he wants you to sit on his lap, it's not anything major. First, he licks his lips. Not in an "I wanna taste you" kind of way–more like a "Hey, you got any spare Chapstick?" kind of way.Then his hands will twitch. And he'll lean back in his seat and stare at you.*at your thighsAnd finally, his legs will stop bouncing (because, really, when do they ever do that?)His mouth will open and close repeatedly like a fish, almost like he's trying to say your name but he's suddenly forgotten how to speak. It's awkward looking, really, and it certainly did take you a while to learn exactly why the hell he was looking at you so. But then–hallelujah–it finally clicked. And then you'd rise from your seat, make your way over to him, and plop down into his lap, ruffling his hair and pressing small kisses to the freckles dotting his cheeks. "If you wanted me to sit on your lap, you should've just said so," you grin. A small whirl of contentment conjures in your chest when he rubs his hands up and down your sides.It takes him a minute to summon the words he so desperately wants to say, and as that time passes, he peppers his own kisses along your chin.Then they come to him."Thank you, baby."

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