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well fist off its for kirishima and second it might be so long 

You and Kirishima were hanging out outside of the Heights Alliance building, just enjoying the summer sunshine while the two of you laid in the grass. The feeling was heavenly to you; the grass tickling your cheek, the sun warm on your skin, the feeling of your boyfriend's hand intertwined in yours. You sighed, content.

A pop of yellow caught your attention as it bobbed up and down in a light breeze. It was a dandelion, growing freely out in the open. It reminded you suddenly of a little prank someone had pulled on you long ago, and an evil smirk worked itself into your face at the thought.

"Hey, Kiri," you said, keeping your voice light and even.


"Did you know that dandelion juice tastes really good?"


"Yeah, when you break off the stem there's like this liquid and it's kinda sweet." You sit up and pluck the little flower, eyeing the white fluid in question. "Here," you said, offering the end to him. "Try it."

He sat up and glanced at you. You kept your face innocent, noticing he looked a little suspicious. He carefully took the flower from you and licked the end, keeping eye contact. You watched as his face suddenly contorted in disgust, jerking the flower away from his face.

"Ugh, what the—!"

You broke your calm facade and burst out laughing, falling back into the grass as he started to spit, trying to get the taste off his tongue. In reality, the flavor of dandelion was indescribably horrible, and now your poor victim of a boyfriend was experiencing the same pain you had gone through one day in elementary school.

"Why did you do that?" Kirishima asked, sounding wounded and betrayed.

Your giggles slowed, feeling a little guilty for what you'd done. But only a little. "I'm sorry!" you gasped. "It's just—your face!" Your laughter started up again.

Kirishima was still scraping his tongue with his teeth, trying to get the awful taste out of his mouth. You realized that it had been a few years since you had licked a dandelion, and a tiny part of your brain wondered what exactly it tasted like. You realized you had forgotten, and now an overwhelming sense of curiosity enveloped you.

"Here," you said, reaching for the flower that was still in Kirishima's hand.

He gave it to you, wondering what you were going to do with it.

You broke off the piece of stem that he'd licked clean so you could get some fresh juice. You examined the white liquid for yourself for a moment, marveling at how it seeped out in a perfect ring around the hollow inside of the dandelion. You brought it to your mouth without a second thought, letting your tongue swipe over the end.

Instant regret.

You yourself started to splutter, the overwhelming bitterness quickly coating your tongue.

"Why did you do that?!" Kirishima asked a second time, watching your reaction incredulously.

"I forgot how bad it was," you choked out, beginning to swish spit around your mouth in an attempt to relieve yourself from the taste.

"Well, now we both look like idiots," Kirishima started laughing.

"I am but a fool!" you cried, throwing the used flower into the air as you dramatically fell back, going back to laying down in the long grass. Your own laughter started up again. You really were just being stupid. Now you both had an awful taste in your mouth, and it was all your fault. You and Kirishima chuckled together for a few minutes, trying to catch your breath.

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