Leaving a NaStY HiCkEy

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During a break between classes, Sero wanted to try out a new quirk move he thought of on you
His idea was to basically run in a circle around you and shoot out his tape "capturing" you
You knew it wasn't going to be that easy because a villain would never just sit there and let Sero tape them up but he just seemed so enthusiastic about his idea you couldn't bring yourself to tell him no.
Somehow the two of you ended up in close quarters, taped with your bodies flush together.
Due to his height, your face was in his neck region—you couldn't help yourself—you bit him.
"We're in public, Y/LN!!" He whisper yelled as you sucked against his neck.
"Doesn't that make it a little more fun?" You pulled lightly on the sensitive skin with your teeth.
As you were walking to class, Kaminari was walking behind the two of you. "WOW SERO, I didn't realize the mosquitoes were so vicious this season!!" He poked Sero's newly formed bruise.
It took a moment for him to understand what Kaminari was getting at.
Once he figured it out, his heated eyes land on you. "Y/LN." His lips were a hard line
"Sero?" You squeak innocently.
"Did you leave a mark?" His voice was relatively monotone but the fire from his eyes grew stronger.
"Noo...." Your lips draw back into a smile and you quickened your pace.
"Hey! Don't you try to run away!" Sero began to chase you.
"Ah, young love." Kaminari ran his fingers through his hair as he watched you giggling, running away from Sero.


needless to say, sometimes Kirishima was just irresistible.
This day In particular you really just couldn't keep your hands off him.
During a passing period you pulled him into a supply closet.
"Woah, Y/N—" your lips attacked his neck. His sentence was cut short by a soft moan
He relinquished to you almost immediately, letting your teeth and tongue rack at his skin.
You pulled back, satisfied with your artwork. "Now—get to class, kid." You pushed out the moderately confused and breathless Kirishima from the closet with a slight smirk.
"What just happened?" you heard him mumble to himself and grasp at his neck as he stumbled down the hallway.
During lunch, Bakugou greeted Kirishima with a punch to the shoulder. "Ow, Bakugou!! What was that for!!" He rubbed his shoulder, "that's going to bruise." He pouted.
"What's one more?" Bakugou scoffed and sat at the table. "Was that why you were late to class?" Bakugou eyed Kirishima's neck.
Kirishima's eyes widened, "I- uh, Y/N did it! She did it— it's her fault!!" Kirishima made big hand motions to you sitting next to him.
"No shit, Sherlock!" Bakugou growled, giving you the stink eye, "don't make him late to class again, Y/N."


iida and you were supposed to be having study session in the library but it was honest boring,, and you could think of other ways to entertain yourself.
"Tenya~ you're always studying so hard." You wrapped your arms around his neck from behind.
"My grades don't make themselves. You should be studying too." he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose.
"I think I'd rather study you..." you licked a stripe up his neck and nibbled on his ear lobe.
His knuckles whitened as he clenched against the book, "y/n, this is really inappropriate behavior."
"Bold of you to assume I care" you smiled against his neck and began suckling his skin.
Later that same day, you were in class. Iida was giving the class a short speech about how finals were coming and all of the students needed to buckle down and start studying
Mina and Jirou were giggling in the corner, being fairly distracting.
Iida eventually has enough and brings his hand down in a chopping motion towards the girls, "if it's so funny that you find the need to interrupt me during class, please share it with all of us."
Jirou smirked, "well class rep, we were just trying to figure out how you felland got that nasty bruise on your neck.."
snickers echoed throughout the room as iida brought his hand up to his tender neck, "ah, this thing—I, um, I did indeed fall." His face was slightly hued indicating to the class that perhaps the bruise came about in a different way.


izuku always waited behind for you after changing out of his hero costume.
Considering the intricate design of your costume, you often were the last to leave the dressing room.
Meaning you and izuku had some alone time fairly often
Today you were fairly upset with how training with, you rushed out of the dressing room to give Izuku a hug.
Your face was in the crook of his neck. You breathed in his scent. You began to pepper light kisses on his neck.
"Y/N!! What are you doing?!" squealed.
"izuku, you're so sweet... I wanted to see if you tasted sweet too~" you continued to work your mouth against him. He moaned in response."Deku~" Uraraka sang as she approached the boy. "Can you help me with this math problem?"
As she brought her eyes up to his face they stopped dead in their tracks right on the purple mark on his neck.
Izuku was so clueless he didn't even notice that she was staring, "yeah, sure! Which problem—"
"Deku," Uraraka's emotionless smile and happy voice didn't match, "what is that?" She pointed at the mark.
Izuku's gut must've dropped to the earths core as he realized what Uraraka was referring to.
"Oh, uh!! T-this!!" Izuku stuttered as he tried to find an excuse, "um- yeah? Vampire quirk? That sounds ridiculous... um, it was, uhhhh—ah! Iida, do you need help?!!" Midoriya was delighted to see his friend come into the room struggling with a large case of books at this time.
He quickly rushed off leaving Uraraka answerless and seething internally.

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