dress prank/ going out with a guy friend while wearing a tight dress o bakubro

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Bakugou Katsuki

it wasn't even your dress, it belonged to your sister, and it wasn't even your idea, that lovely thought came from your friend who sent you the youtube link on your phone so you couldn't help but feel the slightest bit self-conscious as you pulled the super short skirt of the dress down over your thighs, using your available hand to pull the plunging neckline a bit in the opposite direction looking in the mirror, you could tell your efforts were for nothing, the dress still revealed far more than you were used to showing you took a deep breath, standing up straight and gearing yourself for the prank you were about to pull this was either going to be extremely hilarious, or the worst idea you've had yet but it was now or never, so you waltzed out of the bathroom and right down the hall to find your boyfriend lounging on the couch watching tv"hey katsuki," you called, as nonchalantly as you could manage. you hoped he couldn't hear the slight tremble in your voice he didn't seem to, and barely registered your comment as he grunted, his eyes never leaving the screen"i'm going to go meet kaminari tonight to catch up," you said slowly, waiting for the outburst. "do you think I look alright?"that at least got him to look up, though when you saw his expression, you weren't sure if it could be considered a win on your part the next thirty seconds was spent with his eyes trailing up and down your body, over the exposed bits you were most anxious about showing, and you had to use all your self-restraint not to adjust the dress lower on your thighs then his vermillion eyes snapped to your own, and you could nearly feel the anger bubbling off of him"Kaminari?" he growled, strangely quiet as he shook in his seat. "That dunce face? Like hell he's gonna see you like that"he gestures to your dress, and before you can flinch at the anger laced in his voice, you see the slightest tint of red on the tips of his ears, where you know his embarrassment always shows so you can't help the laugh that escapes as he struggles to find the right words to say, standing up frustratedly and marching over to you you're laughing your head off now, and you can't make the prank last any longer, so you tell him the truth he's literally sparking, but you can't tell if that's from anger or embarrassment, cause his ears are tomato red now you roll your eyes a bit and ruffle his messy hair affectionately"i'm not going anywhere dressed like this," you admit, your embarrassment about the dress finally showing as you tug the bottom of it down just an inch when bakugou traps your wrist before you can pull it further and lifts you off the ground and onto his shoulder, you let out a squeal of surprise"you're not going anywhere at all," he mumbles into your side as he pulls you into your bedroom, collapsing on top of you before you can wriggle out of his grasp but if you think you're doing anything but cuddling and trying to soothe the man's damaged ego, you're sorely mistaken, and you end up falling asleep with the blushing boy's face buried in your neck, stroking his hair as he falls asleep in your arms

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