Part 2 Of ThE LaSt OnE

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ft. boyfriend Kirishima

TikTok was giving you nothing but endless ways to test if your boyfriend loved you.Of course he loved youBut how much of your shit would he put up with?Well all of it, Kirishima was the best boyfriendBut that wasn't stopping you from doing these.The ones that flooded your fyp today were all of girls climbing into their boyfriends laps while they played video games.Your boyfriend was playing video gamesAnd he oh so conveniently had an empty lap.

Both you and your boyfriend had only been home from work for about an hour, when he asked if it was okay if he jumped online for a quick round with the boys.

That was three hours ago.

And while you tried not to get annoyed because being a pro hero was hard work, you knew as soon as he hopped off he was going to go to bed. Which really didn't leave that much quality time for the two of you.

You had been scrolling through TikTok when you saw the "challenge" of girls climbing into laps of their boyfriends while they were playing. After the twelfth one you saw you decided that you could do that. So you got up and put your phone on the bookshelf and started recording.

You tiptoed over to the mushroom chair that Kirishima brought out every time he played games. You got down on the floor and slipped your arms up through the circle of Kirishima strong arms and where his hands were holding the controller. Once your hands were linked behind his neck you felt his hands finish lifting you into his lap.

"Bro's I gotta go. My woman is lonely." He said into the headset before taking it off and dropping it on the floor.

"Oh honey you didn't need to stop playing."

"I know, I just figured you could probably use some attention too." His hands slipping up your shirt and rubbing your back. You poured your lips, not in a "I didn't get what I wanted" sort or way but In a "I literally have the best boyfriend way". Kirishima picked you up and he made his way to the couch were he sat back down and turned on Netflix. You did finally untangle yourself from him, but you stayed close, curled up into his side with his arm around you as you watched tv.

ft boyfriend Katsuki

The minute you saw this joke on your fyp you knew you had to do it to your insanely jealous boyfriend."Do you want to know what I'd do if we broke up? I'd get back with my ex."Oh he was going to hate it.You could already smell the nitroglycerin heating up on his hands.You just had to time it right though.Probably after he did something nice for you.

The two of you were sitting next to each other on the floor in front of the coffee table, leaning back against the couch. You two never ate outside of the dining-room, because "you weren't one of those lazy extra couples". But tonight when Bakugou had walked in with your favorite sushi and those stupid boba teas he absolutely hated, he had a little spark in his eye.

Then when he set it on the coffee table before you could get up you thought you'd died.

"Really?" Your voice full of surprise.

"Just for tonight. Do not get fucking used to it." He turned around to get plates, and when he returned you'd already stabbed the straws into the drinks and you were beaming at him.

"How was work?" You asked as he sat down and put some show on.

"No one died today so that was fine." He said and you raised your eye brows. "That was a joke."

"I know, you just never joke around after work. Funny Katsuki is reserved strictly for days off." You smiled at him as he glared at you. You curled up against him and you ate your dinner in comfortable silence.

Now was your time. You couldn't get your phone out to record him because of the way the two of you were sitting but it was fine.

"Hey Katsu?"


"Do you want to know what I'd do if we broke up?"

"Move back in with your shitty friends?"

"No! I'd get back together with my ex." You said with almost no emotion while staring at the tv.

"You're telling me if we fucking broke up you'd go back to that shitty fucking extra?" He slammed his hands on the coffee table and you simple nodded. "What the fuck is your problem? I brought you home your favorite food, we are eating at the coffee table, and we are watching your stupid ass show!"

"Yeah I guess we are." He was seething, you could feel it rolling off of him. "Well. I guess it's a good thing that if we broke up and I went back to my ex, you would be my ex."

You took a drink of you tea before you grinned.

"I swear to fucking god I'm going to murder you." He yelled. But you knew him. His bark was worst than his bite. So you curled into him and patted his leg.

"Sure you will baby. Sure you will."

ft. bestfriend Togata

You and Mirio had been really good friends for as long as you could remember.Not as good of friends as he was with the other two members of the big three.But still, really good friends.You didn't go to UA it just wasn't in the cards for you.You and Mirio had known each other for years, and over those years you had developed an intense crush on him.You actually found it to be pretty ridiculous.Once he lost his quirk and had to take a break from UA the two of you became even closer.You hung out after school.Studied together.And the two of you made stupid TikToks together.

You were sitting on Mirios bedroom floor with you books scattered all around you. You were supposed to be studying for a test but you were done and over it. You didn't care anymore if you passed or failed that was lie, you cared very very much. You sighed and leaned back into the bed behind you.

Mirio went to go and get you guys drinks or a snack? You hadn't been paying much attention. Well to what he'd been saying, you have been paying attention to his lips.

"(Y/N)? Were you listening?"

"What? Oh yeah, anything is fine." He's given you a puzzled look but still went to go get... whatever it was he said he was getting.

This was getting out of hand. The two of you had always been friends but with his break from UA after losing his quirk the two of you had spent more and more time together. But now? You had a crush on him? Ugh, that wasn't what you planned. Plus he wouldn't have time to have a girlfriend when he got his quirk back. He'd be far to busy. At least that's what you told yourself.

You could hear the bubbly boy talking to his dad in the other room, so you pulled your phone out and opened TikTok.

The first video on there was a girl getting ready with texts appearing on the video saying she was getting ready to hang out with her best guy friend, she had a crush on him for a long time now, and today she was going to kiss him. You watched it unfold and it was probably staged but if she could kiss her best friend and it ended up seemingly okay.

You heard footsteps approaching so you dropped your phone next to you and picked up your book again.

"Hey! Soda?" He beamed at you and you returned his smile, feeling butterflies swarming your stomach.

"Hey thanks!" You took the drink as he came and sat back down next to you. You glanced at the door to make sure it was closed before you turned to look at him.

Come on. Just do it. The worst that will happen is he pulls away and you guys never talk again. It was fineeeee. Just do it.

"So how far did you get in the ma-" you cut him off when you finally leaned forwards and pressed your lips against his mouth. He immediately started kissing you back and relief flooded over you.

Thank god!

You felt one hand reach around you and tangle his fingers in your hair and the other tugged at your waist to pull you onto his lap. A few minutes passed before you finally pulled away. "Oh that ended so much better than I thought it would."

"And way too soon." He said pulling you back to him. Which you happily did.

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