Chapter 15

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"You can come in y/n! I have already changed." Of course he has. I am slow with getting ready.

I walked into the room to see Wooyoung on his bed. "I'm just going to the bathroom to do everything else then we can watch a movie if you want."

"That sounds good to me." I grinned. Wooyoung got up and left the room. While Wooyoung was gone, I looked around his room. Wooyoung also had family pictures just like Miyoung. There was one with his sister and I am assuming that the other two people in the photo are his parents. Another photo had all of his closest friends from college. Then he also had photos from holidays that he had been on.

Wooyoung walked back into the room and stood next to me as I looked at the photos.

"Your family seems super close!" I pointed to his family photo as I spoke.

"We are! We eat most meals together and we often go on trips together. I'm lucky to be honest and I know that lots of families aren't as close as mine are." Wooyoung replied. The way Wooyoung's face lit up as he explained what his family did together made me envy what they had.

"You are lucky! I wish my parents ate meals with me more often without it ending in them trying to control my life or us arguing."

"Maybe they will realise their mistakes one day and they will become closer to you." I hoped that what Wooyoung said would be true.

"What movie should we watch then?" I asked excitedly. It had been such a long time since I had watched a movie. I usually watch tv series over movies.

Wooyoung grinned and pulled me to sit on his bed with him. "I have Netflix so we can look on there for something. What movie genre do you usually watch?"

"I enjoy anything really other than horror. I really hate horror movies." I shivered at the thought of watching a horror.

"What about 'Shrek'?" Wooyoung jumped up in excitement as he scrolled through the films making me laugh. I hadn't watched Shrek since I was about 8.

"Or what about 'Wild Child'? I love that film." Wooyoung exclaimed as he saw it pop up on the screen.

"I haven't seen wild child before. Can we watch that? I'm assuming that it is great from your reaction." I giggled at the thought of Wooyoung watching chick flicks.

"Are you laughing at the fact that I enjoy watching chick flicks?" He paused and looked at me before pinning me down onto the bed with his legs trapping me as he sat on me. "Huh? What was that? You are? I'm going to give you something else to laugh about!"

He then started tickling me on the sides of my waist making me squirm around like a child.

"ST- STOP!" I let out while giggling.

"IT TICKLES!" Wooyoung stopped and covered my mouth with his hand. I licked it so he would move it away from me but he just smirked as if he wasn't bothered.

"We need to be quiet as my parents are asleep. I forgot that we weren't the only ones in the house." He chuckled then spoke up again. "Also, do you really think a bit of saliva on my hand is going to make me move it. Your mouth has been on other parts of my body already."

I hid my face in embarrassment. I guess it was true though.

"Don't be embarrassed y/n. I enjoyed every moment of it and I'm sure you felt the same." He smirked.

I did enjoy it a lot but I am not going to admit it to Wooyoung because his ego is already big enough.

"It was alright." I murmured.

"Alright? Just alright?" He asked confused.

"Yeah! It wasn't anything special. Just a kiss." I smiled over to him.

Wooyoung changed the subject pretty quickly. "Let's watch the movie!" Wooyoung pressed play on wild child as we got comfortable on his bed.

Somehow, Wooyoung and I had managed to both fall asleep during the movie

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Somehow, Wooyoung and I had managed to both fall asleep during the movie. I opened my eyes and saw that I was snuggled into Wooyoung while he had his arms around me.

I didn't want to wake him up but I had to go to work pretty soon so I shook him lightly.

"Wooyoung." I whispered. No reply.

I shook him a little bit harder. "Wooyoung, wake up. I need to get to work but I can't because you are literally clinging to me."

"Huh?" Wooyoung murmured and opened his eyes. He looked down and saw that he had me in his embrace.

"Wow, I have never woken up to a girl in my bed before. It feels good." Wooyoung mumbled, giving a small smile.

"You haven't? But what about when you sleep with girls?" I asked confused.

"I never let any girls come back to my place and when I went over to theirs, I left straight after." Wooyoung stated. That's how one night stands work then. It would definitely be awkward in the morning if that wasn't the case.

"Can you let go of me now? I need to go to work Wooyoung." Wooyoung smirked as if he was up to no good.

"You aren't going to work today. I called in sick for you."

"What? Why? I can't leave Yeosang on his own." I cried out.

"I got someone with a bit of experience in working in cafés to cover for you."

"Who?" I asked still confused at how he even got someone on cover for me and my managers approval for a random person to cover.

"San. He used to work there before you started but gave up so he could focus more on his dance." That makes sense on why my manager accepted San to cover. I'm still surprised Wooyoung did that for me though.

"When did you call my manager?" I thought that I woke up before Wooyoung.

"About an hour before you woke me up. I'm sure you are still drained after last night and I didn't want you to overdo it. You could get injured at work if you are exhausted." I guess he is right.

"Let's relax for a little while longer and then we should do something fun. I can't let a full day off go to waste."


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Red - Jung Wooyoung x Reader x Choi San (ATEEZ)Where stories live. Discover now