Chapter 15

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Wanda's POV:
Y/N hasn't spoken to me since therapy yesterday. She couldn't even look at me. I'm such an idiot I sent her into the arms of Nat who has done nothing but be there for her the way I was supposed to be. And Nat punched Carol for her. Why did I linger? I don't know. It's one of those moments where someone kisses you and you're like wait what is happening and it's already been a while before you realise to pull away. I didn't think Y/N would get so upset over it though but I could understand completely why she did.

I had to talk to her. I know it's selfish but I couldn't deal with her hating me. Before I knock on her door I take a deep breath.
"Come in," she says. When she sees it's me she rolls her eyes.
"I know you don't want to talk to me but I need to talk to you. Please Y/N," I beg her.
"Fine but only until Nat gets back. She ordered us Pizza and I'm starving," she replies.
"I miss you... so much and I know I messed up. Y/N I'm sorry so so sorry. You fought for me and I should've fought for you made you feel as secure as you made me feel. I just can't stand that you hate me. Even if you don't want to be with me can we at least be friends. I need you in my life Y/N. I'll spend everyday making it up to you," I promise her.
"You don't get it Wanda I don't hate you at all that's why it hurts so much. I don't do the whole feelings thing but for you I did I let myself be vulnerable and I got it thrown in my face. The image of Carol and you kissing is burned into my brain I see it every single time I close my eyes and every time I see either of you it's like I'm living in a nightmare. I would do anything for you but you couldn't even show our relationship enough respect to push Carol away. I accept your apology but I don't think I can be with you right now," she explains.
"I can take the image away all you have to do is ask," I offer. Just then Nat walks in.
"I hope I'm not disturbing anything," she says spotting me.
"Wanda take it please. I need it gone or I don't think I'll ever be able to get past it," Y/N requests.
"Are you sure this is safe?" Nat asks.
"Yes I'll just take away the image nothing else she'll still remember what happened but won't be able to visualise it," I explain. Y/N nods taking my hand placing it against her head. Within a second it's gone.
"Thank you. I needed that," she says. I take that as my cue to leave.

Y/N's POV:
When Wanda leaves Nat hands me my food with a judgemental look on her face.
"Give me a break Nat I need to be able to sleep without seeing it over and over again," I mutter.
"I was just worried about you. That's all," Nat says.
"I know. Thank you for always looking out for me."
"And I always will even when you inevitably let Wanda back in and she hates that we're so close," Nat jokes.
"Just cause I forgave her doesn't mean that we're getting back together," I assure her.
"Would you seriously be able to move on?" She asks.
"I don't know but it may be my only choice."

We sit on the bed eating pizza and watching trash tv. I can feel Nat wants to say something as she keeps looking at me and then looking away.
"Nat whatever you're going to say can you spit it out?" I request.
"You should talk to her you know. I can't deal with your moody sulky ass anymore. She messed up yes but we all mess up sometimes but if she hurts you again I will be killing her."
"Fine I'll talk to her but I'm not happy about it," I mumble.
"Before you go I need to ask you something," Nat says.
"What is it Nat? You can ask me anything."
"Are Steve and Wanda seeing something we're missing?" She asks.
"You know I think you're fine as hell Nat. I enjoy flirting with you a lot but I don't think I can take it any further than that. You get my crazy completely and whole and never judge me for it, not anymore anyway. You know I've never had a best friend before but I consider you mine. I can't ruin or lose you or our friendship. And I'm pretty sure that part of you has feelings for Carol," I explain.
"She's a confident bitch I find that really hot. You can never lose me Y/N."
"So you decide to flirt with her by punching her in the face?" I ask confused.
"Don't worry I'll flirt with her batting my eyelashes and all will be forgiven," she assures me. I roll my eyes and leave her to it.

I knock on Wanda's door and take a deep breath.
"Come in," she answers. I see her and I just want to forgive her immediately.
"I feel like I overreacted. I mean it was just a kiss right for a game. You don't have feelings for her or anything do you? If you do I need to know now" I ask her.
"No of course not. Y/N the feelings for you I have right now are ones that I promised myself I wouldn't get for anyone ever again I've lost way too many people in my life but then you came along and I saw something worth fighting for. I guess part of me got spooked by how much I like you. But Y/N I promise you I will never hurt you again. I'm falling for you in a really scary way. It's terrifying actually just how much I like you," Wanda explains. I smile at her.
"You know you're really hard to stay mad at right you've got those adorable sad eyes that make me feel so guilty for being mad at you. I shouldn't have said that we shouldn't be together because we should. We deserve to be happy Wanda but if you hurt me again I'm telling you right now Nat will kill you," I tease her. She pulls me in for a kiss. Then walks over to the dressing table to put the bracelet back on. I move her hair to the side and start kissing her neck. She pulls me round for another kiss. She lies down on the bed and we continue kissing. I leave bites on her neck pinning her arms to the bed I look her in the eyes and smirk.
"You're mine," I say.
"I'm yours."

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