Chapter 31

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Wanda's POV:
We were going on a double date with Carol and Nat today. It would be nice to hang out with them outside the compound for a change. We were going bowling. I had never actually bowled before so I was pretty sure I was going to be atrocious. Y/N has been trying to convince me to use my powers so that we could win but if we were going to win I wanted it to be on our own merit. Y/N and I walk down to the lobby hand in hand.
"Are you sure you won't just use your powers?" She asks using her puppy dog eyes.
"No. I know you want to win but I'm not cheating. I'm sorry," I say kissing her.
"You ready to go?" Nat asks. We nod following her into the car.

Y/N doesn't worry about singing quietly anymore as we'd all already heard her sing. She serenades me with whatever song comes on the radio making me giggle and blush.
"Have you really never bowled before Wanda?" Carol asks.
"No I haven't. I'm going to be awful," I sigh.
"It's ok babe I'll teach you," Y/N assures me.
"Just another excuse for Y/N to be constantly touching you," Nat teases.
"Oh she doesn't need an excuse," I smirk.
"We know," Carol adds making Y/N and I laugh.
"How was your final birthday present?" Nat asks nosily.
"Really really good," Y/N says biting her lip. I look through her head seeing flashes of us together that night. I shake my head at her telling her to stop.

We get to the bowling alley where Y/N pays for us to bowl.
"Ok but I'm getting dinner," I tell her annoyed at her paying.
"No you're not. You spent a lot on my birthday babe let me treat you for a change," she says wrapping her arms round my waist.
"Thank you. I love you," I accept kissing her gently.
"I love you too. Don't worry about this. If we lose we lose. It doesn't matter as far as I'm concerned I've already won as I get to be loved by you," she assures me.
"You're so cheesy," I laugh.

Carol and Nat go first and both of them do really well which leaves me even more stressed to follow them. Y/N takes my hand.
"So you want a ball that's heavy enough to knock over as many pins as possible but isn't too heavy that you can't get power behind it. You're using your right hand so you want to aim slightly to the right of the closest pin," she advises me. I nod my head taking in every piece of information she just gave me. Picking the ball up I take a deep breath. I swing the ball back before releasing it as I move forwards. Managing to knock down 7 pins I was pretty pleased with myself so was Y/N. I knocked 2 of the remaining pins down getting 9 for my first turn. Y/N smiled at me widely.
"You're so beautiful," she whispers making me blush.
"Stop you're making me want to kiss you and make everyone else here jealous," I say giggling.
"I'd have no complaints," she smirks.
"Stop flirting Y/N it's your go," Carol demands. Y/N kisses me on the cheek quickly before getting up.

She picks the ball up sending it flying straight down the middle of the alley getting a strike. Ok why was that so hot?
"Babe that was amazing," I say hugging her tightly.
"I guess you're my good luck charm," she replies smiling.
"Are you sure you didn't use your powers?" Nat asks visibly annoyed.
"No I don't need to I'm just that good," she smirks.
"Let's see how well you do by the end of the game. Remember it's whichever team wins," Carol challenges her.
"Even I did better than you on my first go that's some pretty big trash talk for someone who's doing worse than the beginner when I'm pretty sure you were around when the game was invented," I quip back at her.
"I love feisty Wanda. You guys are going down," Y/N says excitedly.

Y/N could sense me starting to get nervous when it was my go.
"Just clear your head and think about something else," she tries to reassure me.
"Like what?" I ask. She wraps her hands around my waist.
"Anything. Think about me... naked," she whispers.
I get out of my head and relax. Taking my turn I knew it was going to be good sure enough I got a strike.
"What did you say to her?" Nat asks Y/N.
"Just told her to get out of her head," she smirks. I ended up getting 4 consecutive strikes. It was Y/N's go last she was nervous all she had to do was get 7 or more and we'd won. On her first go she knocked down 6. And on the second she got a spare.
"You won," I shouted excitedly jumping on her.
"No babe we did," she says smiling. Carol and Nat looked annoyed that they lost.

We go to a restaurant nearby for dinner it was a pretty chilled place I liked the vibe there.
"Come on just tell us what you said to her," Carol begs.
"Why do you want to know so badly?" I ask.
"Because it made you a bowling God," Nat says still annoyed that they lost.
"You can tell them if you want," I smirk.
"No I like to see them sweat," she replies making me giggle.
"I thought you were meant to be an expert in these kinds of matters Nat," I tease her.
"Your girlfriend has never been one to submit to my powers of persuasion. If I could transform myself into looking like you then maybe they would work," she mumbles rolling her eyes.
"Yeah you're right. Wanda can be very persuasive," Y/N smirks making me and Nat laugh.
"Gross I did not need to know that," Carol groans.
"Oh please we know more about you than you do about us. At least we soundproof our walls," I reply making both of them blush.

We get back to HQ and everyone is a little sad the day is over.
"This has actually been really fun," Nat says.
"Yeah it has. Turns out Danvers is pretty cool," Y/N laughs.
"Did you just compliment me? I'm going to collapse," Carol jokes.
"I'm more than happy to retract what I said," Y/N states.
"No you've already said it now and I have witnesses. You're stuck with me Y/L/N," Carol proclaims.
"I'm going to take her back to our room before she throws you against a wall," I say taking her hand.

Y/N and I get back to our room and I just want to kiss her so I do. I push her up against the door kissing her passionately.
"That visualisation really helped your game babe," she teases.
"I'm tired of visualising. I'm ready for the real thing," I smirk.

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