Chapter 44

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Y/N's POV:
We get off the jet and Wanda attacks me with a hug.
"It's good to see you too Maximoff," I say hugging her tightly. She looks at me to check I'm completely fine before pulling me in for a kiss.
"I think we have my ticket to freedom. It wasn't a stolen goods mission it was recovering the super soldier serum. I'm going to use it to negotiate ending my contract with Fury," I explain.
"Really?" She asks excitedly.
"Really babe. I mean we can still go on mission's when we want to but I don't have to do anything you and I don't feel comfortable with. I've just got to talk to Fury," I say. Wanda looks a little disappointed.
"I'd cooked you dinner but that can wait don't worry," she mumbles sadly.
"No Fury can wait. I'm starving. Let's go my love," I assure her. She smiles excitedly dragging me inside.

Wanda's set up a candlelit dinner for the both of us. Taking a quick shower I use my powers to throw on something nice and teleport to the kitchen. I sit down and the food looks wonderful making sure to keep the case with the serum under the table.
"This looks amazing Wanda. Thank you so much," I say taking her hand.
"You're welcome I wanted to have a date night but I know you're exhausted with missions so I thought a dinner just for us two would do," she explains.
"It's perfect. I love you so much and I still consider this a date," I smirk.
"I love you too. How did the mission go?" She asks.
"I forgot the rush you get when you take out a bunch of scum bags. It was just so easy. Turns out Rogers and I make a pretty good team," I explain. She looked sad.
"Did I say something wrong?" I ask.
"No it's just sometimes I worry that when your contract is up you'll decide that you want to become the female Captain America and go on countless missions forgetting all about me," she sighs.
"How could I forget you Wanda? You're a part of me now, a part of me that I plan to keep with me forever. Sure I'll still go on missions but the ones I choose to, nothing more. I won't be going unless you're right by my side then in a few years time we'll settle down. And I'll get the happy ending that I never thought I could with you by my side Wanda," I assure her.
"You always know just what to say Y/N. Where will we live when we get married?" Wanda asks. I'm just about to answer when Fury walks in he looks angrier than usual.
"Where is it?" He asks.
"You're going to have to be more specific than that," I smirk.
"Cut the crap Y/L/N, the serum where is it?" He inquires angrily.
"We're kind of busy here. Can't this wait?" I reply calmly.
"Just give it to me," he instructs.
"That's not going to happen. Not yet anyway. You might want to take a seat and get comfortable," I say standing up offering him my chair.
"Spit it out."
"Well you sent me on a mission telling me I was recovering stolen goods when really you're the one stealing them Fury. That's not very noble and self righteous of you. You see when I found out it was the serum I wanted to destroy it but I was convinced by a good friend to use it to bargain my freedom. And that's what I'm doing now. I want the contract torn up. The new contract will state that I can remain an Avenger as long as I wish to only going on missions where I feel it's the right thing to do. Furthermore the serum will only be used on those who volunteer to take it. They will undergo extensive psych evaluations and must be as worthy as Rogers. Finally I am no longer considered a criminal and will not be arrested for my past crimes," I stipulate clearly.
"You've got some nerve trying to blackmail me. That won't be happening," he states.
"Blackmail is such an ugly word I prefer bargaining. If you don't agree then I'll just teleport the serum to the bottom of the ocean and I've destroyed the files on how to make the serum," I explain.
"I'll get my lawyers to draw up a contract," he states.
"No need Stark has already got his lawyers to draw it up. Here you go and a pen too. Don't worry you're not signing any liberties away," I smirk.
"You've been nothing but a pain in my ass since the day I sent them to get you," Fury sighs in defeat.

He reads over the contract thoroughly as all of the team walk into the room.
"What you need an audience?" He asks unimpressed.
"No just in case you try to back out and say you were coerced against your will I have witnesses," I explain.
"You're making a lot of enemies Y/L/N I'd be careful," he warns me.
"You're the one that needs to be careful. We've all seen your true colours. When you need us most we may turn up or we may just let you rot unless you start treating us like actual human beings," I assure him.
"Alright I've signed it. Now for the serum," he says. I pull the case out from under the table where it's been this whole time.
"You're not very observant are you Fury?" I challenge him. He takes the case opening it and studies the serum and walks out in silence.

As soon as he leaves I drop to my knees in disbelief. I was finally free.
"You did it babe," Wanda says holding me tightly.
"It was actually all Danvers ideas turns out she's not just a pretty face," I compliment Carol.
"Thanks Y/L/N. Now we'll all leave you to it and we can have a party tomorrow night to celebrate," she smirks.
"You did good kid. I still think you'd be a real badass Cap," Steve states patting me on the back and leaving.
"No thanks Rogers I've got all I could ever need right here," I reply winking at Wanda.
"So what's the first thing you're going to do with your freedom?" She asks.
"Well I'm planning to finish this delicious meal with my beautiful girlfriend then I thought we could spend the evening relaxing in front of the fire watching a scary movie," I state.
"That sounds boring I love it," she smiles contently.

I set up the scary movie on the tv one of Wanda's favourite. Wanda is lying across the couch so I sit between her legs resting my head on her chest ready to hide into if I need to.
"I can't believe you don't like scary movies," she laughs.
"When I watch a movie I want to feel empowered and warm not like an axe murderer is about to bash down my door," I explain.
"How did I ever think you were evil?" Wanda says smiling.
"I'm a great actress. If this superhero stuff doesn't work out I think I could be one of the best actresses of all time," I joke.
"You're an idiot," she laughs again.
"I'm your idiot. Forever and always," I say smiling up at her. She pulls me in for a gentle kiss.
"I completely forgot with the Fury stuff I got you something when we were in Paris that I wanted to give you at the right time and this is it," she says grabbing the box from the draw. I open it up and it's a beautiful bracelet.
"It's stunning I love it. Thank you," I whisper kissing her gently.
"You're welcome," she replies putting it on me.

We retake our places on the sofa and Wanda strokes my hair as we watch the movie. I'm completely safe and free to live with the woman I love. Never before have I felt so content. As the movie finishes I switch off the tv and we head upstairs to bed. I was exhausted and Wanda knew it so she just opened her arms to hold me tightly.
"God I really am a bottom," I say making her giggle.
"Not always but I love it when you do. You see there's something about hearing you beg for me that gives me such pleasure," she smirks.
"I think you're the only person in this world I'd bottom for you should realise how special that is," I tease her.
"Oh I do princess," she whispers sending shivers down my spine. I start to run my fingers up and down her sides underneath her shirt still snuggled into her. Moving my fingers further down I start to run them up and down her thigh.
"Stop playing with me Y/N," she warns.
"Who said I was playing?" I ask straddling her kissing her deeply.
"You're trying really hard to prove you're not a bottom aren't you," she smirks.
"Are you going to shut up and let me try to prove it?" I ask.
"Try me," she challenges me.

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